Holding loot rolls hostage

What gives? Noticing a lot more players just waiting around and people leaving because they are holding up rolls. I thought they added a system where it’s mailed to you regardless if you left. If not it should really be in place because of roll ninjas and the likes.


There’s a countdown timer on loot rolls that defaults to “pass” when it runs out, no?
So how impatient are these people?

As for mailing of items:

  • It at least applies to the Satchel of Goods you receive at the end. My bags were full, and the item was mailed to me.
  • But I doubt it covers all the cases covered in Retail.

It’s just one way to get the roll. They wait for the last second to click need. If it means as much to you then stay and wait for the roll to count.

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It could just be confirmation bias, but I definitely remember original cata would mail you a piece that you won after leaving an instance. This is not functioning in Classic, along with other nice little benefits to the loot rolling system from Cata, like how winning a “need” roll on a BoE would bind it to you, and the roll to disenchant button.


Ive seen players do this and even vote kick the remaining player(s) who have already rolled and are waiting on them to click need to guarantee chaos orbs.


tbh since this is a thing in at least retail
im guessing it means it’s a problem and they fixed it but idk what expac that was

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It’s taking advantage of a system. Is that system flawed? Sure but developers need to fix that not players.


What do you mean impatient? People want their loot, not to wait for some troll or tryhard to sim stuff (if they wanted to sim stuff they could have done it while doing the dungeon.)


its not a guarantee tho, if the winning player gets kicked (also idiotic to allow votekick feature to run AFTER dungeon completion) the abusive piece of smelly dog turd wont be getting the item either

Its pure grieving at that point

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Mailing system outside a few key items is tweaked and in MOP, down to the greys.

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Pretty sure this is a non-issue… I’ve had multiple pieces mailed to me after rolling and immediately taking another queue or leaving a lfr.

Pretty sure you have no idea where you’re posting. This is for cata classic, and doesnt work how you suggest it does for you. Move around.


there’s nothing better than waiting to the very last second and rolling and hoping you leave the dungeon so I can get that 39 gold for myself thanks

This kind of lack of quality is what made me delete all my classic stuff. It’s rampant and they don’t care.

Also did the important part and deleted my payment method as well.

Taking advantage of a system in a game that’s 15 years old to steal items makes you one of the most pathetic people on earth

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I have hated this need/greed loot system in WOW since I started playing it in 2007. Personal loot systems are superior design.


I’d have it the best too.

Taking my leveling 80s hunter in the dungeon runs.

Retail has this personal and it’s the fairest least schemed way. Rng just hates you, move on. Some loot rules follow class rules.

It avoids bad feelings and drama. Like I have the now 80 ish hunter leveling.

I’ve lost 308 agility to strength based classes winning need. But I got the a 308 bow. The only hunter in the crew. No rogues either. 3 needs listed. I got lucky in that one.

Personal would have said unless a rogue or hunter, this is not yours.

And I’d take a rogue winning. I run a rogue, rifle is a stat stick. I used it too when that rogue leveled.

I hold the roll when people are rolling greed in case they decide to roll need, especially on BoE’s. For example, an epic BoE dropped, 3 people rolled greed, the forth rolled need so I rolled need as well and I won it.

Item was worth 50k.

Well then it’s a good thing we don’t do that right?