The dev responsible needs to never be allowed to design a spec ever again. For the sake of Hpals everywhere, please resign today and change careers. You are either bad at your job or a bad person, I hate you either way.
There has been improvements, but not enough imo. Mana economy being one of them.
We had it worse times being real, but yeah, relatively speaking to other healers, itâs not the best we had. So much for another rework I guess
And what do you propose to improve this specialization?
I hate hpal, how I miss strong spender gameplay with close to no casting.
Cleaely they are not designing the spec for me.
Echoing this. Weâre currently not bad (weâve been in worse states, so have other healers), but weâre certainly not good.
I certainly donât have any faith that Blizzard knows what theyâre doing at this point. Itâs like theyâre afraid of having another BfA/Shadowlands/Dragonflight S2 issue where Holy Paladin was dominating (either in healing throughput or DPS).
I feel like while the design of it in S1 hasnât been the best iteration, itâs still pretty solid. I take issue with the tuning more than anything.
Idk if itâs an individual or the whole dev team but somebody at Blizzard absolutely despises Holy Paladin and has made it very clear because they just receive random nerfs all the time despite being mediocre in raid and arguably the worst healer in m+.
I still think Resto Druid is the worst. How do you heal heavy AoE damage in dungeons like Dawnbreaker and CT? I made a Resto Druid and feel like weâre terrible when Convoke is on cooldownâour heals are extremely slow.
Also, I feel like thereâs no time to do any DPS because we have to keep HoTs on the entire group all the time to avoid being caught off guard by heavy damage. And thereâs no ability to make this easier. We have to click on each party member and deal with multiple global cooldowns just to apply HoTs to everyone.
Even without Divine Toll, I feel like Paladin can still heal a bit better and faster than a Resto Druid.
My Druid easily runs laps around my Paladin in healing output. You just have to prepare before damage goes out with efflo, wild growth, and maybe rejuvs. Then when damage starts happening you just swiftmend and regrowth spam.
btw, do you use the Germination talent for M+?
Itâs really comfy for my weekly 10s for the increased rejuv duration but definitely a flex talent (budding leaves is better if someone needs more focused healing for less globals).
Yeah Druid is a preventive Healer and Holy paladin is a reactive healer.
If you know how to prepare. you will have no problem as a Resto druid.
Our main problem is that we are reactive and it doesnât matter how fast you react. you have to build 6 Holy power to top a person while the rest of the group is also taking damage.
Which is weird since historically there has been more OP healers. I saw a reddit post the other day,
is was something like this (from memory, not exact), but it was about the times every spec has been meta (mind you if you look at mythicstats hpal was meta for half of S2 DF and half of SL S2 if I remember correctly).
Rdruid: 8 Times
RshamanL 4 times
Hpal: 3 times tied with Disc
the rest were below 2 times since m+ was introduced.
Beacon being nerfed again in 11.1, nuff said terrible changes. How long til it does nothing and gets removed
Class designer needs to post a video of them completing something higher than a +2.
Good idea, for me, they should test and post them doing a +12 within the time with all class/spec and in the most varied compositions possible. I honestly think this would help.
it really sucks that they are nerfing BOV BOL to 5% used to be 10%. atleast holy shock gets a buff but whats the point if BOV is nerf. we will see. its already bad i cant even get invited to a 10+ dungeons at ilvl 633
hahahahahahahaha god hates paladins, may u all be nerfed into oblivion. Your holy tears will bring us joy.
Worst healer by far at least prot and ret are good
Guys, yesterday I tested my Holy Paladin again (ilvl 638). Beacon of Virtue + Divine Toll barely makes a dent in the groupâs HP. Even after spreading Word of Glory, the healing speed is ridiculously low compared to my Discipline Priest (ilvl 635), who, using Mindbender, two Radiance, Mind Blast, Penance, and Shadow Word: Death, can top off the group much faster.
To make things worse, my newly created Resto Druid (ilvl 616) seems to heal the entire group just as fast as my Holy Paladin. The specâs situation in M+ is truly pathetic. They increased Holy Shockâs healing for the next season but reduced Beacon of Virtue to 15%. I have no idea how this will turn out.
The only time I feel my Holy Paladin powerful is when Iâm using Herald of the Sun + Avenging Wrath (2min CD), but both Discipline Priest (MindBender, Resplendor 2x, Mind Blast, Penance, S.W: Death) and Resto Druid (HoTs em todo o grupo + Ărvores + Convoke) can do something similar with much lower cooldowns.
Itâs weird how true this is regarding several different aspects of a 20 yr old game. Did they hire a bunch of 19 yr olds who dont play WoW or something?
this is how I feel even in 5mans. im seriously just going to quit playing hpal and just do prot pal. i enjoy that a lot. i have other 80 level toons i can heal with.
dude exactly. this class design is so dumb.