I am currently in a guild on another server either doing heals or marksman hunter. The guild is ok, but we are old folks and I feel stuck at ilvl 204 with no place to really progress. I am looking for a guold that raids on est zone and 9s not huge where nobody really knows anyone. I like to know and help my guildies. Also looking for no drama please. If you need heals on Alliance side, or dps, please let me know. Might faction change for right guild. Thanks for reading this.
Hey we are always looking for more raiders. feel free to reply here or send me your Bnet tag
Just noticed your reply. What server/time zone are you? I will have to get back with Battle Tag, I am at work. What classes are you lookong for mostly. What are raid nights/times? Thanks for answering my post
Dalaran is Eastern Time Zone (EDT right now). We are fine with any classes but if you’re a healer/tank best to have a dps off spec. Our raid times are Tue/Wed 8:30 to 11 pm Eastern. Sometimes we may move the Wed raid to Thursday. We run M+ content nearly every day.
Xakopane (GM)
I have a priest that I run holy/shadow if that qould be of use.
Hey, Aelewin, I’m the guild leader of < Elune is an Astrunaut > on Dalaran.
We raid on Tues-Wed 830-11pm EST. If you are okay with holy priest, we can certainly use your help!
If you want to talk you can hit me up at:
Battletag: Spreckles#1635
Discord: Spreckles#0252
Awoken From Ashes is currently recruiting ranged DPS and healers if you’re interested - Awoken From Ashes is recruiting! Healers and Ranged DPS!