Hold Up, the Chinese Servers Get the Spectral Tiger and We Get a Toy Pot?

So Blizzard just announced the 6 month subscription bonus world wide, but the Chinese servers are getting the Spectral Tiger on top of the cooking pot that we receive.

What gives? Can we get the Spectral Tiger in Classic Tbc too? Why only China?


The tiger mount is for retail.

Related Article:

It’s nice that you linked it… but did you not read it?

“It is important to note that the Chinese World of Warcraft realms are managed by NetEase and often times will have differences in the game or shop, when compared to other regions.”


I read, but ultimately Blizzard approved this in their game and this feels like a large / unfair difference considering US/EU/Ocean servers don’t have any way to get the Spectral Tiger.


I do agree with this, but the bundle that includes the Spectral Tiger costs about $267 when converted out of Yuan (according to the WoWHead article linked above). I do think this price is absurd for a previously unobtainable mount that has no rarity in TBCC.


Yeah that price is absolutely insane but back in OG TBC it was a $700+ mount, idk I think people would buy it even for $267.

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SQEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE that blood from a stone Blizzard, you can do it!


speaking of not reading…

and is only on Burning Crusade…
That tiger mount is for TBCC
But yes chinese always get diff stuff… tho it’s usually totally different… not something we all had being exclusive to them.
Gotta keep the gold farmer home country satisfied.


Spectral Tiger was cool at first, but over time only represented a person’s willingness to swipe their credit card.

With this 6 month Spectral reward, it’s just a round-about cash shop mount.

This is to say… who cares? Cash shop mounts are lame.


At least the tiger was in the actual burning crusade, unlike some other things…


Yeah the Dark Portal Pass was… interesting.

I wish I was playing in China :frowning:

lol awh your comment was funny. sad delete

Spectral Tiger is everywhere now in Org or Ironforge. Most of the wow classic player in China doesn’t care $300, mount of al’ar always be sold over $1000.



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Blizzard doesn’t manage the Chinese WoW servers moron, NetEase does.

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You realize Blizzard could still give us the same things right?
They have final say.
It’s not like this is some completely unrelated event… 6mo sub reward changed, same time for both regions. We got hosed.
The real moron is you.


more pressing issues than toy pets

It seems you don’t know what the word manage is, nor have any idea of the business partnership with netease. Blizzard doesn’t have the final say. Without NetEase partnership they wouldn’t have any chinese wow servers at all. You should really actually look up the topic instead of shouting random things, all it does is showcase that you are clueless.

It’s bizarre that you would double down on a random claim you made up, but pride is always the likely answer.

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