Holy Light animation bugged

When casting Holy Light the animation book no longer opens up in the hands but down between the knees. Happening on (male) Blood Elf, not sure about others races.


It isn’t happening at all to my female belf on Eitrigg. Holy Light is casting as normal, animation or otherwise.

Seems like it might only be a male Belf problem.

Same bug here, male blood elf. Any Solution?

Same here. Male Belf seems to be bugged. Can’t find any solution

I have the same problem, tried to send a bug report to blizzard support but no answer, i know it is just the animation but is really annoying

Happening on my male BE HPal too. Getting really annoying as it was casting normal all day yesterday.

I am getting the same bug on my Belfadin, Coilfang server.

Book appears at knees during casting of Holy Light, didn’t notice if it did it during Resurrection.

Holy was always my favorite specialization, and I came back to retail for this big update and to get my Paladin max level for the Heritage armor, lol. At least I’m enjoying the Tauren Heritage armor.

Logged back onto retail to find this bug STILL IN THE GAME! wow. just wow blizz. U really do suck.

Still bugged as of today. I do have to agree that Blizzard clearly doesn’t care about this.

Logged in to my BE paly for the first time in probably a year (Blizzcon 2018 was a big turn off).
This bug is still a thing. Over a month now?

Same issue here. When casting Holy Light with my Male Blood Elf Holy Paladin the book rests on his knees and the pages are being flipped by his… ahem… private parts.

Coming in and following up with a report of my own. Male blood elf paladin is still bugged involving holy light. Could really use a fix. It’s driving me nuts.

Yup. The book is still down at my knees. A damn shame, considering how popular belves are, yet Blizz still has yet to fix such a simple bug.

How do you suggest they fix it, considering it’s so simple?

Raise y pos to the right level. It’s a simple problem that was overlooked when the patch changing the animation was released. It’s been in-game for a while now. Multiple posts exist reporting this bug. Same bug exists with the red eyes on the cloth heirloom headpiece when worn by Nightborne - red eye glow is misaligned. That isn’t fixed either.

This is ugly. Please fix. Works fine for Lightforged Draenei but it’s broken on Blood Elves.

I put in a ticket about this and the GM sent me here… Will posting here get them to resolve it for me?? It’s driving me insane.

Male blood elf with the same issue since I started playing again in 8.2… Really annoying and goofy looking lol kills the immersion.

Day 106: I still cannot seem to detach my holy book from my knees…