Honest Maintenance Schedules


Just go the star trek route and give a few extra hrs of buffer time each week. If/when the servers are up early you guys end up looking much better.

Ffxiv = 144k daily players
Wow = 489k daily

See a difference?

Yea, it’s lunch hour. You think they are working on the servers? no.

or 3 or 4 or 5

Why inconvenience a few workers when you can inconvenience thousands of people during peak hours? :thinking: You need to think logically, my friend :grinning:

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used to be 8 to 10 hours every week in the “old” days lol

Any good company operating in the real world would do something like this in the off-hours to not disrupt their customers.

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I wish they would stop saying “We apologize for this inconvenience.” It’s obvious you aren’t sorry cause you do it every week


Indeed, just put it back to the subscription paying players. (Wrong) Provide the correct service.
What is the pattern? 2 more hours than predicted? 4 More hours than predicted? What pattern did you observe wise DojacĂ t?

I call youi on youir 35 years. I know from personal experience that ==

  1. if you know a problem and have a fix it only really takes maybe an hour to implement - if longer you messed up on programing the fix.
  2. I do not know of any reliable company that would keep a programer that makes error after error after error.
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Expect this for the next three expansion btw this game wasnt ready to launch they werent fixing stuff in the beta at all and launched it anyways they cared more about the money than releasing a working product


woke blizz would keep a diversity hire for no other reason


Im just as upset as you are but dont EVEN bring that up.

We been paying the same exact price for 20 years now. Show me ANYTHING that is the SAME EXACT price today as it was 20 years ago. Hint: You’re not gonna find it.

$14.95 in 2004 was WELL worth it when it would usually cost me $25 for 4 hours of fishing each month. That $14.95 is UNLIMITED play. ANYTIME.

Im just as angry about all the extended maintenance thats been insane for the last few weeks, but dont even think to bring up we are not getting our money’s worth. I have ONE day JUST ONE day I can play this week and guess hwat? im sitting on my butt waiting for the servers.


This is the off-hours when looking at the global player base.

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everyone is a “game engine” apologist - you don’t know what the game engine looks like or what their code looks like, its never been open source. they could be extending maintenance so that they can all finish their mini putt-putt game for all you know.

Do you think maybe the work load is too large for the amount of people doing the job? Or the job is beyond the anticipated skill level of the employee’s taking it on?
With a speculated maintenance time, there were parameters taken into consideration. Likely these.

>  The game was down all Tues every week and often unplayable after it came up. Check my account achievements - I most certainly was playing.

This is just not true. The game was not down all Tuesday every week. I’ve been a Warcraft follower since the Tides of Darkness, and began WoW itself before BWL opened. There were lengthy downtimes, typically when it was patch day. Not every single maintenance Tuesday.

As far as subscriptions, you act like there is a much higher industry standard for pay-to-play games and Blizzard is doing the playerbase a solid by not raising prices.

Couple things to note there. What is your belief the industry standard currently is for monthly pay to play games? Also, they far exceed their monthly rake with the monthly sub fee, on top of the endless ca$h $hop cows they milk.

It’s not unreasonable for people to get aggravated that every single week’s maintenance seems to begin at 7am pacific time with a window of 1-2 hours, and increases every hour, on the hour. Specifically these all being average maintenance, non-patch days. Make sure to brush your tongue at least 2 times daily, or else the boot polish can permanently stain your teeth

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These are not off-hours lmao

Colored hair overrules experience in the field.


Its 3pm on a tuesday i would assume most of the playerbase is at work