Popped on to my Holy Paladin today. Oh my god, what a joke. The damage wasn’t even good before, and now they’ve both removed glimmer and nerfed Holy Shock’s DPS. Why, Blizzard? I get the crusade against passive damage… but if healers choose to use their globals & resources for active DPS, they should be rewarded with damage that is at least semi-ok. I mean, I don’t want to have to swap to Ret just to do solo world content.
Prepatch damage was worse than season three, it just keeps going down hill. So annoying, healers and tanks should do the same damage
It’s really funny that you made this topic, because I recently almost nope’d out of the Kobolod world quest because how long it was taking to kill… two of them hahaha. I got lucky and a dps player showed up but yeah, it’s really bad like the past couple of seasons. I don’t like respec’ing either, it messes up my muscle memory to be honest.
Also what did they do to flash of light? It’s so bad now… like really bad. And I think divine toll is bugged at times and doesn’t actually cast holy shock like it should (I don’t know how to replicate it, because sometimes it does work which is even more scary). Big yikes…
Sorry, but people who choose to quest as a healer and complain about it are just weird. You could literally just swap to prot without even changing gear and mow thru quests…
Healer and tanks should do the same amount of damage
I don’t agree with this.
We make the argument that tanks shouldn’t have great damage and sustain with self healing and defenses because they become immortal gods.
So it wouldn’t make sense that healers (who are completely self sustaining) would do similar DPS.
Weird? Why, thank you for the compliment, normal people repulse me!
I always cleared campaign with rsham, and it always felt fluid, including this expac. I’m less concerned about questing with hpal than mythic+. I think it’s disappointing our dps output still hasn’t been addressed after… oh… two seasons now. Shrugs
I said SAME amount of damage. That means either bring healers up or tanks down
Tanks were nerfed to the point where they can’t self sustain. Healers can.
They should do more damage than healers.
Devs fear the shockadin builds but they need to see the light!
What do you mean by “self sustain”
Are you talking about open world pve?
In mythic Plus, a healer will get destroyed, raid also. Literally no reason a healer shouldn’t do same DMG as a tank
To be fair, the issue isn’t that healers shouldn’t do lower dps than tanks or dps, it’s that holy paladin specifically does significantly less damage than other healers. Healers obviously shouldn’t do the best damage, but holy paladin should at least be capable of the same damage as other healers when played outside of a group.
To put it into context. my paladin and druid are about the same ilevel. If i go healer on them and take the tooltip damage of judgement, crusader strike, shield of the righteous and holy shock and combine them, they still deal less tooltip damage then the resto druid’s shred.
Even accounting for armor, the druid basically achieves the output of the paladin’s entire baseline kit with a filler ability in a single global with and that’s a trend that holds for basically every other healer.
That’s not to say holy damage can’t end up potentially carried by their hero talents, but they would be working from a place that’s extremely far behind, making holy feel bad to play outside of a group below level 80.
Because our damage is largely tied to hero talents and summer, sadly. Our base toolkit is sorely lacking (which is what you would use primarily for leveling) but we have highly competitive DPS during CDs.
I swear people on these forums haven’t made it past lvl 75 or something, when scaling stops kicking in. I have no issues pulling mobs, dropping bursting lightshard and mowing down mobs. And even without it, HotS absolutely melts. Nothing is stopping you from running AC in open world and swapping to AW for dungeons.
I’ve been levelling as holy and I haven’t found it bad at all. Sure it’s not as fast as ret but I never really felt it was too slow.
this is a trash take. all specs should be able to quest and not everyone enjoys having to play more than one spec. just because it’s good for doesn’t mean it is for everyone else. you’re not the main character and your perspective isn’t the only one that matters
Point out where I said healers couldn’t quest… Go on, I’ll wait. Or you could forego further embarrassing yourself and just stop now.
oh you’re so salty my popcorn could use a little salt. keep going got any more for me?
You don’t know what irony is, do you?
oh wow, keep it coming. you sure showed me