Invitations are sent to vendors of all varieties around every corner of Azeroth. Flyers are posted in taverns, inns, and marketplaces of questionable repute across the realm. Each one reads the exact same message:
You are hereby cordially invited to venture deep into the dark and dangerous reaches of the North. The Forsaken Kingdom of Lordaeron buzzes with life even through undeath. With the reclamation of the upper parts of the city, a Trade District has been cleared and remains empty…until now…
Eager to regain a semblance of the comforts of life - we are proud to present ~ The Lordaeron Night Market ~ A daring and devious shopping experience that aims to surprise and delight even the most curious of patrons. Unbound by the laws, customs and cultures of our living allies we have the unique ability to offer visitors a chance to experience the strange, creepy, questionable…and possibly even illegal outside of our borders.
So come with me and we will go and see a world of wonderous treasures - at the Lordaeron Night Market in the newly reclaimed Capital City of Lordaeron!

- When: 3rd Monday of every Month - Next is Feb 19th, 2024
- Time: 7pm to 10pm Central / 8pm to 11pm Eastern
- Hosted by: Sae’themar Bloodfeather (Pêachês-MG Horde NA)
- Where: Old Ruins Of Lordaeron, Pre-BFA
- Sever: Moon Guard-NA, open to all servers
- Faction: Cross Faction - Horde, Alliance (diplomatic connections), Neutral
- Market Discord:
- What kind of merchant booths are you looking for? We are currently looking for fun and darker-themed booths that fall in line with the guidelines of our community which can be found in our discord server. Examples - Poison Crafter, Abomination Parts, Pirate goods, Fenced Illegal goods, questionable magical items. Themes such as adult services, and slavery are NOT welcome at this rp event.
Yass! Come and join us at the night market!! At night
Mark that market on the calendar y’all! So excited! At night
Selling goods and nicknacks! - At night
Woohooooo we’re selling questionable and possibly illegal weapons in the Lordaeron ruins! At night
Artifacts, rare goods, speciality services… at night. Looking forward to it!
Hey yall! We are just shy of a month away from the first Lordaeron Night Market! We have officially filled all booth spots before our first launch! Dont worry though if you still want to vendor - we have some plans for more slots if the demand is there <3 Come down and see us at night
We are just 3 weeks away from our first market and we are already full on vendors! We have such a variety including 2 different artists 
We are now just 2 weeks away from our first launch! We have artists, fleshcrafting, burgers, poisons, illicit goods, and much more!
We have the following Vendors available:
Booth 1: Blooming Beauty
Booth 2: Shadowlark’s Sinister Solutions
Booth 3: Siren Song Oddities
Booth 4: Ravens Den
Booth 5: The Blinded Watchful
Booth 6: Cult of Forgotten Shadows (Name WIP)
Booth 7: The Sundered Emporium
Booth 8: Death’s Veil
Booth 9: Undead Arts
Booth 10: The Gilded Masque
Booth 11: Build-A-Burger
Booth 12: Once Bitten, Twice Shy
Sae is literally the best dead elf out there. The Night Market is going to be amazing and I can’t wait to see all the vendors…at night.
Vendors, plushies! Shooting Ghouleries! All this and and more…at the Lord Market: at night
Exciting things are bubbling and brewing here at the Lordaeron Night Market as patrons return our invitations in droves. With our shopping vendors full we are now happy to announce that GAME BOOTHS are now being accepted with limited slots - as the popularity of them has already filled 2 out of 4! We are also happy to announce that the Welcome Booth for our first night will be offering a 50,000g prize pool for a Guess how many eyeballs are in the slime game (Gold only able to be distributed to Moonguard-NA characters). 
We have games, food, artists, and shopping - hell, we have it ALL in Lordaeron. So please consider joining us at night on March 20th.
Come see your hosts of the Lordaeron Night Market at the Worlds Fair Carnival at Wandering Booth 9-A! We are just 1 week away from the launch of our market!
Only a few short days until the 20th! <3
Once Bitten, Twice Shy will be selling artifacts at the market tonight. Once sold, they are gone.
We also will have rare goods in higher quantities. Who doesn’t want a Fak’lactery? Or better yet Pocket (Dimension) Sand?
Come visit us and all the other amazing vendors for all your totally legally (in factionless areas) goods!
Starting soon, and already there are a lot of folks out here.
The Market was a resounding success - outside of a little sharding but that just shows how popular it was!
I cant wait to see you all next month on the 22nd!
See you this April! The location is now going to be hosted in the old ruins of Lordearon Keep. Watch for updates, and be certain to be in discord for the latest info. Vendors for April were opened and have been filled!
I cant wait to see all of you at the Lordaeron Night Market on April 17th in the Pre-BFA Undercity Courtyard!
Excited to attend. The rp last month was a lot of fun.