Holly Longdale - New Executive Producer of WoW

I don’t disagree. That one, possibly two spec class, may actually be fun.

But it’s a big difference from ANY iteration of new classes or races, we have ever seen before. 1 class that can only be that one race. That one race can only be that one class.

I’m just alluding to the fact that, WoW is giving less and less with each expansion, which is a stark correlation to what happened with Everquest 2 and Everquest, after SOE dissolved, sold the EQ franchise to Daybreak Games.

Where Holly Longdale, the current Executive Producer of WoW (announced, kinda, today) spent the majority of her career.

Literally microtransaction in game store buttons and SALES ON THE IN GAME STORE banners as soon as you log in, and time gating, while minimally releasing content, vampirically siphoning the lifeblood of the EQ franchise to actual death. So dead actually, that without buying the $200 collectors edition expansion pack for current EQ2 retail expansion releases, you can’t participate in dungeons or raids. Because the collectors edition comes with player power that is REQUIRED to even look at monsters in any dungeons.

The person behind that, is now leading WoW. And now look at our expansions.

Minimized. Time Gated. Repeated Systems. BOOSTS! MICROTRANSACTIONS! TOKENS!

Blizzard selling itself to Microsoft is the big piece that ties this all together.

There is a ton of “washing of ones hands” going on with the entire Blizzard Franchise, and by the looks of it, “preserving the old legacy of Blizzard” is what’s on the table, rather than re-defining it.

In a company that is for-profit. That basically translates to, milk what we can as much as we can for as long as we possibly can.


Some people REALLY want this game to die. You’d think after seeing these kinds of threads since the games release i wouldn’t be surprised but…im surprised people are still calling it like they’re the first to say ded gaem.

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Sounds like maintenance mode to me.

Ion said in his interview with Asmongold we get 4 “old” dungeons and 4 “new” dungeons in Dragonflight.

So a maintenance mode version of what we used to get. Half the dungeons. Now “Timewalking” is a feature for a new expansion, apparently.

The other 4 “new” dungeons will come in a later patch…

no MMORPG rules forever, my son.

WoW’s reception has been cooling for years now. It makes sense to go into maintenance mode. I’d fully expect 10.0 to be the last or the second-to-last expansion.

That is how the M+ season rotation will play out.

There are still 8 new dungeons from the start. Playable via dungeon finder.

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No. She’s female and experienced.

It’s not small :man_shrugging:
Just uninteresting.

I think your expectation is way too high, Blizzard is not Riot or Valve. big company like Riot can poach big names, or any super talented artists they want, even from within Blizzard itself.

That isn’t true for Blizzard, when many of your employees either get poached, start their own company, or outright quit, you have to deal with what you can have. You can’t be picky.

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I forgot.

Smol Indie Company.

Microsoft has entered the chat

Blizzard is still Blizzard, quality isn’t something they’re known for, being bought by Microsoft doesn’t change that.

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That is a very big stretch there…

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Wait, so she became Executive Producer today and you are blaming her for past WoW expansions, including one that has been in the works for years before she was promoted?

I am not sure how that works. The expansion after SL is also already started, but she will have significant influence on that so that might be a good place to judge what impact she has, if any, on the franchise.

Further, decisions on financial models are above the individual game franchises usually. While they may have input, the $$ suits call the shots there.

It has been 17 years, and yet, the game is not dead, despite the Doomers :woman_shrugging:

I am actually looking forward to Dragonflight. Looks more relaxed, encourages more exploration, more casual friendly (that is me!), etc. Shadowlands is interesting in some ways, but certainly not my favorite expansion so a change will be nice.


Congrats to Holly Longdale! No more old boys club! Players, please step into the 21st century!

Her resume can be read to assume that, its not that big of a leap honestly. Shes good at maintenance mode and blizz just finished the sale to microsoft. She keeps it simple and stable and boom easy money flow. Business wise easy play, customer satisfaction risky.

Please cite one example of me blaming Holly Longdale for previous expansions.

The direction the company has been spiraling towards for years, is the disease. Promoting the “Master of Dead MMORPG Profitability” to an executive position, is merely a symptom of the disease.

Daybreak Owns the Everquest Franchise. Holly Longdale was the Executive Producer at Daybreak Games. Not Everquest. Everything is not Activision-Blizzard.

For all intensive purposes, Microsoft owns Blizzard now. Microsoft would have a major leadership role in deciding who is leading the company at this point, as is customary during the process of a transaction. You don’t just go hire Dr. Karvorkian to run your hospital a month after you agreed to sell it to someone, without them knowing about it and signing off on it, on a piece of actual paper, so that they don’t come back later and sue them for some of that money back.

Microsoft studied the direction the company is going, and decided that Holly Longdale, would be a perfect fit, for the future vision of the company…

Neither is Everquest. But you can’t even do a dungeon in that game without buying the $200 expansion pack. That’s right. The collectors edition platinum upgrade has a battle mount, that you ride in combat, and is player power, everything from health, mana, defensive stats like dodge, secondary and tertiary stats like, crit, haste, doublecast, all on this $200 mount that can ONLY be bought. You can’t “earn” the equivalent in game, whatsoever, let alone, fairly easily. it doesn’t exist. You have to buy it.

Plus all the extra addons to unlock different “features” in the game to be able to get the stats and abilities required. That you have to pay for, separately… on the “in game shop”. Plus the huge amount of being required to do old content, for still current items and upgrades, or you can just buy it on the in game shop instead.

I mean, I’m no doomsayer. I remember people saying WOTLK was dead. Heh…

But I think the game is at least going into a completely new direction that will adversely affect, a lot of people.


I think a developer - maybe Ion - stated the Dragon Isles are bigger than Northrend even with only five zones compared to nine.

The 4 new and 4 old dungeons only pertains to M+ seadons . Normal and heroic will get all 8 new dungeons .

Ill be coming back to see whos right because yall are arguing a 50/50 game here :rofl: it can go good or bad so fast


And Mythic 0.

That may be true, but wanna know one of the best things Holly was @ Daybreak for?

Gave P99 the go ahead to run their servers - people play the good stuff for free.

Daybreak was fine with server software that lets you run your own EQ server in your house - you can customize it as you want and no one at Daybreak is going to come after you.

Hopefully she will do the same at Blizzard - I have a PC running the EQEMU software that could easily run a WoW server if Blizzard ever offically gave the ok (I would never do it otherwise - yeah I know they are out there - my account was made on day 1 and not gonna lose everything I have done since then)