Holding loot rolls hostage

It’s not taking advantage of anything, we all have the same options, not my fault that they greed and I need. Do you greed Chaos Orbs, do you greed epic BoE’s if you do then you have no one to blame but yourself for missing out on them.

If you’re greeding for gear (which I doubt you do) then even more so.

Need if you need, greed if you want. Unless it’s a high traffic item like Orbs and Epics.

You’ve just spent at least 15-20 minutes in a dungeon.
For which in most cases you’ve spent as long or longer in a queue.
If you can’t wait a minute for a loot roll, then yes, you’re impatient.
Or to put it another way: people who are self-absorbed seem to have difficulty putting their time into perspective with reality.

Ah yes, the ol’I just won’t roll on this orb hoping a few people leave then its hopefully just me or at worse 2 or 3 against just me.

Yeah, probably best just to chill for a few seconds and wait for it to go out. Yeah, its dumb that if you roll on the thing it just wont mail it to you. No, I doubt they will do anything about it.

I have started to litterally type in /afk after the last boss and wait till everyone rolls on the loot. People are being sneaky and waiting so they can get the item and vendor it for a few gold since they know most people will just click greed then leave without thinking. It’s pretty scummy lol. Like it’ll litterally be a piece of gear like a chest plate no one can use that vendors for 26g and some dude always trys to wait till everyone leaves so he’s the only one who gets a roll for that measly 26g. This is the problem with not having the MoP system where it mails to you if you leave and win it.