Joined a timewalking dungeon and had a lvl 10 holy priest doing 4 million dps everything pull and just one shotting everything. It’s funny to see. Its like MOP remix all over again. Just like warriors spamming whirlwind now we have holy priests blowing up everything even faster. So enjoy your speed run if you happen to get into a group with one.
Had a warrior in one of mine that was doing over 5million DPS.
Everything was ded by the time I was done channeling Void Torrent.
Took like 20 min to get all 5 done and I had to requeue after each one cuz nobody wanted to keep the same group.
Rookie numbers
You got to cast?! Must be a new twink.
Crazy that people left the group, generally when I’m boosting a friend to 80 nobody ever leaves they just stay along for the ride. That said, we like to talk and have fun in our runs even though we are blazing through them.
“So anyway I started blasting”
-Holy priests, probably
you got a fast free run carried by a level 10. whats the issue?
Some people are apparently there “for the experience” and not to level their alts.
It was very much like playing remix with how powerful some of them were.
I wasn’t leveling a toon so I’ll just take the free carry.
My loot box had a pair of hero boots that raidbots said was a downgrade no matter the ilevel so yea.
Nothing lost really, did get enough badges to get the Quillen mount. So there’s that.
Yeah, but for people to leave after every dungeon is what’s crazy to me. I’ve run thousands of dungeons boosting friends and I hardly have anybody leave the group. (Not saying it NEVER happens, but it’s rare)
Every class can do this. Scaling isn’t 100% balanced. Thanks for posting about it though.
Holy Nova FTW
To an extent yes. But you have to be able to heal yourself somehow in the process. Otherwise you get chunked by the mobs. That’s why things like lifestealing on warriors is a critical part of twinking. Without that enchant we would constantly die. (Unless we slowed down our pulls, but then whats the point of twinking)
This is why you get a healer in your groups. Still getting “chunked”? Put a shield on.
who needs a shield or a healer when you can just use lifestealing?
My point was… not all classes can speed run dungeons at the same rate of a fury warrior, MW monk, or apparently a priest (I’ve not seen a priest do it yet other than in MoP remix). Because the above 3 classes have unlimited self sustain through their AOE.
I put the thread title into AI, and got some wicked pictures back.
lol somebody was venting about Dawnbreaker back when TWW first launched. And when I say vent it was like an angry nerd rage vent via text. Somebody joked that they should make a heavy metal song use their words in the rant. So I did using AI it was glorious haha.
Level 10 is an interesting choice for holy.
At level 11 you can put a talent point in enhancing holy nova greatly.
They have a really strong early talent for Holy Nova.
Thistle named it for me. I am shamed in my lack of knowledge.
It is hilarious when you pull up damage data and see that this one peep had 90% of the damage, but I knew they were boss, because my inside game was, “can I tag it b4 they kill it”
What? And you never once were kicked for this?
How dare you impinge on another players XP/second metric!!