[H/N-Rp] The Wolfmane Tribe Recruitment Open

I heard someone was asking if we had a forum thread so here it is!

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Book 4: Unyielding Death

With their trials against the void lord N’zoth in Pandaria and with the rescue of Baoshii from the Fel Skull Reavers the Wolfmane were at last able to return home to Kalimdor to prepare for the coming fall and winter seasons.

Following along with the newly allied captain, the Wolfmane landed in the port of Ratchet. Laden with new experiences, supplies and even a couple new members of the tribe they began the long march back to Thunder Bluff through the passes that had become quintessential for their nomadic ways. Along the journey, the return to the bluffs was a welcome sight. The lodge in which the Wolfmane stayed was not empty this time of year of course, but reuniting with the others who had stayed behind while the Wolfmane joined the Azeroth Coalition against the void became a reprieve many would not soon forget.

Weeks passed for the tribe in relative peace from this point forward, with it bringing the arrival of another new member in the Tauren Karshassi and the Pandaren Xun. Some days for the tribe were spent resupplying the tribe or aiding the other tauren in the bluffs, and the times ahead were set to be peaceful indeed.

With the relative peace brought on by the armistice between the horde and alliance, the Wolfmane set forth to prepare for the changing seasons with the Summer Dance of the Earth Mother. Somewhat distinctly, the dance was held in the primarily goblin city of Ratchet and welcomed all races and creeds to come and join in the festivities to bring the Earthmother to the next season. As tribe members celebrated and joined with others in the calm since the defeat of the Void Lords, other matters began to stir.

Chapter 1: Dominus

One of the new aspirants of the tribe, the worgen Mertelm, informed the chieftain and several other tribe members of troubles he’d been facing since even before he met them in Pandaria. The worgen had been at one time possessed by a powerful void being named Dominus. Though Mertelm had escaped in time, it was still a harrowing period for him. To Chieftain Dahote and the tribe, he asked for assistance in tracking down and locating the void lord and putting a final stop to it once and for all.

Chieftain Dahote agreed and Mertelm along with several Wolfmane trackers were sent to locate Dominus. Most of the tribe was still recovering in Thunder Bluff when the void lord’s location was discovered, a seemingly abandoned tower far in the deserts of Tanaris. Mertelm had warned the tribe that the creature was not to be trifled with, but was happy to have any allies he could in defeating Dominus.

The Wolfmane were still scarred from fighting the void in Pandaria, but any threat to the peace and stability they had gained would have to be stopped as early as possible. Those able bodied and strong willed enough to stand once more against the void would soon push south to stop the mad creature. Chieftain Dahote along with Mertelm, Baoshii, Arvelo, Bruhai and Mertelm’s Blademaster ally Bulgan arrived at the tower, facing down several cultists of the void. As they climbed the space, defeating each servant of the gibbering old gods, the presence of the creature grew ever more.

Arriving in the final chamber of the tower, the Wolfmane found themselves face to face with the Void Lord’s oncoming plan. Four pillars swirled with void magic as the unclean being’s monstrous servants pulsed and whispered in their twisted tongue. Dominus laughed at the Wolfmane’s attempts, but claimed he would have enough power to truly manifest within Azeroth itself.

The Wolfmane sprung into action, all members letting out a cry of battle as Mertelm cried out to destroy the pillars that allowed Dominus to manifest. Chieftain Dahote and Bruhai faced off against the servant of Dominus, ducking under tentacles that sprouted from it’s carapaced hide and the blasts of ichor and dark magics. Meanwhile, Mertelm and Bulgan focused their efforts onto the pillars themselves, trying to cut off the channel by which Dominus intended to enter into our realm.

The void lord scoffed at their attempts, but nonetheless made every attempt to destroy the tribe members, summoning forth more abominations from another plane to destroy the gathered forces. Baoshii unleashed his wind blade he’d acquired in Pandaria against the creatures, trying to stave them off as Mertelm and Bulgan delivered blows to the first pillar itself. Dahote called upon the powers of the light to bless his blade, delivering some solid cuts into the armored creature that now bore down upon him as Bruhai crushed and caved in the carapace like paper. Arvelo’s mist magic was enough to sustain the fighters wounds, but even as he maintained the fighting spirits of each member, there was yet more to come.

The first of the pillars binding Dominus soon fell, but not without cost. The creature’s tendrils bored into the minds of everyone present. In the minds of all present whispers of madness called the Wolfmane to join the dark creature. Their minds against the void however and soon Dominus resorted to more direct tactics. With a howl, a shockwave emanated from the nascent void lord, blasting the Wolfmane with a wave of magic. The fight continued, each member bringing to bare what abilities they could as through their combined efforts, another of the pillars fell. Baoshii and Bruhai faced off against another of the summoned void monsters, with the pandaren nearly falling under a barrage of attacks until Mertelm joined the battle, bringing the light to bear on his wounds and his sword to cut down the creature.

Two pillars remained as Dominus summoned another void creature and blasted the tribe with more void magic. The void lord taunted them with warnings that even if he’d been stopped now he would return, his whispers would remain. The Wolfmane held on, with Baoshii joining in the fight to destroy the pillars as Mertelm and Bulgan took over holding

Dominus howled and sent more beams of void to slay the intruders at last, but in the end none of it was enough to stop the Wolfmane. Bruhai and Dahote destroyed the last of the pillars connecting the void lord to Azeroth from wherever he had come, and in a flash all within the tower was left silent. The tribe had won, and Mertelm was free at last to return to the tribe free from his influence.

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Chapter 2: Hunt on the Golden Plains

Some time after the affair with Dominus, Chieftain Dahote felt it a good time to begin instructing many of the newer members of the tribe in more traditional aspects of Tauren and Wolfmane culture. Of the more important of these aspects was the hunt. Among the Shu’halo the hunt was important not only for the resources it brought to the tribe but also for the displays of skill, strength and ingenuity displayed by Shu’halo.

Dahote led the recruits out onto the golden fields of Mulgore, far beyond Thunder Bluff and informed them all of what was coming. Ahead, eating amongst the rolling plains was a herd of kodo that feasted and grazed amongst the rolling hills of tall grass. Those were their targets. Xun, Baoshii, Karshassi and Mertelm were tasked with bringing down some of the herd using their mounts to assist in the affair. The group split into three distinct parts. Their plan was to corner a smaller number of kodo away from the herd where they could strike in tandem. Karshassi and her trained raptor companions along with Mertelm took the southern end of the approach. There the pair found a large copse of trees. They brought their mounts in a wide berth around the herd until they found themselves in the shaded woods. It was from there that Baoshii and Xun, riding on top of Bao’s yak companion Guju took to the side of Dahote.

The chieftain watched the herd with an experienced eye. Soon the moment to strike would come and the gathered hunters would begin. Kodo let out their low growls and grunts, unaware until Dahote let forth a call to attack, alerting the hunters as well as the beasts of the oncoming assault. Bao and Xun rode Bao’s yak Guju to the west, encircling the herd to funnel them between two hills as Dahote drove at the herd from the east. In their panic, the beasts ran south to escape the hunters, right to where the planned ambush would occur.

With some war cries and careful maneuvers, two members of the herd separated from the rest. They lumbered forth towards the copse of trees in order to make their escape from the hunters. It was then that Karshassi and Mertelm let forth their battle cries, leaping out as Baoshii, Xun and Dahote encircled the pair.

In terror the kodo’s lashed out with tail and horn at the mounted warriors, knocking both Baoshii and Dahote from their mounts as they attempted to pierce the beasts’ thick hides with their spears. Karshassi rained down arrows on the creatures as Mertelm and Baoshii brought their weapons to bear. The worgen faced off with a bull with his greatsword and Baoshii with his spear. As the pair squared off against one, chieftain Dahote, Xun and Karshassi wore down the other. Dahote launches himself from his mount, attempting to grapple the beast and get in a solid stab with his spear while it was distracted by Karshassi’s raptors. Xun, now in control of Baoshii’s mount Guju, joined the fervor, attacking from the yak and cutting with several quick strikes. Soon, a few more quick blows ended both of the hulking beasts, and the final act of the hunt would come.

Chieftain Dahote gave instructions to the Wolfmane initiates, guiding them in offering last rites to the beasts as well as proper instruction in taking all the necessary resources from the beasts. Many of these initiates were not familiar with traditional Shu’halo rites, and as such the chieftain guided them through the prayers to the earthmother and for the souls of the slain to pass on in peace.

With the conclusion of the hunt, several members became official aspirants of tribe and truly began their journeys as members of the Wolfmane.

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Chapter 3: Flower Petals on Grim Winds
In the intervening period since their return, one of the Wolfmane’s newest tribe members came down with a mysterious illness. Karshassi had grown more and more weary in a short period of days, eventually succumbing to fits of fainting and heavy fever.
The Wolfmane brought forth every medicine, every spell within the knowledge of the mystics and every conceivable treatment but none could bring stability to the tribe member. It was in this period that a newer member of the tribe, Iskarunta came forth with a suggestion. In her years she had seen a disease like the one afflicting the young tauren and knew of a potential cure. A rare flower that grew amongst the briar filled mounds and homes of the quillboar.

The tribe disliked the idea of descending into the homeland of the pigmen. The creatures were notoriously ferocious even to those offering peace. However, the worse Karshassi’s condition went, the more pressing the need became to obtain it. A warband was arranged, and the tribe descended into the homeland of the closest Quillboar tribe. There they encountered a group of Quillboar from the Razorfen tribe who refused negotiations and attacked. A fierce battle followed between the Wolfmane and the Quillboar, but the Wolfmane came out on top, defeating them and nearly claiming one of the rare flowers needed to to aid their tribemate were it not for an old enemy taking off with the prize… the Grimtotem.

Staging a raid on the Grimtotem would be difficult, but time was of the essence. Giving themselves a few days rest, long enough that Karshassi would still be strong enough to hold on, the tribe launched an attack on the Grimtotem outpost where the thieves had taken the flower they so desperately needed. The leader of this band of Grimtotem, a powerful shaman called down the elements of storm and fire along with his tribesman to clash with the champions of the Wolfmane, but even with his powers and numbers at his disposal, the Wolfmane came out on top. Their foe had been defeated and they could at last cure their tribesman.


I submitted an application. <3

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Received! Sent you a discord link! Can’t wait to meet you in the roleplay!

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I seem to be having a brain malfunction in finding new messages on enjin. XD
I’ll get on a proper computer once im off work.

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Roleplay update: 8/25/2021
(For context, this takes place a ways after the most recent chapter, following up on current rp events we are doing!)

Following the reports of missing caravans several members of the Wolfmane along with two newfound allies, Loquai and Baldivan, ventured out of Orgrimmar to go and investigate what might be happening. First chieftain of the Wolfmane Raton was joined by High Brave Breutex and Xun in the endeavor.

The first stop on their journey was the forward outpost of the horde to the Barrens, Far Watch Post. It was there that the group decided to begin their investigation. Taking the lead on questioning the residents of the post, Xun approached the first individual he saw. An orc by the name of Martang. The line of questioning went… poorly to say the least. The aggressive questioning method Xun employed ended up pushing the orc further and further to anger, until Breutex stepped in, picking the small pandaren up by the scruff in an attempt to deescalate the situation. The group pushed for more information, but it seemed after the poor diplomatic situation there was little information to be gained.

Continuing on their journey, the party arrived at the Crossroads. Raton and the others managed to prevent another diplomatic incident, this time learning from some of the local guard that there had been a few caravans that made it partway through the journey. They’d managed to avoid the undead roaming the lands, but had come under attack by roaming bands of orcs riding worgs.

Using this information, the Wolfmane gathered under the “Soup Tree”, where they planned their next move. One suggestion from the little pandaren Xun of a decoy caravan populated by members of the Wolfmane seemed to carry some merit. It was decided from here, that the Wolfmane’s next move would be one to ambush the ambushers so to speak. With the beginnings of a plan in place, the Wolfmane returned to their camp in Orgrimmar, two new members in tow in Loquai and Baldivan.


It’s time for the plan of action for the Wolfmane! The tribe left from the main gates of Orgrimmar with several empty supply crates in tow, ready to make the journey to Thunder Bluff through the Durotar deserts and the plains of the Barrens.

Following up on the initial plan, Brutus guiding his trust Brutosaur Biscuit, was guarded by Chieftain Dahote, High Brave Breutex, Baldivan, Earenus, Lore Keeper Baoshii, Xun, and Feng. The group made their way safely through the waterlogged areas of western Durotar safely before reaching the barrens. Far Watch Post was a short pass by though Xun was more than happy to showcase his anger towards Martang.

As they left the safety of the post and the protection offered by the horde guard, Baoshii spotted trouble on the horizon to the North. Undead, 4 ghouls shambling their way over the Northern hills to clamor after the living and looking for a quick meal. Though the mission priority was to find the supposed bandits, the Wolfmane turned their might against the undead in short order.

The first wave of the ghouls presented little opposition, likely weakened and desiccated in the dry plains of the barrens. The Wolfmane’s mounted warriors cleaved through the undead with spear and spell alike. Unfortunately more trouble lay on the horizon. Two more waves of undead, closing in from the North and Southern cliffs headed straight for the biggest living creature they could find, Biscuit the Brutosaur with ferocious vigor. Some of the Wolfmane stayed behind to clear the new wave from the north while others turned to face the southern threat. A few warriors took minor wounds, but in the end both groups fell once more and the caravan was safe with nary a scratch on the massive creatures hide.

The remaining journey brought the Wolfmane through the Crossroads and out west to Stonetalon nearly unscathed until they encountered a worrying sight. Near the entrance to the pass were the emptied out remains of two supply caravans, surrounded by the corpses of Tauren, Orcs, Goblins and Trolls. Whoever had slain the guards for this caravan, the undead weren’t behind it. Further examination revealed canine footprints, possibly from large wolves or gnolls? It was impossible to say though many in the Tribe suspected orc riders.

Further examination didn’t reveal much else of the fate of the caravans beyond theory and speculation. With the bodies, the Wolfmane gathered the fallen into a large funeral pyre to save them from the curse of undeath and to return them to the Earthmother before completing the last leg of their journey. Passing through Stonetalon Pass without incident, the Wolfmane arrived in Thunder Bluff, ready to gather supplies and prepare for the next part of their journey back.


In the week between the supply run, Loquai decided to take several members of the Wolfmane on a mission of gathering and healing. Looking to aid allies not only in the tribe but with the Argent Crusade, he lead an expedition into the deserts of Durotar to look for a special medicinal herb called Glimmerleaf. Joined by Brutus, Vanskral, Peace Chieftain Huwah, Gotosh, Sermina and Haikili, the group went into the desert evening to gather the plants. There was one difficulty with glimmerleaf though, the plants could only be found easily at night through the reflection of Mu’sha’s light upon their blades.

The tribe set out to find the leaves with some luck as they explored a number of locations. The first, a small hilly outcropping of stone provided a modest haul of the needed plants, with the members of the tribe spotting and gathering a few plants among the stones.

The next location brought more… challenge to the tribe, finding more of the herbs sprouting from rocky pillars that rose high into the heavens. For these, the tribe used a variety of methods to reach them. Some by teamwork such as Brutus and Haikili supporting each other in a climb. Others found them through strength such as Renus and Sermina braving the high climb to reach some of the higher spots. Lastly, Huwah was able to reach the peaks of the stones through the aid of elemental spirits of wind carrying him to the very top to find the last glimmerleaf sproutings.

The final location, and one where Gotosh was able to meet the tribe, was a series of wide hills, pockmarked with holes and jagged stones. The hillside glittered with more of the glimmerleaf sproutings but also belied another danger entirely. Snakes were known to reside in the hills as well, and the tribe would need to be careful.

As each member of the tribe braved the hills, starting towards the bottom and climbing their way to the top, all gathered more and more of the precious herbs, spurred on by Loqaui and Gotosh.

The tribe’s efforts were rewarded as more and more stems and leaves were uncovered. A veritable trove to be sure for everyone who’d be receiving medicine. Vanskral’s keen eyes found more of the plants, and others soon joined him in gathering the remainder as the tribe ascended the hills, unperturbed by the natural wildlife.

With the herbs gathered, the group returned and in thanks Loquai bestowed a blessing of Mu’sha upon them all, pleased with the chance to offer healing to his tribe and the Argent Crusade in their efforts against the plague still ravaging the land.


Looking for some more traditional Tauren to join us!


9/22 - Supplies for Orgrimmar
Participants: Huwah, Earenus, Sermina, Baldivan, Xun, Loquai and Brutus

Our tribe has elected to carry out a mission where many have failed. Over the past several months, dozens of supply caravans and other transports traveling across the barrens have failed to arrive. Orgrimmar starves and withers with the lack of medicine and food to sustain the influx over the past years of refugees from all walks of life and cultures. It is up to the Wolfmane to try and aid in what ways they can to find and perhaps put a stop to this.

The first traversal from the Wolfmane’s camp in Orgrimmar was frought with damger on its own. Ghouls swarmed the plains, but were not enough to truly harm or bring down the Tribes Warriors and Seers. The undead, a small fraction of the hordes pouring in from the North and across the land freely fell easily, and the tribe proceeded unfettered to Thunder Bluff.

In the protected plateaus and mesa’s the Wolfmane loaded up one immense creature from another land. Biscuit, the kindly brutosaur from Zandalar and tended to by Brutus, was loaded up with crate after crate of goods and other supplies vital to the continued survival of the Horde.

The tribe departed with new and veteran members alike prepared to escort their charge. Led by peace chief Huwah, the tribe hoped the journey might go unfettered for once. Perhaps a lucky break from the savage attacks plaguing the supply lines would be their fortune. Unfortunately it would not be the case.

After leaving the Stonetalon Pass and entering into the Northern Barrens, the true thieves revealed themselves. A group composed of 8 bandits, weapons raised and armed to the teeth, attacked with unrestrained fury. Though the bandits were powerful and with the element of surprise the Wolfmane were no simple guards.

Blades clashed, arrows sang on the wind and magic flared in bursts of power as the battle raged near the edge of one of the Barrens Oases. The bandits brought deadly dark magics to bear and attempted to reduce the Wolfmane’s ability to fight with nets meant to incapacitate some of their number. Despite it all the tribe prevailed though suffering some heavy injuries in the process. As the bandits routed, two of their number were captured, a female pandaren and elf. 4 of the bandits lay dead, and the remaining 2 escaped.

With 2 prisoners now in their care, the Wolfmane returned to their planned journey, arriving in Orgrimmar some time later to deliver the much needed supplies to the people of the city.

The tribe departed with new and veteran members alike prepared to escort their charge. Led by peace chief Huwah, the tribe hoped the journey might go unfettered for once. Perhaps a lucky break from the savage attacks plaguing the supply lines would be their fortune. Unfortunately it would not be the case.

After leaving the Stonetalon Pass and entering into the Northern Barrens, the true thieves revealed themselves. A group composed of 8 bandits, weapons raised and armed to the teeth, attacked with unrestrained fury. Though the bandits were powerful and with the element of surprise the Wolfmane were no simple guards.

Blades clashed, arrows sang on the wind and magic flared in bursts of power as the battle raged near the edge of one of the Barrens Oases. The bandits brought deadly dark magics to bear and attempted to reduce the Wolfmane’s ability to fight with nets meant to incapacitate some of their number. Despite it all the tribe prevailed though suffering some heavy injuries in the process. The bandits were routed with three of their number captured including a female pandaren and elf. 3 of the bandits lay dead, and the remaining 2 escaped.

With 3 prisoners now in their care, the Wolfmane returned to their planned journey, arriving in Orgrimmar some time later to deliver the much needed supplies to the people of the city.


Okay I’ve done an a few RPing sessions with them and I can confirm that they are the goat! They’re a fun group to RP with and explore Tauren culture <3


Having role-played with these players a few times now, I very much recommend their guild to anyone looking for a good tribe.

Five stars on yelp.


10/21 - Blackrook In, Blackrook Out

Participants: Xun, Ikatai, Earenus, Nakira, Lalgoran, Eikanida, Tarvius

Following up on a number of posters perilously prepared and placed around parts of Orgrimmar, Xun had found himself a team with one goal in mind: to find the Cheiftain’s shield and the High Brave’s spear.

Xun’s team was assembled, some called forth for their particular abilities and others simply showing up to help a fellow tribesman. In all, the team was ready and the mission clear.

Using a special device called P.A.W.S., the team was able to enter a portal to the broken Isles, landing at the peak of Black Rook Hold where the items were last seen. The group gazed around, eyeing the remains of the battleground before descending lower into the abandoned keep.

Previously, Chieftain Dahote, Lorekeeper Baoshii and High Brave Breutex had fought here with members of the argent crusade and others against the forces of the new Scourge. They had scoured much of Azeroth in the intervening time since the shattering of the Helm of Domination. The gathered forces had suffered a terrible defeat there though the fight continued in other locations. Now, the battlefield was merely one more near empty location, host to a few minor undead left behind by their terrible masters.

As the Wolfmane descended from the highest points of the keep, they spotted a few roaming undead, some brutes, a rogue and an alarm set near a trap. The group descended on ropes, leaving behind Ikatai to eye the group from above and provide ranged support as they quickly moved down the castle walls. Approaching from above, the first target was the alarm set by the undead, likely to alert for such a move as what the Wolfmane were attempting. Nakira, one of the newest members to the tribe quickly dispatched the trap with a well placed blowdart, severing the line that connected the line to the alarm.

The main warning system disabled, the Wolfmane then moved along to their next target, a rotting troll that seemed to still possess some of her intelligence. The troll eyed the main grounds of the castle from a large turret tower, watching for potential saboteurs coming from below the walls. What she did not expect was their attacks to come from above even her position.

Stones, arrows, darts magic and bullets all silently crashed upon the pitiful creature, and without ever raising the alarm, she fell quickly at her position.

The final threats were two more brutes, an orc and tauren toying with the very weapons the Wolfmane had come to claim. These the Wolfmane moved in to dispatch, bringing both An’she’s light from Lalgora and the power of Death itself from Earenus along with a powerful barrage of other attacks brought the creatures down. In short order, the Wolfmane had claimed the weapons and were back through a portal to their camp once again, all safe and with relatively few injuries to boot.


I did a thing, I halped! <3


Giving this a bump!


So we have some news to share with you all. After losing his arm in battle against the Scourge, Dahote Wolfheart had decided to step down as Chieftain. In his place, the Wolfmane elected Elder Huwah Wisehorn to lead.

I have updated the Forum post above to reflect this. Also for anyone unaware, Huwah is my alt so the only real change is in character. Dahote’s injury was completely spur of the moment during one of the Year of the Scourge events. I left it up to the roll and Dahote lost. :sweat_smile:


11/6/21 Of Hunts and Chieftains

A few weeks have transpired since our last entry, and though the Wolfmane have gone through many of their own personal struggles, from Dahote and Baoshii coming to terms with their new lives after injury, Brutus adopting Ibben into the tribe, and Breutex the War Chief leading Raton, Vanskral and Nermosh out to the war against the Scourge in Northrend and many others.

It has been in this time that the tribe has also faced smaller conflicts that are arising in their time as they prepare for the winter months. Watcher Sermina led a hunt with Vanskral, Xun and Nakira against the kodo on the plains of Mulgore, trying to bring in as much food and other supplies as they can back to the people. The hunt went well, bringing down a total of four of the great beasts which would likely lead to a great winter Dance of the Earthmother though not without cost. Nakira was seriously injured in the battle, and is still recovering even now though her wounds are healing thanks to the dedicated attention of the tribes healers.

Along with this, Chieftain Dahote officially declared his intent to step down from his position of Chieftain of the tribe following the loss of his arm at the battle of Blackrook Hold. Though many protested, the decision was final, and new chieftain elections were arranged.

A meeting was held, bringing together 4 possible candidates for the role. Breutex the High Brave, Raton the first Chieftain of the Wolfmane, Vanskral the Starspeaker and Elder Huwah. Totems were carved to represent the candidates, and stones were cast by the tribe to determine who their vote would go to.

In the end, Elder Huwah became the 4th Chieftain of the Wolfmane. May his wisdom and connection to the elements provide guidance to us all in the times ahead.

From here, we enter a new chapter of the Wolfmane. The Scourge are under duress in Northrend and new stories are yet to be written. Time will tell what comes next for the Wolfmane.


Who knew kodos were so adept at making Vulpera into pancakes!

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