Holy Paladins are S-Tier Healers

According to icyveins. How do you feel about that? I think my numbers are lower than others but utility is great.

Holy Paladins have officially been moved into the S-tier for two reasons. First, Venthyr Paladins with the Ashen Hallow Icon Ashen Hallow ability are able to do tank-level damage with virtually no loss in healing capabilities, making them an incredibly valuable asset in Mythic progression. Second, the utility that Paladins bring, specifically with Blessing of Protection Icon Blessing of Protection, is now known to be incredibly important on the later Mythic encounters."

Specifically for the world first race, when gear is sparse and item level is lower, ashen hallow allows for tremendous dps which is more important than healing AND it also transfers the healing it does to your beacon, so for the 30 seconds its up tanks basically can’t die.

It’s VERY strong when gear is low across the entire raid but will lose it’s usefulness once people start getting access to better gear in the upcoming weeks.

Damn it might be time for me to go venthyr

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Play what’s fun!

It’s gear dependent, but once you gear up reasonably yes we are very exceptional right now. If you are doing low numbers are you not playing something correctly. Now obviously we aren’t great at aoe heals on PAPER but between glimmer of light and certain talents, we are easily the strongest healer right now. The only time Holy Paladins don’t excel is at high movement fights.

Also while the one above has promoted Ashen Hallow, it’s pretty decent but I don’t think it’s nearly as good as Kyrian. Divine Toll is PHENOMENAL and it has perfect synergy with talents like Glimmer of Light, Shock Barrier Legendary, as well as one of the best burst healing Cooldowns in the game.

For Mythic+ Toll & beacon of virtue is an instant heal to full no matter what health level the party is at. In raid environments, it also is a life saver as it’s a very good smart heal.

So I would say the choice is up to you, both are very good, but imo Kyrian is better, my healing logs don’t lie.

Also, I wouldn’t recommend taking Glimmer until you get a decent amount of haste and run Double Beacon until you do so as Glimmer is VERY haste dependent.

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I dont want to be a “meta”. I hope they pass over that publishing and we are continued to be perceived as lacking. Last thing we need it to be under a microscope and have a surgical nerf come in because some youtuber or twitchertwatter or whoever is shining a light on us proclaiming were superiors and the masses follow.


We’re not superior when it comes to pure healing. The reason icy veins considers us S tier is due to the amount of damage we currently do due with ashen hallow.

The competitive dps coupled with the damage reductions and immunities we offer make up for the healing we lack when compared to disc priest or shamans.


now if only we can get a decent aoe heal because light of dawn is seriously lacking in that regard.

What works for myttico raiders may not work so well for you.

This 100%. Ashen hallow is best for the high end progression raider who are currently 8/10 mythic. If you’re a casual player or normally progressed mythic raider you’ll be better off being kyrian.

For PvP? 100%. Have you seen the 2v2 and 3v3 ladders? Holy Paladins are dominating this season.

I’m guessing you’re mostly referencing raiding for double beacon?

Ok they list us “S tier” but below disc and resto…for raiding

For mythic+ they rate us B tier only over holy priests. They also put Resto Shaman B tier just over us…I’m pretty sure Icy Veins doesn’t know wtf is going on simply by this move, interrupts are op so far this xpax and shaman have some of thr best hps and an interrupt. Also a nice ranged are stun

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“S Tier” when there are only 2 tiers for the 6 healer specs. Seems meaningless. All healers might as well be listed as S Tier. Would that make everyone feel better?

what makes ashen hallow better for high end mythic raiding?

That’s nice, we are still a poorly designed spec with multiple terrible mechanics that clash with each other, dead baseline spells, a dead proc, a Mastery that is universally hated, and are in a desperate need for a soft redesign in order to make us fun to play.

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I think that’s what he means by being put under the microscope. Classes which get more attention are far more likely to be removed from viability than classes which are simply overpowered. This type of thing happens in RPGs and MOBAs all the time.

Heroes considered “classic high performers” are often overlooked because they receive minimal attention, whereas heroes that rise up from low winrates are more likely to be scrutinized and have mechanics disabled that allow them to operate at higher levels of skill.

In fact the strongest indicator of an incoming nerf is perceived change in popularity than anything else.
(( Aka, “People had an unfavorable opinion of this class, why are they playing it now? Let’s find out!” ))

Icy Veins has never been good at calling healers. Kind of okay on dps but even then there are much better “tier lists”.

Raid; Rsham > Disc Priest > Hpal > Rdruid > Holy Priest > MW Monk
[Reason] While sometimes you double stack hpal, most of the time you just stack as many rshams as you can as they are horribly overpowered. Disc also better than hpal and actually 100% required on some fights like Hungering, hpal has fewer “break the fight” style of encounters.

M+; Rsham > Hpal = Druid > Disc > MW Monk > Holy Priest
[Reason] Purely statistical, but more Rshams doing high keys than any other. Also just broken overpowered in all contents. Hpal and druid still good though, disc is great but very few players are the caliber required to make it work and not for the feint of heart.

PVP; Rsham > Disc Priest = Hpal > Rdruid > MW Monk > Holy Priest
[Reason] Again more Rshams at higher rating. Fits into basically any comp. Comp exists? Put a rsham in it. Disc and Hpal pretty good but they are slightly more comp reliant. Disc also has mana to actually deal with so they lose dampening matches (thankfully not often in this meta). Hpal too cooldown reliant, where Rsham is just riptide and afk.

No tier list should put Rsham below anything at the moment, so that’s an immediate disqualification of Icy Veins. This is AFTER all their healing was nerfed by 4%/healing rain 15% and they are still absolutely pumping.

Overall tier list across the board:

Rsham > Disc > Hpal > Rdruid > MW Monk > Holy Priest

S tier huh, well It will scale well with every patch that’s for sure. I’m pretty sure it will out heal shaman someday. Howerver, the spec is so clunky beyond help.

Is that correct? I can do some serious burst with divine toll if it hits enemies.

Ashen hallow’s CD is long.

Also I can push 5k+ hps in raids can do some serious burst healing 8k hps. Pre poping seraphim before massive aoe healing I’ve gotten up to 10k hps for a short amount of time.

Seraphim is absolutely OP bonkers when used right but none of the guides mention how broken it is.