Homophobia is now non-cannon

damn that Activision Blizzard ruining my deep, grounded medieval fantasy with this MMO nonsense when clearly the magical gateway (that an all-powerful wizard opened) to an alien world unleashed demon-consorting green hulk monsters on the beautiful kingdoms of men who had powers granted to them by a divine, holy source and were also adept at magic enough to summon meteoric storms of fire and surging water elementals was all realistic

How else could my Void Elf have experienced such white knuckle excitement as having a “”“Devil’s Advocate”"" heatedly screaming at her for condemning our species to their demise because she had a wife and wasn’t willing to get on this tentacle action.

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Also canonically elves reproduce very slowly and don’t get pregnant easily (from the Knaak novels, look it up) so trying to relegate them to breeding stock is pretty much a waste of time anyway.

Again, not that this is the real issue.


Don’t forget the crushing realism of Space Satan corrupting Not-Demons into being Space Demons only for a small sect of them to be saved by giant light powered wind-chimes piloting several literal dimension hopping space ships


Jainas flying ship


I have a rule of thumb that lore dictates facts, not IC opinions


  1. Declaring an opinion as non-existent and therefore a weird thing to care about (like, I dunno, a character who hates people with straight hair) works just fine for me and
  2. Weird IC opinions are fun when they’re weird. Copy/pasting something you’d easily find on Facebook doesn’t strike me as creative or immersive and, aside from the consenting small-scale stuff people talked about earlier, also doesn’t seem fun/rewarding.

Now, it is true that playing a character or writing a plot is going to involve your values in some way, whether wittingly or not. Personally I think monarchy is bad (hot take), but it’s likely a permanent feature of WoW and I have to accept the premise that this is a Good Thing if I have any hope of getting the setting right. If I can manage that, the naysayers in this thread can do the same, please and thank you.

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My hot take is that people who are homophobic shouldn’t exist. And that I hate them.


i hate that Gamers™©® feel the need to reject representation with vigour because it’s “”"""""“political”""""""

i also want to take my hat off to the brave souls of the WrA forums who stood against the off-realmers who felt the need to represent the Gamers™©®

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i can’t believe Blizzard added humans to Warcraft

what kind of pandering nonsense is this? it’s clearly political bias so we “accept” humans


This might have been touched on, but I didn’t check because way too many posts.

When Blizzard makes an in-game character which chooses and commits to transitioning from a former sex to another; What magic will be the process?

They wouldn’t do fel because they don’t want that to be misconstrued as transitioning is evil like fel. My money would be on elemental. Because energies of nature and spirit combine to change form and function.

I don’t know why. Something about Steve Danuser saying that out of the blue is reminiscent of some of JK Rowling’s statements of Harry Potter lore that were seldom ever indicated to the readers.

It seems like it just came out of left field for no reason.

Uhhh there’s a huge difference between J* Rwlng saying Dumbledore is gay and that homophobia doesn’t exist in a fake made up universe

Also j* r*wling didn’t write Harry Potter. She’s also dead


There has never been a shred of evidence that homophobia exists in WoW. It was pure headcanon.


Pure head canon justified off of the assumption that it exists in a “”medieval”” setting. That’s been debunked by the lead narrative fella so all they’re left is with their own IRL hatred to justify their garbage can characters.


Not really all that out of left field when there was never any evidence that sort of thing existed in the first place

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Medieval? There may be some elements that are medieval, but all in all, the game never came off as medieval to me.

Well that’s where the phobia head canon comes from because it doesn’t exist in WoW. Azerothians don’t give a frick.

Medieval said with very very big air quotes.

Always been mid to high fantasy.

The medieval thing is usually brought up by dumb bigots desperately trying to justify their moronic (and now lore breaking) IC bigotry.

No one with the ability to think could ever actually think Warcraft is “Medieval”

Dude grats on that name.

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