Honestly, Blizzard did ok with BfA

No thanks. BFA is the worst expansion


WOD was worse than BFA.

BFA has meh content.
WOD had no content.

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If you’re a strictly pve player then Bfa isn’t that bad. If you enjoy (enjoyed) pvp then Bfa is w/o contest the biggest pile of rancid monkey crap in the history of the game.

I guess if you combine both you could say WoD was better, ha.


I like BFA better, but your point is accurate. WoD was the very best time for crafting. It was also great for alt crafter’s with tables.

You have no idea what a good Rpg requires (going by what you said) and that is why you would choose it.

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Thank you!!! Legion classes were frosted cake with a boring rotting dead fish core.

BfA took away the frosting. They MUST fix this.

And the GCD change to alleviate server compute because of their crap combat load on the servers was a HORRIBLE idea. They need to dump all of the proc BS


I would take Cata all day every day over BFA


No, it’s the rancid monkey poo bad, like you said.


*classses were better in WoD
*GCD wasn’t onerous
*everything wasn’t scaled
*NO AZERITE system

(IMO WoD was more fun to actually play)


I would have preferred WOD to BFA. After that with Legion they totally changed the direction of how WoW was going to be an IMHO it’s been for the worse. WOD still felt like the MOP and before style of the game. Ever since the game has felt totally foreign.

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Well said sir they would be whining there was nothing to do long time ago by now.

Yes playing garrisons was so much fun! /sarcasm

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Yeah if it was launch week of 6.2

You won’t say that 4 months after 6.2 once you finally got your WoD ring and did everything in Tannan Jungle

Also you didn’t even start your WoD ring till June 2016 (1 month before the pre legion event, the cut off for anyone who hadn’t started that quest chain), kinda weird to say WoD was fun when you didn’t start it at 2014-2015…

not a good argument. every game ever has complaints on the forums.

people are a lot more likely to post when they are mad, rather than show up to say they think everything is ok

wod was a good pvp expansion. there wasnt a lot to do so you could have alts up and running without doing a bunch of bs on them

it was lackingif you didnt raid or pvp. bfa on the other hand has too much to do. its crazy tbh especially for alts

I enjoy BFA. :slight_smile:

How? Based on your achievements you didn’t even get your WoD ring let alone start it… Anyone could even LFR players

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it was the only expansion i left for 4 months and i never do that wod was super boring to me.

I actually stayed subbed during Warlords.

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When you have to justify yourself for liking BFA as better than WoD, you might win that battle, but you already lost the war.