Holy mama, that's one big maintenance schedule

So upsetting that Blizzard hasnt announced a date. Too many threads come and gone and twitch streamers explaining the madness. Transparency and all quiet is their new normal. SMH :rage::rage::rage::rage:

Iā€™m hoping my M+ key history gets fixed with the maintenance.

Blizzard, maybe? The launcher and service status forums both say 1hr WoW maintenance and slightly longer Battle.net maintenance. See here:

Here too:


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Then why would Blizzard post this?


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Dunno, but the launcher still says 1hr for me and the service status forums havenā€™t been updated either.

In a twitter response they said that 5 am to 1 pm is how long wow will be in maintenance

Well in the past hour, the Devs confirmed WoW maintenance would go from 5:00 AM TO 1:00 PM.

Looks like they will be doing some wow maint. and bnet maint.


WoW is just getting a extra 2 hours for some reason but in a twitter response they did say that 10 am- 1 pm time was for wow

Its because once you set a date, people will freak out if it changes.

For all we know there is a range they are looking at, based on how things go. They may push it back a week. They could push it forward a week.

But if Blizzard states ā€œ8.2 will be out in 8 weeksā€, and it comes out in 7 weeks or 9 weeks for whatever reason, people will riot. ā€œWHAA BLIZZARD R LIARZā€


People will always riot thats a given :joy::joy::joy::clinking_glasses:

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it never usually lasts the entire time.

Itā€™s when they plan for it to be short that it takes 4 extra hours.

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People act like maintenance is some huge deal. Itā€™s maintenance. If it were going to be 8.2, there would have been an announcement for ending PvP season and M+.

Thereā€™s always backend stuff that gets taken care of for major upcoming patches in earlier maintenances. And for all we know, theyā€™re also fixing the issues they had with the authentication servers, as well.

Why people get all dramatic about the length is beyond me. Maintenance days can be short or long. Itā€™s maintenance days. At this point after 15 years, no one should ever plan on doing much of anything before the late afternoon in WoW on maintenance days.


Because a 8 hour maintenance schedule is to long for just maintenance. Itā€™s also rare. Unless a new expac releases or a patch rolls out.

But we donā€™t know yet

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So is clicking that link you posted, that sends you to some bogus site.

It existed earlier.

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If it was for 8.2 I would have expected a Q&A last week announcing it. Maybe theyā€™re just laying the groundwork for it and it will be out next week. Or maybe theyā€™ll just go ā€œSurprise!ā€ tomorrow. I shall prepare popcorn for the complaint threads tomorrow in any event. :slight_smile:

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Allot. A change control person on server maintenance is stressful.

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They updating both retail and classic, so long maintenance times between now and when they drop is my guess.

Yup, Eveara. Iā€™ve been playing since vanilla and this is one of the longest maintenance periods theyā€™ve ever had. That includes expacs or major patches. This is a good thing since it means that 8.2 and Pathfinder 2 is close.