Honest DPS reviews of a BM Hunter

is bm hunter is defined by keeping up frenzy stacks then the class need a rework.

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It kind of is and I agree. A lot of people counter BM hunters’ plea for improvements by the fact we’re a “two-button spec” (fury warrior says hello). I played BM because I liked the fantasy of fighting alongside pets with high mobility and no cast times; not because I have a 4 button rotation.


if people are saying you suck on bm if you can keep up 3stacks of frenzy its time for a class change.

Probably the worst feeling about BM’s underperformance is ironically the low skill ceiling. The rotation is so easy that you very easily reach a point where it can’t be L2P and just
 the spec isn’t in a good spot.


And I can agree with that however it’s kind of comical when the people saying the spec is unplayable have a 50% uptime. At that point it’s not the spec.

if bms performance is based on keeping rng renzy stacks up its time for a change imo.

I’m in the “it’s playable but severely underperforming camp.” I usually have atleast 96%+ uptime except for fights like guardian which at that point we’re just sitting there waiting for the adds to spawn and be gathered because they get literally nuked.

Frenzy isn’t a ton of rng. Wild call is sure, but if you’re consistently timing your barbed shots correctly you don’t need to rely on the refunded charges very often. It follows a pretty precise pattern - frenzy lasts 8 sec, each time you cast it this 8 sec restarts. Bestial wrath refunds two charges with Scent of Blood talent. Barbed shot reduces CD of bestial wrath. KC on CD and cobra shot to fill when not doing the above assuming ST. ezpz

The spec needs a little complexity.

Maintaining frenzy stacks really isn’t that hard.

Frenzy can be mantained with near 100% uptime if managed correctly and without any RNG in relation to the rotation. It’s just a tight window. RNG procs just make it slightly easier.

The change that is needed the most, right now, is to the tier set. It’s boring and underperforming, almost as if it was designed as an afterthought. Tying it to Frenzy stacks is understandable, as the power of the bonuses is entirely dependent on the skill of the player, but it needs a tune-up to be in line with other set bonuses.

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“Empowered Cobra Shot.” Imagine if MM got “Empowered Steady Shot”

@snozzdrip You can attack people who link logs as much as you want. they are not clueless and numbers dont lie. You say that BM is “underperforming”, but not “severely underperforming” yet on the ‘best’ fight for BM according to your own metrics, the spec is 5% below the median and 16% from the top (95% heroic 1 week). So i guess what it comes down to is, your definition of ‘severely.’ Gives us how far off the top or median we would have to be to fit your criteria?

You and Bullet are both clueless and don’t understand the numbers at all.

You should focus on maintaining frenzy stacks so your dps improves.

@Snozzie See, we talked about this earlier Snozzle. Its classic troll behavior, when presented with numbers, facts, science, etc to default into “you don’t understand “X” at all” but never say how the person in presenting the data incorrectly or presenting additional data that may contradict. It’s also classic troll behavior, when presented with a simple direct question which may lead to an uncomfortable answer, to try and chage the narrative by bring up something irrelevant but inflammatory. So stop being a troll, and perhaps give us your opinion.

Unplayable is a subjective definition in this case though, as the dictionary definition would imply that it actually can’t be played.

Personally, I don’t think the spec is ‘unplayable’, but it’s shortcomings are glaring for the entire world to see. For that reason, the meta slaves that run high keys and mythic raids don’t want to invite BM Hunters to their groups. When you routinely parse purple or orange and still can’t get into groups as BM, the spec becomes ‘unplayable’ for many.

I routinely see arguments that I should just play MM or SV, but that’s not an answer to the problem. I would rather play a different class than play MM/SV, so I did. If, and that’s a big if, Blizzard fixes the BM tier set, I might go back, but I’m finding Warlock to be easier and more fun than Hunter anyway.

I already have. Here I’ll link it for you AGAIN.

The only area of the game where you would be penalized or sat for playing BM is in high end content. Other then that BM is completely viable.

I have yet to see anyone who parses purple or orange having issues getting into groups.

The fact that you mention “meta slaves” and people who run high keys makes me feel like you’re probably a heroic raider(which is fine) and think you’re not getting groups because you’re BM.

You’re also posting an alt which reinforces that idea.

I personally don’t understand the mind set of only playing one spec. I play a hunter. I play a warlock. I’ll play whatever spec is best for the situation.

@Snozz And its been explained to you multiple times, by multiple people, that the 95th percentile is used as a benchmark for the maximum output of the spec and that you are ASSUMING that those playing BM at that level are not playing it optimally and if “better players” switched to BM the numbers would magically improve. That ASSUMPTION is a fallacy for several reasons including the fact that you yourself STILL play BM on Skollex. Also we are solely talking about Sollex here, nothing else to make it even easier for you to grasp. Stop being a troll!

I know how 95th percentile works. I’m not the one listing things I don’t understand.

What You are failing to understand repeatedly that the percentile doesn’t matter at all when the fights don’t favor BMs damage profile.

Percentile doesn’t affect the issues caused by weak tier sets.

There’s literally a disclaimer.

So like I keep repeating. You don’t understand what you’re linking.

That’s not an assumption I’m even making. BM hunters issues on Skolex are because of weak tier. It’s why they are behind.

Stop being bad and educate yourself.

  1. I post on an alt, because the WoW community can be toxic and like to bring forum disagreements into the game.
  2. I parsed purple on my Hunter pretty much ~90% of the time. The random early deaths that result in a lower parse, or the RNG lucky string of crits that resulted in orange parses making up the other ~10%.
  3. My guild clears Heroic, but has yet to move into Mythic. However, I have attempted to move into Mythic with other groups on my own. On my Hunter, I was declined every time. On my Warlock, I’ve managed to get the first two bosses down and we’re close on the third.
  4. In keys, I had only short delays finding groups running 15-17 M+, but mostly because my item level overcame any concerns they had about my spec. I have only managed to find three groups to run two 18s and one 19. All were timed, but I was still 10-15% behind the other DPS.
  5. That’s great that you like to play multiple specs and classes. I don’t have the time or inclination to dedicate that much time. I prefer to optimize myself to being the best I can be at the spec I’m currently playing.

@Snozzie See it is this stuff that baffles me. In post after post after post, you say ad nauseum that the damge profile of BM hunter is single target. So I reduced the discussion to the single target fight Skollex on heroic difficulty. Link the log, break down the numbers. You then pivot to well “you don’t understand the logs.” So i press what exactly don’t I understand and you write “I know how 95th percentile works. I’m not the one listing things I don’t understand. What You are failing to understand repeatedly that the percentile doesn’t matter at all when the fights don’t favor BMs damage profile.” WTF dude. I has been simplified for your benefit to include the one raid fight that EXACTLY fits you criteria of BM’s damage profile. How is this tough for you to grasp.