Holy/Disc LFG

Looking for a guild that raids between Thu-Mon. 6/10M on my other priest. Will xfer or faction change if needed.

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I’m from Frisky Business on Tichondrius. We are a semi-hardcore CE guild 6/10M. We raid Tuesday & Wednesday from 7pm - 10pm PST (10:00pm - 1am EST)
You can check out our Discord for more information and apply if you are interested.

Thank you for your time,

hey check usu out (H) Area52 <Pillars> 10/10M LF Exceptional Healer - #40 by Emencess-area-52

Hey Loca! We need a new Disc to backfill our old one. We’re 5/10m with Inerva at 10% right now.

Raid times: Sat/Sun 9:00am–12:00pm EST
Alliance US-Stormrage

[A] 5/10M Weekend Morning Team Looking for DPS

Looks like you can’t do tuesdays, which is a shame!

If that changes, let us know! Raiding Rainbow is a Horde Tichondrius 6/10 M guild looking for a priest to replace one who just left for IRL circumstances!

Add me on discord Infin#1525 to chat more, if you think Tuesdays can work! We raid Tuesday + Thursday, 6:30-9:30 PST!

Hello! Our guild on Kil’Jaeden may be a good fit. We are looking to add a disc priest as we expand our raid roster. We raid Sat/Sun 8-10 central. Semi-casual group. Weekly m+ and RBG nights as well.

Add me on BNet bark#11701