Hoist the Sails, a Plunderstorm Has Arrived!

right there bub - check yourself acting like you know PvP and then saying you were never on the PvP side

At least that’s WoW content, and exists within the WoW realm/lore/etc etc…

I don’t quite like that our sub money was used to create content that literally has nothing to do with WoW, and is being passed off as a WoW content patch.


WoW playerbase: We want content!!!
Blizzard: Here is some new content
WoW Player base: How dare you give us exactly what we asked for!!

Do you think it’s possible for you miserable cry babies to ever be satisfied or no?


most BR battle-passes the efficient progression path is to either win in 10 minutes or die and re-queue in less than 4 minutes. We shall see.

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I’m still amazed they threw this together but still no dance studio from advertised back in wrath.

They don’t know what we want indeed. Tauren to dance like forsaken. That’s all


Are you kidding? I can see why you didn’t post anything about this, as you knew it would be controversial, at a minimum. Now, you can return to focusing on Season of Discovery and ignoring retail again.


It is mainly PvE. that’s literally the whole of the game with PvP as a side project

This is a hard pass for me. Not big on pirates as a theme and dislike seeing more battle royale games.

I get it’s “new” but it’s not really new is it?


It’s not even in the game. I can’t queue up for it with my character and play it. Other then the skin of wow being over the BR this has nothing to do with WoW.


“We” as a community. I am telling you right now I don’t do pvp anymore. Nowhere did I say I pvp. And it’s because of the premades and horrible class balance, not because I want wow fortnite or to play non-wow characters I am not invested in.

The more some of you respond, the more I wonder if your time might be better spent getting the servers up.


Yeah. In the video, they only mentioned spectator mode as the after-death activity. I hope that there is an option to abandon the game and re-queue as soon as you die.


boring content that should have been a stand alone game.


To be fair, this mode requires an entirely separate launcher. This is more like back when they had the arena servers in BC.

Its to disconnected from wow, plus its a niche and stale game mode that no one really was asking for. Pvp is already a small group of the player base, like very small in comparison, so its very understandable why people are upset because its related to player vs player in a game system that has nothing to do with wow, and is sharing only a name.


All the things in the world. And they choose pirates. Doesn’t any of the devs think anything other then pirates and dragons ??


Nothing to do with WoW?

It’s as disconnected from the game as any BG is, with the addition that there’s characters but no classes and you can’t bring your OP individual progression into the competition.

That’s it.

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That’s what’s so funny. Even if this came out 5 years ago, it would have felt late to the party.


Really I question why not make new pvp things? Why a temporary thing like this?


that’s fair, but it seems odd to connect game development with a layoff that involved non-developer employees. like, suppose they laid off 900 janitors and CS reps. why would that be expected to impact the people who develop 3d models or the texture artists or the code people?

These forums are a joke lmfao
This event looks awesome

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Like why not have it murlocs vs gnolls? Far better and more entertaining.