Holinka is leaving

Just strange the community gives him a pass

What pass? Praising someone who publicly have a crap about our aspect of the game is not a “pass” lol. Acting like he was responsible for balance however is just ignorant.

Everyone involved in the hell that was pvp from legion to DF leaving is good news.
Idk if he was involved in pvp but thats my message.

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fraudulent, setback was a priest main warlock alt all of SL

this is my nominee without a doubt

is that why my ret isnt buffed yet

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He needed more time to spend at the gym.
Hey watch at pvp get even worse now, 100% forgotten. People will beg to have him back.

11 years
 Doubt his replacement will be as vocal if they don’t have similar tenure

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He left at some point then returned so I am not 100% positive he was in charge of PvP during these expansions (I know he was in Legion), but I don’t blame whoever was in charge of PvP for any of that because they don’t really have control over the game to that degree. The PvE devs/Ion decide how an expansion is going to go and the PvP devs have to make PvP work within that framework. I think it really limits what they can do with gearing and other stuff since it can’t infringe upon the PvE gearing process/anything PvE realted to any meaningful degree.

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so then whos gonna be in charge of pvp now? Timmy from accounting? or unpaid intern Bob?


:woman_facepalming: :woman_facepalming: :woman_facepalming:
i can see it now. pvp vendors removed, templates reinstated. and if we dont like it “its a skill issue”

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Nope he is going to join Ghostcrawler, who left riot and made his own company.

He was re-assigned during Legoin to another project and then came back at the end of BfA as lead combat design.

ya exactly. when he returned, his position was above just focusing on pvp.

Ya I mean when he was lead PvP dev he actually had more to do with PvP then since he oversaw everything PvP. Now the only thing he deals with is the combat design part of PvP while also working on everything that has to do with combat design. A lot of people don’t even know he isn’t a PvP dev anymore.

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where did your forum post go?

Congrats Graham Berger on your promotion

Hey that was only S3 and that was to dabble and push glad with Ballin. I did enjoy the challenge though of learning SP/Lock in one season and pushing glad to with it.

I’ve since set my focus to my 4 prize possessions. Soon to be a 5th idk the name yet

I feel like just the experience of learning a new spec makes me better at fighting and dealing with them.

I used to loathe ele’s but now that I understand them better from playing it I find them a bit more manageable.

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great mentality and very true

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make a rogue named “stepback”

also could make the 5th mage named “setbackwards” or something.



it’s just a warrior