Holinka is leaving

i dont remember asking dawg sit down and let bramot spank you

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can’t get spanked if youre sitting down. you’ve already failed the cognitive part of the interview.

Cmere boy and gimmie those cheeks


Holinka was my Horseman of the WoW Apocalypse.

I told myself if/when he ever left Blizzard, WoW is probably nearing its end.



You failed the part of speaking when no one asked

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dh players

yeah I hate em’

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don’t you have stuff to do? Master Bramot will be mad if you dont finish your chores

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I’d say balance, and design is where Blizzard is really lacking more than connectivity, tbh.

Though I will say their updates have worked poorly since DF launched. I’ve got to start/stop, close the client, then reopen to get it to work every single time. Lol

Scrabber is that you buddy?

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i was explaining to him on a different thread how theres no way to know if a player was purposely disconnected or accidentally. and something like TCP is a very basic fundamental in coding. sure its a networking thing, but everyone who codes knows what the hand shaking protocol is.


There’s no reliable way to differentiate unexpected DCs from intentional DCs.

If there were, Blizzard would have implemented it.

All Blizzard sees is a player has DCed. The player’s computer has stopped acknowledging Blizzard’s packets and is no longer sending its own packets to Blizzard. Blizzard doesn’t know why that happened.


yep. when a dc happens its because there was a loss of packets which completely ends communication within the network. all you have to do is unplug your modem and blizzard wouldn’t know the difference.

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You can run analytics software to get an idea of someone is disconnecting if you wanted to. It will trend behavior, but who wants to invest money into that or allow that on your home machine. Figured out someone had their modem plugged into a power outlet that was controlled by a wall switch that way.

sure but you couldn’t know if it was purposeful or not. not losing points because you dced instead of left leaves room for exploitation.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Biebz your a heathen!

That is why it looks for trends in behavoir, and helps you predict. But to what extent would a company want to do that, seems like a waste of resources.

yep exactly. better to say that if someone has dc problems than they need to iron it out with their ISP. if the disconnecting is due to blizzards servers than they should do something to fix that and the person disconnecting would have a better complaint.

I still haven’t forgiven Holinka for Ashran