All of the great stuff in BfA, and YES there is a lot of great stuff, was nullified by arrogance and not reacting faster to very bad design concepts.
War fronts and Islands were horrible if you compare them with Class Order Halls of Legion. They were not as fun, not as re-playable, and overall failures.
Azerite, Essences, and other systems started out bad and that forever put a black eye on them. IF you go back and launch 8.0 with the fixes intact, then BfA would have gone over much better. HOW can you do that? Get a better test team and listen to them and make the adjustments.
Their current test team must have zero pull in the company and things only change after the players beat the holy hell out of Bliz for so long the developers have to give up on their concepts…
And RNG everywhere all the time and now time-gate on top of resource-gate on top of skill-gate… it’s just gotten ridiculous how much they feel they need to slow us down.
AND, finally, destroying professions and adding gold-sink as the predominant model makes the xpac less fun. That’s just a fact. I expect Shadowlands to be more like Legion and WoD in the economy, and that means a LOT to a LOT of people.
I see a trend here… and that’s people cannot cope with the idea that other people disliked something. There are like 50 other threads giving off this vibe.
It’s ok that you like BfA or think they did well with it, others… including myself think it was DoA.
WoD sucked because it was abandoned. If they’d put in the work and actually fleshed out the ideas that they’d presented at its announcement, it would have been fantastic. The leveling experience was great, the story that we got was great once you moved past the whole time-travel alternate universe thing, classes were worlds ahead of where they are now. Lots of people complain about garrisons but I loved them, personally.
BfA was poisoned from the start. A whole expansion based around a faction war was always going to be stupid, and plenty of us called it as soon as they showed the first trailer. Couple that with classes that were gutted in Legion to make room for artifacts and never restored after we lost those, and you have this steaming pile of trash.
You’re crazy. Absolutely bonkers. Cataclysm was a solid expansion. The only two things wrong with Cataclsym were:
Dragon Soul encounters disappointed a lot of players. It was a weak patch/raid and Deathwing didn’t measure up to what The Lich King did as a villain.
Players that complained, only did so because of the re-hauled talent/ability/classes systems. Which were fine tuned (not overhauled) in MoP and to this day is arguably the best state the classes have been.
BfA has ZERO redeeming qualities from a game play standpoint. Great music and great art, but that is a constant given from those team on every expansion.
Systems, Raids, Progression, Professions, Economy, PvP, everything in BfA has a solid F, through and through every single patch it had.
Obviously to each their own and opinions are free, but I could not possibly disagree more with your comparison.
i don’t ask for ret to be as perfect as it was in wotlk, but wod ret still had a hefty tookit and wasn’t totally gimped in every way of mobility like now.
All I’ve asked for my Ret is mobility. HoF should dispel/immune any and all movement impairing effects including stun/sap/MC as baseline, with talent to have 2 charges.
And give us Long Arm of the Law again.
With that I can shut my mouth and never complain about it again.