Honest DPS reviews of a BM Hunter

Let me start by saying this post is not intended to convey that I am the best BM hunter ever, or to illicit either a buff to BM hunters or nerfs to any of the other classes mentioned herein. It is just meant to provide observations about my experiences as a BM hunter in M+ keys (14-19 range) with an eclectic mix of dps and tanks. Most if not all of the players involved have at least two pieces of tier gear equipped (like myself) while the rest have the full four piece set. In the past two weeks, I ran 10 fortified keys and so far this week 10 tyranical keys.

First observation: my dps range was between a low of 9.3K (Top 15) to a high of 12.6k (PF 17) I finished as top dps in 40% of the runs, middle dps in 20% of the runs and bottom dps in 40% of the runs… I did better overall in tyranical keys than fortified keys overall.

Second observation: Wild Spirits accounts for between 14 and 20% of my overall damage done, followed by beast cleave and barb shot. My groups defaulted to using Uhr in almost all situations (Wu being the exception on some skips) which increased barb shot’s damage contribution considerably.

Third observation: In comparison to other classes, BM’s AoE outside of Wild Spirits is pretty poor. MM hunters, Warriors (fury), Mages (fire and frost), Havoc Demon hunters, Subtlelty Rogues, Shamans (enhancement and elemental) and Protection Paladins routinely exceed my AoE contribution, sometimes by as much as 50%. In addition, as pull size increases, my AoE dps contribution as a percentage of the total actually decreases even with Beast cleave going from 5 to 8 targets.

Fourth observation: single target boss damage is NOT where BM hunter excels in M+ keys, especially in forified weeks. We have all heard the statement "yeah your AoE is bad but you make up for it boss (priority) damage. In a little over 60% of the boss encounters in fortified weeks, I finished second in boss damage overall. Only about 20% of the time did i finished first, and in roughly an equal percentage last. In tyranical keys, it’s a little better percentage wise, but that is only attributable to get multiple uses of Wild Spirits per boss which inflates my single target damage considerably.

Fifth observation: As key difficulty increases, the damage contribution of BM hunters decreases, but is offset marginally by utility (binding shot, tranq shot and freezing trap).

Sixth observation and speculation: Having a “good” BM hunter in your group will not hurt your chances of timing a key in the 15-19 range at this point and can even help carry less qualified or undergeared players. Where BM hunters will start to struggle is in keys 20 and above, mainly due to AoE damage throughput but also to a lesser extent having a lack of survivability tools. Obtaining a four piece set of tier gear will not make BM hunters competitive with other classes in similar gear. There are multiple reasons for this: 1) adding 6 seconds to Beast cleave negates the value of Dreamweaver soulbind in AoE situations with three or more targets. We will be forced to either change to a less proficient soulbind (Niya) or ignore the timer and refresh Beast cleave on a four second cycle. 2) The increased damage of cobra shot, while marginally effective for single target, is virtually lost in any AoE situation. 3) Even in a single target fight, the real power of the four set bonus is in chaining KC-CS as many times as possible, which is only possible using the Killer Cobra talent. Under no situation however, is the Killer Cobra talent better than Aspect of the Beast in any 2+ target environment. Simply put, the 4 piece bonus in M+ has very little
real value.


Great observations, but could you please remove your post from the quotation block? Not sure if it’s intentional but it’s murder to read on mobile.


Good stuff. I agreed with everything and feel similarly about my own experiences. Although I haven’t been given an opportunity to try a high teen key yet.
Btw, I think I knew a Doc something who was a hunter back in the day on Feathermoon, could it be you?

Very nice!

NF hunter will continue to fall by the wayside as key level increases due to the cov legendary only finding value in boss fights.

Swap to any other cov and you will see pretty big gains in M+ that will scale much better in higher keys.

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You know, I just got my kyrian renown to 80 in order to try survival. However, now i’m kind of interested to test kyrian on bm. lining up resonant arrow with every rykstalker bestial wrath could be good? maybe? Not sure if it compares to that amazing burst on wild spirits though.

Very nice summary. Thank you for this. Gives me some things to think about.

Thanks for posting, I think Blizzard doesn’t care about BM hunter unfortunately, it’s obvious by the support they aren’t giving Hunters, and think that 3% buffs will fix them. Blizzard obviously do not play the spec, and until somebody at Blizzard plays the spec it will not be good or supported.


almost dead last in raids isnt good sure bm cleave is good in dungeons but bm needs some single target buffs.

In before the 2 resident apologists post logs from both (two total) raid fights where BM beats the other 2 Hunters specs (while still coming in 12th overall) and tells you BM is fine and to git gudder.

Oh, and “you don’t even know how to read charts like this” is a gem too.

the logs show otherwise.


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I do understand logs. I understand why BM is in the bottom and I have explained WHY its in the bottom.

You on the otherhand cant comprehend logs at all.

You dont understand what the logs are saying.



I mean you clearly lack basic understanding of the class and game as you cant even maintain frenzy stacks so you really have no clue what you are talking about.

Ya’ think these 95% Mythic parsers understand the class and are keeping Frenzy up?

I do.



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Yes they are, however the two main issues with BM that you cant seem to comprehend is that its a ST spec and the tier bonuses are terrible.

Since BM is a ST spec and there are only 2 our of 11 bosses that are single target there is a reason why its at the bottom.

BM is NEVER going to do more damage on multi target fights over MM or survival.

So like I said, your lack of a clue on the logs you are linking on top of not understanding how the different specs work is showing.

And the point that you fail to understand is that being the 12th best ST spec in the raid is a HORRIBLE tradeoff for being the WORST OVERALL DPS SPEC IN THE SAME RAID.


Thats due to the BM tier being very bad. I have already stated that.

You do realize you are linking stuff you dont understand right?

No one is disputing that BM isnt in a good spot. I am pointing out that while its not performing well its not as bad as YOU think it is because you dont understand how the class or spec works and how it interacts with the fights.

I understand what 24th place out of 24 total looks like.

It looks like BM Hunter.