Holy Paladin and 2h Intellect weapons

Just got the same one. Actually so mad. What’s even worse is I swapped my loot spec to ret after so I don’t get the same one again, then it gives me a 603 one for ret. Games trolling me.

There are two 1H intellect weapons that blacksmiths can craft if you are unlucky with raid drops, as well as a shield.

They will need 15 points in longblades or axes to make them. Obviously maxing out these trees will give them a better chance to make it at the highest ilvl - using concentration helps of course.

There is also a 2H intellect mace that can be crafted - I did this for myself because I knew it will be weeks before I get through the Armor tree to shields.

1H intellect drops are competed for by multiple classes, so relying on raids to get them would take too long.

Maybe they could change Breaking Dawn.
1 point: Extends Light of Dawn to 25 yards, and enemies within 10 yards take damage on cast
2 points: Extends Light of Dawn to 40 yards, and enemies within 25 yards take damage on cast

It would keep us mid-range, like an evoker, and in keeping to paladins’ melee-focus, and it could be thematic in that the Light of Dawn burns so brightly the closer it is to the Paladin (like with our mastery) such that enemies are seared by the purity of that light.