Homophobia is officially non-canon in the Warcraft universe

I am equally baffled.

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At this point I wonder if it’s just better to use the ignore feature on some of the homophobes. They like to create discord and general unpleasantness in threads like this. Their goal is simply to get the thread locked. Continued discussion with them or reporting them gives them what they want. IF you refuse to interact they lose that power.


This game should be for everyone’s sexuality. Which is why there’s characters of every sexual preference. You did say it yourself, after all, it should be for everyone.

It’s just not for homophobes. Better move on if you don’t like it.


If the game is for everyone, then everyone should be represented.


This is an MMORPG and why do we need to care about it? You’ve done nothing worth to be cared about so no.

lol he didn’t even say that, that’s just pushing a false narrative. Just cause he says he disagrees doesn’t make it non-canon, that just means he disagrees in his
personal image.

You don’t have to care about it. It’s just there. Ignore it, enjoy it, or play something else I guess. You could go play some real life instead and learn how to be respectful of other people since you seem to have grown up without that ability.

There’s always elements to real life in a story even if it’s framed in a story about orcs and elves killing each other.

Also if people really don’t want to “hear what happens in your bedroom” let’s get some posts about Tyrande and Malfurion being married.

but this isn’t about simply “not wanting to hear about your sexual preference”. This is specifically about not wanting to see LGBT exists.

But you are.


The only one who seems to be “programmed” in any way or fashion here is you.

To someone that is lgbt, they ARE NORMAL…just as I and other ppl who see themselves as het ero is normal…

Your mindset is NOT NORMAL. It’s cruel, it’s debilitating, and it’s bigoted. Calling someone who is LGBT not normal is bigoted. Go educate yourself, Pinult. YOU are the problem.



Apologies then mate. I’m terrible with names. I’ll try and explain myself a little

Hatred is a choice and often brought on by our upbringing. Choosing to really HATE someone just for how they’re born. Is far more threatening than just “hey lets agree to disagree”.

Hatred got a lot of us killed just for the crime of being born. Something we did not ask for in the first place. People would use that hatred also as an excuse to go hurt or murder minorities.

A different opinion is like “Eh I like this food but it’s okay if you don’t” not the crap Bigots say




That was a bored artist trolling

It’s SFX for the special effects team.

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Or maybe stop shoving it in our faces? We don’t need to hear it repeatedly about your sexuality, I’d like to play my games without pandering to people with no achievements or done anything worthy.

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You can’t just directly infringe on someone’s freedom of expression like that, it’s not non canon :stuck_out_tongue:

Didn’t stop the non lgbt


Oh my god lol.

Okay guys stop reporting him, I’m actually entertained now, I want to see where this goes.

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That’s blizzard for you since they care about money.

That’s just background artist being funny and getting stuff past people who check the final cut.

No one is trying to further some propaganda by writing stuff in a background image in The Lion King.

gestures to history as far back as ancient rome and spartans


Dawg, all of my friends are LGBT and none of them were sexually abused. We just think the same gender is cute. Have you seen women? They’re so pretty.