Holy Paladins are S-Tier Healers

S Tier is almost always a function of “extra’s” brought to the table in ideal circumstances.

In the case of Healers, this comes in the form of Passive DPS, mitigation and other utilities. HPS is very rarely much of a consideration because in a “perfect group”, provided you can keep the Tank alive and heal (or mitigate) the group damage, no one really cares what your HPS is.

In 99% of groups who don’t play perfectly, and (for example) spawn the Prideful add after face pulling an extra trash pack while their HPally has no CD’s, Paladin is most definitely not “S Tier” because their DPS counts for nothing when the group dies from AoE damage that the RDruid/Rsham easily dealt with.

I’ve been enjoying my Holy Paladin more than I expected I would, but there are certain Affix/Key/Group combo’s that I won’t go near.
I did recently swap from Glimmer to BoV which definitely helps out during those chaotic moments, but it feels like 3x the work to achieve the same outcome as a single Wildgrowth onto a group with rolling Rejuv’s.

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I definitley feel like we’re in a very good place right now in raid, pvp, and M+.

I guess Druids would be easier in M+, but I’ll take Hpal in a raid any day. I can hard spam my kit full throttle and never be at risk of going OOM. My Druid alt can go OOM halfway through a raid if I’m having to try and compensate for other healers doing meh.

I’m actually sort of moving away from LoD. I’m seeing very good results from just hammering out WoG’s and filling the classic role of Paladins doing ‘big heals’ while only occasionally using LoD when no one is below 90%.

I’m doing around 5-6k+ HPS sustained on H raid bosses that require it playing like that, so far so good.

i tried that i ended up getting about 2.3k because i kept getting sniped by the other healers. Either that or i just suck at this game now