Honest Maintenance Schedules

Or, they haven’t put enough money into their infrastructure, time into testing, or perhaps have created a patch cadence they can’t deliver on?

Agree ! Maintenance extend to 1PM wooo - Blizzard does not listen.

I think the real issue is they’re trying to overwork employees by being under staffed. They need to hire more people to get stuff done in a timely manner instead of cutting down to a skeleton crew of developers just to make an extra buck for shareholders…Corporate greed at its finest.

Stop over promising and under delivering!

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When you pay for a product you have no right to complain about it, sheesh dont you guys know that yet?!

YES! just tell us its going to be down all day! giving us a time-frame, and then constantly extending it by 1 hr, AT THE LAST MINUTE, is a slap to the face to the people trying to play around their schedule/free time. Just say youre going to take all day, id rather be pleasantly surprised then constantly annoyed by these 1 hr extensions. its a win-win because then the team has the whole day!


Woah woah. Can’t be treating people like humans now. Back to coding!!!

I think one thing that would be helpful for me is a little bit more information after the fact about what were the hold ups. I remember through Wrath, that maintenance could routinely take 4-6 hours, but it was the norm. We have had a few expansions now of consistent 2-3 hour maintenance and all of a sudden back to extended ones almost weekly. I’m curious as to why that has become the case. I know software coding isn’t as simple as delete and replace code, but I would love to know about “well when we attempted to do x, y happened and we had to then try z.”

The War With Extended Maintenance


The amount of people down to just eat gravel for breakfast every day, because it’s just always been that way - is astonishing.

I dont know why the maintenance are when the people is sleeping. This service is pretty poor, like a indie small company.

Yeah we would feel better. Your game has been out how many years, and nothing ever changes its rinse and repeat every expansion but yet your maintenance gets longer and extended every week. A lot of people play only around this time and want to play the game. Some people have kids and family and play when we get free time unlike people who have no lives other than a video game. Any other Rpg has a maintenance time of 2 to 3 hours not 8 hours long.

Not sure why,

but in reading this thread this song popped into my head which seemed fitting for how people would like the servers to come back online.

Baby Come Back

Baby come back, any kind of fool could see
There was something in everything about you
Baby, come back, you can blame it all on me
I was wrong, and I just can’t live without you

Here’s the thing, I defended them until this week, and at this point anyone whos honest has to admit its become rediculous. If you’re going to take the game down every week for half the day time play hours, you need to do it at night, like EVERY other software company. I get it the first few weeks of an xpac, things go wrong and thats ok. But every single week for nearly 2 months? Thats not fair or right for the customers.

For the record I’m not saying blizzard is horrbile and evil, I’m just saying it’s getting to be a little much at this point.


Raise subscription to $17/mo and use the $2/mo to add high availability servers so you can run maintenance without taking down servers.

You don’t even need double the servers. Just combine everyone onto the HA servers during maintenance then move them back when maintenance is complete. If people have login queue times and slightly more lag during the maintenance window that is preferable to the game being completely unavailable several days a week for several hours.

That is a complicated question with 20 years of history. Heh.

Sometimes they release hot fixes fast to address player issues or bugs. Other times something players hate persists an entire expansion and they don’t even seem to acknowledge that the “system” is not working. Heck, sometimes they double down on what the players hate.

Not sure who runs the Maint posting decisions though. I know it has to be infrastructure and engineering doing the work, but I don’t know who sets the time frame for the public postings. Moving it every hour over and over is NOT helpful, as I think we have all agreed.

They also need to take down the retired server status page. That has never showed Auth or logins so is really misleading. Servers are often up internally when being worked on, but not available to players.


It’s Blizzard after all. If anyone is not perfect it most certainly is Blizzard. Not only that but they are the boss and we are not. They can and will do what they want at all times. If you can’t live with that reality, end your subscription.

You’re so delusional. Like others have said, take off the rose tinted glasses and see them for what they are. They under-provide over-charge every expansion for how many now? Players are in such disagreement with everything because it’s the one thing we can agree on; the game isn’t finished.

There was no cash shop or tokens during Vanilla either.

The pricing of $15/month + expansion box cost + cash shop is currently the most expensive MMORPG on the market, so telling people to be thankful it is not higher doesn’t make any sense.


They invested so much in this new Battlenet App that is awful, and NO ONE thought about A SMALL WINDOW for UPDATE/MAINTENANCE STATUS that provides information to us. Nope, a sweet sweet cutted line with “WE WILL BE PERF…” to keep switching the time frames.

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