polishes old screen cap of my over 70k post count from the old forums
People will harass others over anything because the point is the harassment, not the subject.
None of you people can actually debate me. You just jump to threats of violence, troll accusations, and SJW titles like “homophobia” to dismiss me.
Nobody wants to debate you. Please go back to watching Eric Striker.
Pretty sure none of us are interested in “debating” a homophobe.
Bruh you don’t even wanna debate clearly
I’m actually ok with any adult choosing how they live their life, as long as it doesn’t infringe on others’ freedoms and well being.
I am, however, against governments giving children the power to make self-destructive decisions, like hormone therapy, even when the parents are against it. Governments should stay out of family life, and not try to substitute the parents. I also don’t like adult themes, like drag queen culture, being pushed unto children. Let them reach adulthood, when they can make responsible/mature choices, in order to make those decisions for themselves…
Because you have no leg to stand on and will lose without your mob rule.
No one even cares to debate you. You’re just full of hate and trying to bait people into arguments. Go get help.
Unfortunately, online interactions aren’t continually monitored or rated by the ESRB. People will still bring this into the game. Others will report it. We’ll have to see if Blizzard takes better action in the future.
Yep, totally. You may leave, now. This is now a nice thread full of positive people.
Bruh who asked?
Positive people intent upon burning down World of Warcraft for your own universe.
Hey I’m flaming but not THAT flaming
I have legit never found a more perfect use for this gif.
I didn’t burn anything down. It was that mean elf.
Well in fairness. There are some who force changes in religion which hurts that religious group atleast is perceived as hurting it. Talking about forcing churches to marry people inside their chapels. Even when its strictly against their belief system.
I want to point out I see no problem with gay marriage in any shape or form. I am mearly playing devils advocate in this statment and it is not represenitive of my own opinion.
Desperate b8 intensifies xD
Gurl bye, u tried it. Flips Orc hair
Deflection and diversion.