Homophobia is officially non-canon in the Warcraft universe

Well, they could not release statements at all and just stick to content releases and then players would complain over the lack of communication.

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

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You’re just saying words. Not actually debating.


Reflection and diversity.



Okay, but what does this have to do with anything in this thread?

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People are people, why does it matter what some do in the bedroom? Does it have any influence on your daily life?

Didn’t think so. Homophobia doesn’t belong in game or IRL.


homophobes are not real, apparently. If you pretend something doesn’t exist really hard it disappears, that’s how it works.

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No, that was my accusation at the other guy.
All of you think this is somehow social progress while other see it as blatant fires destroying the game.
This is BLM destroying cities all over again.


Man, I just wanna hold hands with another cute girl.


Lol Ralphs threads always leads into anarchy.

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Wow, this was so… necessary?

If the shoe fits…

Also, why would anyone want to debate you? You don’t actually have any arguments. “Gay is bad because…” because you say so?

You just made me have a thought. Flaming being a term used for gay sometimes. Does that mean if a certain someone often known as Cheeto man. Was to be Gay.

He’d be the Flaming Cheeto?

Blizzard does a better job of destroying this game on their own than we do by being inclusive.


Okay I’ll bite. How?

Is it “reality coming into mah video games” ? Because if you don’t want reality then a whole lotta stuff has to go


Here we go again and we need more of unnecessary things we need to hear in lore.

Is your idea of being inclusive involve deleting things you don’t like?

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Oh lord you think blizzard announcing something to be non-canon is going to stop RPERS who do this? It’s not. People have the craziest justifications of this and don’t care what blizzard technically dictates. Especially in a situation like this.

Don’t do it Ivy nooo he’s going to get the thread locked


What are they deleting?

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Also, ESO had like atleast one quest with gay couple in every zone since release. Such a breakthrough. Argonians can physically change their gender.