Holy Paladin Spell

I have this strange bug with my Holy Paladin. Is anyone else seeing this issue?


Can you describe what is wrong?

The book in the animation appears to be held by his kneecaps rather than his hand.

That’s right. Apparently, my paladin has found a way to make the book levitate at knee level. This is great.

My paladin has this same bug! :frowning:

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ah. So it isn’t just me. I just wanted confirmation that it wasn’t just me.

It’s been reported before.

So no, you’re not the only ones. Hopefully the devs will fix this sometime during 8.3, although I haven’t heard if anyone has checked for this in PTR.

This has been happening since September last year. Numerous bug reports have been made. Only happens on the male blood elf Paladins, no word of a hotfix or even recognition from support/devs.

No idea when it’ll be fixed.

It seems to be fixed on the PTR. Maybe it will be fixed on Live when 8.3 hits.

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