Holy Priest "heroic prog" questions

  1. Priority of Circle vs Prayer - I’ve been casting Circle of Healing on CD (assuming there is raid damage out there to heal), and I’m continually casting the super-slow-but-super-powerful Prayer of Healing, but I’ve found that a lot of times Circle is sitting there waiting a second or two while I finish a Prayer cast. Is it more efficient to have a visible countdown to wait and cast Circle if it’s about to pop, to avoid ANY downtime on it, then immediately follow with my Prayer? Or go ahead and cast Prayer with an immediate Circle after? The latter seems like a reasonable option, but it also seems to sometimes defeat the purpose of having a lower CD on Circle with the chakra…

  2. Right now I’m casting Guardian Spirit kind of randomly on players (prio tanks) who are taking a lot of damage, but I feel I should be a bit more ‘smart’ about the cast, given how strong it is. Any advice on this, even if it’s Cata-heroic specific fights where you always cast it during X time on X player given the situation and importance of that player staying alive during that time?

  3. Anyone who wants to take a quick look at my logs for constructive criticism is very welcome! :). I love playing Holy Priest, and I’m always looking to improve!

I would just look at your specs wowhead guide and also compare your casts to logs of top holy priest.

Yep, I’ve done that, and a lot seems to match (so the 3rd question is not as important as my others), but that doesn’t answer the others, as I can’t see the specific time remaining on Circle when each Prayer is cast, nor can I fully know the reasoning behind their Guardian Spirit casts.

Most likely using it on boss abilities that might kill the tank, most likely the tank himself is falling for the external.

Im assuming you dont , but if u did ignore this .
Try to check out on priest discord classic , there are many more ppl that could u help u there.

Will do, I actually didn’t think to go there as a resource. Thanks! I’ll give it a try

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