Honestly, Blizzard did ok with BfA

I also want hammer of wrath baseline.

for uther’s sake they ruined this class in legion.

Long arm or pursuit of justice, anything blizz, anything with mobility.

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Normal Firelands kicked my old raiding guilds butt back on Arathor. Ragnaros you jerk >:(

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I much preferred WoD to BFA. I could keep 3 characters decently competitive and the path was there to go higher for the hardcore.

MUCH better system.


Meh, I don’t mind how it is. It’s a dumb-check for people. We still have the ability, and those that don’t know how important it is, and don’t talent it get crushed. That’s fine. Blizzard likes to have certain “obvious” talent choices like that to filter baddies.

If anything Cavalier should be baseline 2 charges and in that tier they should have Long Arm - Unbreakable - and Pursuit. Eye for an Eye is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen…

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Oh god now I’m reminded of how much I had like no fun during Dragon Soul back on Arathor.

Stupid Ping Pong boss >_<

WoD was all you do was executive and rend

Because Hfc tier gave you a free executive every time it ticked

We burned (hehe pun) through 7 members that simply couldn’t for the life of them properly dance that fight. To our fault we were very melee heavy that patch I remember. Fun times.

I think our issue was our dps just wasn’t enough to handle the elementals that spawned and moved towards his hammer.

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I actually kept playing through WoD with BfA I did a short Classic break and once things goe back to normal and I can get my new GPU I plan on playing Doom Eternal.

BfA is also the expansion I stepped up my Forum pressence which I started with Legion .

WoD on back I would come to get info from other players about the game or talk off topic subjects like computer builds .

Not a lot to do that is true but since this toon played better back then it was still enjoyable.

More doesn’t always make something better a lot of times it just makes it more and the more wasn’t that great in quality.


Generally BfA isn’t bad other than the heavy usage of RNG, but it could have been much better.

Cata was IMO the best xpac for PvP; neither before or since have I spent so much time doing it.

WoD was also some of the better story writing the new team has done, even though I wasn’t crazy about the AU concept.


I feel like all the stories promised and warfronts could have helped. Pity those were all knicked.

The only thing good to come from BFA was Vulpera :fox_face:


And reputations are so inconsequential and are more or less busy work for pathfinder. I miss classic and BC reps when the rewards were actually good and still useful well past their release.



It’s becoming very apparent that the team isn’t creating development time in their cycle for “fixing” things. All their development time during BFA every patch, has been consumed in fixing the initial systems that never worked which probably ate into their time to add good story development.

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Thrall saying Thunder Bluff will burn and then nothing to my knowledge happening was such a facepalm. ( Unless I missed something )

Or how I had no freaking idea apparently we had San’layn in the Horde because it’s seriously almost never mentioned on our side compared to Alliance.


ITT: People forget a large amount of people were complaining about Legion.


Hmmm my mage has 14 horrific vision keys and my hunter has 9, but instead of running visions I’m building my garrison on all my alts rn. Getting 2000 resources for town hall level 3 is fun.


Only early on to my knowledge.

So many trees slaughtered so I could get resources on some alts

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People were complaining about legion at launch, during 7.2, and 7.3.

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