Holy Paladin and 2h Intellect weapons

Please remove 2h int weapons from Holy’s loot table.

We can’t use shield of the righteous with it equipped. It’s not a holy weapon.

If I get a 610 one from a delve map I will be very upset


I got a 597 champion from Tier 7 delve… so frustrating!

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Same thing happened to me. 597 2h int sword out of a delve. It’s doubly annoying as Herald, since the offensive portion of Dawnlight can only be applied with SotR as it’s our only offensive spender. That kind of ilvl bump can’t really be ignored from a throughput perspective so it’s deeply frustrating to have to choose to break half of my hero talents’s central mechanic. And if these trees are meant to be evergreen, it’s a problem that’s going to persist.

If they want to keep the fantasy alive for other classes (who sacrifice less) with access to non-staff int 2handers, the other option is changing SotR to Divine Storm for holy, so it can be used with all weapons.

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I have to say that despite taking advantage of 2h from crafting a healing weapon, I’m not a fan of them either. I feel more “Paladin” with a single hand and shield.

Divine Storm isn’t the answer. It’s not what we need

Light of Dawn should be the replacement. It’s essentially SotR but insanely better.

SotR - 5 yards, 3 HP, hits everything in a Frontal.
LoD - 12 yards, 3 HP, hits everything in a Frontal.

LoD firstly is unique to Holy Paladin, visually aswell, I think all specs should have similarities, Judgment, Hammer of Wrath, Crusader Strike etc. but also have its own unique flare to keep specs distinct enough from one another especially when it comes to spenders.

Prot - Shield of the Righteous.
Ret - Divine Storm.
Holy - Light of Dawn.

I’ll further explain, SotR is another contribution on why Holy Paladin dps is so low. Firstly it requires us literally to be ontop of the main target so we get its pity cleave, we have to be in melee, the ability can be cast regardless if it will hit or not, your target moves it can miss, when chasing moving targets it whiffs a lot, doing any type of mechanic we can’t use it.

Light of Dawn will give Holy Paladins that extra breathing room, more range is such a huge QoL allowing us to dps running to a target, chasing and has a better option to hit more targets. The heal it does on the side while abysmal especially in M+ infact the spell alone literally never casted, would be a nice help.

Light of Dawn really is Shield of the Righteous but better in every way, not forget to mention it has amazing visuals that sadly in 3/4 of the content will be never seen.

Delves, PvE and PvP it’s simply not pressed only in Raid.

Let LoD have some damage to it, let Holy Paladins, just like Ret have a spender with a little range, let me cleanse my enemies souls with purging holy light.

Holy Paladin focus is you know in its name being Holy, we should uniquely wield the light to be offensive.

This then opens up 2h or 1h/shield giving players the preference but aswell help Holy immensely. We need a little range to continue our dps when healing isn’t needed but if we can’t get into melee to be ontop of the target.

Holy can build Holy Power in any situation, range or melee yet to spend it we can’t. Considering 11.0.5 they removed that being in our consecration boosts WoG and SotR damage and healing, theirs really no excuse anymore to not make the change.

I wouldn’t even consider it “Ranged” but just the same QoL they’ve given to Ret, they still melee but the added range abilities have gotten was huge.


My preference is to allow SotR to be used without a shield, but either one or the other is necessary.

Wait 2h int wpns still exist? I thought they went away with legion, atleast for holy.

I know other classes use 2h int, just figured it was removed for pallies.

Is it a warbound item? Because i got a int trinket as ret. That was an extra reward though.

Nope Stonevault drops one, using it on my Holy Pally :joy:

I really like this take on it.

Yep they still exist. Look up “Mana-Lined Slab Slicer”. That’s what dropped at 603ilvl from the end of a bountiful 8 delve and triggered me.

Evoker weapon…

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I’ve made a similar post on the PTR thread, go and show some support. Hopefully Blizzard sees this and makes changes.

But currently I’m using the 2h Int Mace from Stonevault, as the ilvl and Intellect increase out scaled my crap 1h/shield, I honestly simply don’t SotR just spam heals until a 1h drops.

My proof :joy: btw my ilvl would be insanely higher if Wrists ever decide to drop. :expressionless:

Edit: Vault got me 1h I can finally dps again properly.

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The only weapons i’ve gotten from any caches so far have been 2H int weapons. It is very frustrating, Many complaints about this for years now. No apparent changes on the horizon.

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Can you at least toss some str on these 2hs so I can use them for ret?

I was about to suggest you can use the 2 hand in raid at least so QQ … But your post has swayed me. LoD doing damage really is the fix we need. They literally could just change the sotr talent into one that makes LoD do damage in addition to healing. This would fix a big chunk of holy dps issues whilst making LoD a relevant spell again and it would be minimal effort for the devs. Excellent suggestion. A+ post. Everyone up vote this guy so maybe someone at blizz will see it.

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I would have agreed with you until I read the post above yours. Read it and up vote it. It is the way.

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Not even really :joy:. Doty wog too good…

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I’m a little torn on Light of Dawn as a dps ability. As it is, our options are LoD for aoe healing, or SotR for damage, and with talents we can get SotR to additionally heal some, but not as much as LoD.

LoD doing the healing it already does, plus damage, might be more than blizzard wants to give us. Maybe something like LoD causing our Consecration to flare up for decent damage, I dunno.

The issue with SotR being our dps spender has to many restrictions to be used in modern day wow. Seriously the amount of movement required, mechanics to dodge is more then ever.

Personally I have a vendetta against SotR cause of how bad it is.

I’ve had mobs literally take one step and the ability still goes off and misses, tank is pulling packs and apparently even though they grouped up while chasing it hits one target or simply misses.

SotR is really contributing to our low DPS aswell, like I’ve continued to mention, we literally have to be ontop of the target to spend our HP as dps. I’m in no way saying changing Holy how it works, but seriously if LoD was our spender for dps I guarantee you our dps will rise instantly even if tuned as is currently as we will have more uptime casting the spell.

Currently if moving, doing mechanics, have to be slightly away from the target, regardless how tuned SotR is, we still won’t be able to cast it. It’s zero dps regardless.

I’m simply asking for the same QoL Retribution has gotten, which personally I think worked insanely well and the community loved. LoD has literally the same range as Final Verdict so they can still dps during movement and mechanics.

Retribution has 4 primary mid ranged melee abilities, Judgment, Hammer of Wrath, Blade of Justice and Final Verdict.

This change will make Holy Paladin just as efficient.

Holy will have the 4 primary mid ranged abilities aswell, Judgment, Hammer of Wrath, Holy Shock and Light of Dawn.

Holy, just like Retribution will still be melee, we still need to Crusader Strike, place Consecration, Rebuke and Hammer of Justice, just we get the same added QoL.

All talents that effect SotR just get moved onto LoD, Lightforged Blessing, Shining Righteousness and Strength of Conviction. But as a reminder Strength of Conviction is getting removed entirely in 11.0.5 rework. So really it’s two talents, one that just help sustain ourselves an 2 others and the other will make every 5 LoD’s grant a free LoD or WoG.

Seriously it’s not a hard change to make.

Glad you like the suggestion, post on the thread, bump it, hoping Blizzard sees it and takes it into consideration. We can only hope.

just got one … 610 … Mana-Lined Slab Slicer - frickin Intellect 2H sword

eff that blizz. and the trinket I got as an option sucks.

Change it!


They could just replace the sotr talent with"LoD does X damage but it’s heal is reduced by X " or “only heals X targets” or whatever to balance it.

There are two options they have.

Either remove SotR completely, which they don’t seem to want to do, or at least give us a talent to let us use 2h and still use it.

Either would work.

Alternative, I’m also a fan of LoD being turned into a DPS button as well but they still want us to talent into making it’s range not terrible so…thats unlikely to ever happen ever.