Honestly, Blizzard did ok with BfA

BFA would have been amazing plot wise if they’d just swapped 8.1 and 8.3 to have the Old god first and the world faction divide war third. Beyond this the systems introduced were terrible. WoD was salvageable, all anyone had to do was implement all the content (or even just half) of the stuff cut at launch and it would have been a typical mid tier Xpack, with BFA the devs realized nothing would fix the plot goulash soup or the systems and just gave up to start over with Shadowlands.

Very well put!!! :blue_heart: :blue_heart:

I miss how professions actually meant something significant at one time. I’m including First Aid in this as well…it is absolutely absurd that they took it away from everyone other than tailors…wtf was the point?

Have another blue heart on me(can’t like anything more for another 8 hrs) :blue_heart:



Only 2 things I ever complained about was how abundant the “Legendaries” became. Wasn’t a fan of all of that.

The other thing was that Crucible thingy in the ship on Argus that you had to choose “talents” from. That was just too extra for me.


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Some of us called it from the start, but too many people were busy wiping up their “muh queen” flop sweat over the intro cinematic or dropping their shoulders for Really Sad Orc™.

Anyone who brought up that the theme made no sense and wouldn’t work coming on the heels of Legion was shouted out of the room.


When you say abundant, do you mean how they randomly dropped with no way to actually farm and actually determined if you did damage that expac?


Would have been much better if N’zoth would have been the final, end of deal boss like most people were thinking would happen instead of Sylvanas running the show. I think most people would prefer a predictable storyline instead of all of these rollovers.

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Did WoD have problems with constant bugs/lag? I wasn’t playing.

Only at launch

There was a major bug that caused half the content of WoD to go missing.


I mean how a Legendary is supposed to be rare…not made available for most - toss out the “Drop rate” RNG stuff…and then towards the end of the xpac how you could simply buy these Legendaries with the currency that was handed out like candy.

I also wasn’t a fan of the fact that they could make or break someone’s "power’ or play style success.

In conclusion - Like I stated…not a fan of the Legendary “system” as a whole.

Other than the actual two things I listed w/o going in to detail, I loved Legion.


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I don’t think so. I mean Legion was one of the dumbest things ever (laser shooting infinitely resurrecting alien demons on teleporting spaceships is pretty dumb), but the xpac was solid. It’s more about the player progress than the story.

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I’d say BFA is importantly worse because of how frequently you run into major bugs and glitches.

What I was thinking was this: Sargeras plunges his sword into silithus, It awakens N’zoth and releases him from his prison causing him to make a deal with Azshara, the deal being made N’zoth starts inching out of his prison but is bleeding a bit and instead of being the blood of Azeroth what we’re seeing is N’zoth’s blood (thinking it’s Azeroth’s) and it has effects similar to Saronite only much more mind warpy, both the Horde and Alliance now mining N’zothite (I’m patenting that name) they fall under it’s influence and N’zoth’s mind control directly until Wrathion and Magni snap Anduin (who is especially vulnerable) out of it. But having assembled the CHAMPIONS OF AZEROTH (read in Magni’s voice) too late the war and Azshara and Sylvanas, and N’zoth’s plan to rip the Alliance and Horde asunder is underway leaving Sylvanas souls, N’zoth a planet to conquer, and Azshara realizes N’zoth will doom both her and sylvanas’ plan so she hands us the dagger to kill N’zoth with. N’zoth is killed but not before Sylvanas burns down Teldrassil leading into Shadowland’s opening cinematic.

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The argument that they did OK with BFA is kinda pointless.

They literally repeated the same mistakes they made in Legion, and even doubled down on some of them. The lack of growth from Legion into BFA is almost sad.
Sure they didn’t drop the ball as badly as WoD or the end of Cata, but that’s like praising someone for only committing manslaughter instead of murder.

They still screwed up, they just didn’t screw up as badly as that other time…


Professions are also just uninspired. Nobody wants most of the stuff and it’s usually quickly replaced. I just think of Wrath when people actually bought and sold profession gear in trade chat, and then see today’s professions as afterthoughts.


Classes in BfA remained the same while they kept duct taping system upon system on top of them rather than fixing the classes themselves.

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Corruptions are a bad idea. Period.

Its alt poison and turns off anyone who isn’t a hardcore player.

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Cataclysm was hot garbage. They only outdid themselves when the released WoD which was absolutely worse.

No, they completely wrecked all classes by doing this. The game when from being fun in Wrath, to being absolutely un-enjoyable in Cata as a result.

The dungeons were trash and the destruction of the classes made a mess of it.

MoP DID overhaul the classes because it HAD to do it. It’s part of the reason people say that xpac was so GOOD, because Cata was so BAD.

WoD only beats that because there wasn’t much THERE there, evidenced by all they could manage for “content” for a patch was a SELFIE cam. Took them several more months before they actually put out another patch with something in it.

Wrong. BoD is one of the best raids ever made in this game, there are only a few others many could say were better. Easily within the top 5.

Professions have been slipping for years, this is not new to BfA. They just didn’t do anything to improve it, which is not a failure of BfA itself.

Azerite wasn’t good at first, I grant you that. However, they improved it (NOT perfected it, mind you) and Corruption was actually a GREAT idea because it’s thrown the whole idea of “gear score” out the window. The RNG when they launched it was concerning, but they’ve changed that, so it’s better now.

I happen to agree with OP, if given the choice between WoD, Cata, and BfA, BfA would win, hands down, because the other two xpacs WERE garbage.

I have 12 characters I play daily. Every single one of them have corrupted gear and only 3 have the cloak.

No, it’s not. You are wrong.


I’m not not having fun.

I’m just having less fun than I did in Legion.

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But at least with WoD we knew we could quit due to ‘no content’, in BFA its filled to the brim with ‘nothing content.’. Just because the bowl is full it doesnt mean you want any of the rancid goop thats inside it.