Holinka is leaving

The good news is we might have a chance to get Ashran out of the queue now.

The bad news is I bet PvP gear gets gutted next expansion. Again.

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Sad. Holinka had the direction of PvP going in a positive direction, regardless of I disagreed with the direction of reducing CC duration or not.

Gearing, balance, pace while not perfect are in the best state since pre legion.

Thank you Holinka for your contributions to the game I love.


Id like to nominate a council of players / forumers to chart the future of PvP. In no particular order:

  • Setback (dps that rides or dies with his spec no matter its state of power)
  • Doors (the everymans healer)
  • Larryenticer (sees PvP from the LGBTQ perspective, gotta be all inclusive these days)
  • Grandpajim (voice of reason and pragmatism)
  • Zowrn (outside consultant brought back from days of yore, true OG str8 zugger, unafraid to trinket a pet nova)

This is the way.

EDIT: F me how could I forget Klungo. No explanation needed.


I have a theory that Ghost Crawler and Holinka are starting up a small Indy company to make a top notch mmorpg the likes of which the world has never seen before.

Then sell it for a tidy profit…

Oh wait, they already did that with WoW :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Brian who?


Good maybe they can hire someone who knows how to balance


Sad to see him go. I seriously doubt we get anyone better or more passionate about the game to replace him.


wym i loved ashran. they just needed to not tie a bis trinket to an rng drop from it!

He will just be replaced by a diversity hire.


Ghost Crawler left Riot saying he needed to spend time with surviving family and was a family priority decision. A couple days later the dude started a new studio and now going after big talent. Surely they’ll make something big… and sell it lol

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huh? he was responsible for the talent revamp

Cool so hes the one responsible for monks being garbo and warlocks ripping planets in half

And turning warriors into feral druids and leaves group when it happens like lmao you cant make this up

Johnny, I hardly knew ya.

The talent tree themselves are a VAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAST improvement over the crappy 3 choice old ones. The fact that Monk trees are a mess are just them forgetting we exist because we’re the game’s redheaded step child class.


Thank god he’s gonna be gone


:laughing: :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Yall are gonna hate me this but PvP went downhill with the burst meta when he became PvP lead…


Oh no. Anyway,

Idk why people say Holinka is so good at his job when we just had BFA and SL


Well he actually communicated, and tying expansions to one guy (who wasn’t the pvp dev) is unfair.