Honest Maintenance Schedules

Blizz maint. team + WoW = Gamer - WoW

Anyone else just sitting here watching all the replies?

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In your opinion (or not), do you feel the Devs have done well with the communication provided to them via Community Managers?

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How much do you get paid to put the rose colored goggles on?

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And FF14 has the added complication of weird “spaghetti code”. Not to mention, they don’t need or utilize weekly maintenance.

They keep us in the dark like rats. We feed them millions and they treat us like literal rats.


i dont know you. dont work for blizzard. and i dont run any cult that im aware of so convincing you was not at all where i was going lol

FF14 doesn’t even have downtime normally unless it’s an emergency or a patch day, and patches only tend to take a few hours and often come up early.

GW2 patches their servers live.

WoW can’t even tell us how long their stuff is going to be down on a regular basis

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Agree with this 100%. It’s the simple principle of “under promise, over deliver” which, in my opinion, is the move in EVERY situation. We as players should not have to adjust our expectations, we are paying customers. We expect honesty and it is a simple kindness and realistic approach for Blizz to say “hey servers are likely going to be down all day” or even saying “7AM PDT-5PM PDT.” If they’re open by 11AM, great! But the constant hourly delays that keep getting added on are not something anyone should have to be toyed with.

And yes, we can all go outside and go for a walk and all that stuff. But the argument is more or less expectation management. It’s simply a kind and realistic gesture that would reduce us having to complain every week. I am sure the majority of the player base are not game developers and perhaps don’t understand what goes into a weekly maintenance on this scale, but having an understanding of it is irrelevant and on a basic human and customer service level, adequate communication should be the priority.


Is this game f2p yet?

:rofl: that’s a good one!!

Time for lunch at Blizzard… see you in 2 hours boys

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Always overshoot, that way you never underdeliver, and if you’re done before that you get praise!

Reality is Blizzard has shipped increasingly complex systems without addressing the root causes of many of their performance & functional issues both past and present.

So they constantly run in to issues during fixes that should’ve been addressed months, years maybe even further back.

Then we get spam maintenance at varying intervals because there’s no one that can really hold them accountable for consistently shipping a more broken product.


Yes I would. Underpromise, and overdeliver. Not overpromise and underdeliver. Bad for business. Most would rather be surprised on the good side than the bad. (Humans)

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and yet you are not playing FF14 hmm

Why not just tell us what the downtime is being used for? Every other technical service I use gives a stated reason for the downtime. Why does Blizz deviate for the norm?

Not pikachu faces. I think we all just know it can be better, and it’s disappointing.


Thank you!

Taking a break after finishing savages. I play multiple MMOs