Hoist the Sails, a Plunderstorm Has Arrived!

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I hate FOMO
I hate Limited Edition
I hate digital scarcity
I hate stress
I also have a somewhat dislike for PVP because it includes stress

And you combine ALL of the above…
… STOP!!!


God willing I can just off myself and collect the cosmetics that way instead of having to participate in what I’ve come to recognize as the second worst aspect of this game.


“wahhh they make me pvp so i complain about it wahh”

It surely seems that way.

It’s really not that unusual for people to be disappointed in receiving something other than what they were intending to consume.

Some of the defense seems obligatory on their end. Like it doesn’t matter what you say. “Criticism bad!”


Given how more and more of these comments are very against this content…. It was a very bold move to place a FOMO PvP event on another client that doesn’t use the players characters.

I think this will be a fun cool thing for the select crowd that does PvP, but for the majority of players that don’t… I don’t know. A limited time FOMO PvP event probably isn’t what I would have put out there.

Could have added this event to the main game, that way a player can play their character they’ve had for years while potentially queuing for this event. Allowing that player to do other things. This way, that player now must log into the other version of this game, and only be able to partake in that.

I just don’t see this ending well. Especially given that it has not been widely tested in an open environment, and is bringing about what looks like a bunch of new systems, mechanics, abilities, etc… in a PvP environment.


This IS PVP!


This is not the MMORPG PVP. It’s a PVP Mini-Game unrelated to the MMO.


lol to me this looks like that one place in azure span where you can make yourself super overpowered and blast stuff down crazy fast but some of the things have drawbacks to them. Could be fun! I’m giving it a shot lol even if I’m not good at it. And also new to level 70! Oh man

Oh. There’s no doubt this is not going to be tracking with the community. It’s a benign concept and I think personally had something to do with Blizzard’s recent acquisition. This is a really strange feeling shift of pace, personally.

I’ll be here waiting on my Death Knight rework for an eternity.

it could have crossover effects but yeah its seperate right now - All im saying is that we are getting a form of PvP and “pvpers” are complaining - Yeah not directly in your game - but you have 3 other versions of the game to do pvp in right now - and if you are playing wotlk its already been figured out and you just like smacking you head on a wall cause you like repeating the same thing for the rest of your life

Did I? Show me where. I used to back in the day but not anymore.

You just prove the point that your defense of this patch is not based on actual criticism and instead you need to pigeonhole people into something easier for you to snipe.

Funny considering that this patch is also said to be based on feedback. Which from what I can see, looks like a lie.


If they would have added it to the main game they wouldn’t have been able to easily change everyone’s UI like they have, restrict addons, or allow classic players to play it for free.

It was probably simpler to do those things in a separate mode without worrying about the impact on the main client.

Ugh pvp based off game? Eh I’ll try it likely just to get the mogs.

This sort of person is one of the reasons I avoid PvP. Such a charming community.


IMO they don’t know what they want, no matter what is presented it’s bad apparently.

It’s amazing how many posts claim to speak for the whole player base about a thing that no one has actually experienced yet, all hell is breaking loose though.

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Gonna be easy to fill an entire group, though. “Pirate” is essencially a neutral class, no roles, etc. Might just take a few seconds to join a match.

I’ll give it a shot. I’m not sure it will be my cup of tea, but at least it is something new to do when I log in to WoW.

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Because its not the pvp that pvpers are interested in, thats what your not getting.

Ok imagine you are someone who loves the battlefield games, and your really into FPS, right. Then Battlefield says “Hey we are gonna give you more content.” And then they deliver a battlefield card game.

Thats not what the poeple that play battlefield like, thats not why they play battle field. Thats the situation here. So trying to say "Oh its totally for the pvp players’ its not, because this is not what pvpers want.

The last time we got a new battle ground was what…BFA? and that one is not even a rated BG.


Some of the friends I play WoW with are excited to play this. But they’re the sorts who enjoy battle royale games outside of WoW in the first place.

I’m not planning to play it, but I will if my friends want to.


(Would be cool if we could get some more adjustments to Mythic Fyrakk, though. Less than 700 kills on him worldwide, this is the least completed raid since Crucible and well below even Eternal Palace.)

Yep, super disappointed, back to leveling in Wrath Classic.


What are you even talking about? WOW has always been a PVE story game with pvp as a mini game lol