Hints lead to some sort of Sylvanas "justification", how should such plot go?

I mean, yeah? Like, if you haven’t noticed there is this rather small vocal vein within the NE fanbase that truly only seems to like the NEs. They hate the Horde obviously, but they don’t seem particularly fond of the rest of the Alliance either. And certainly hate being forced to be a part of the “Traitorous” Blue Team. The Gilneans are only really the exception because its implicitly expected their racial fantasy be made convenient for and subserviant to the Kaldorei’s; because of some owed debt. The Draenei occasionally get the same treatment.


cries in worgen


I mean, you’ll just be thrown in the whiny ally bin with the rest of us.


Now that is a Night Elf Forum Posting Alt’s statement that sums up how insane they can get.

I won’t hold my breath waiting for such a Blizzard quote…

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gives headpats, ear scritches and belly scritches

Try giving the Puppy Dog Eyes


/curses the Gilnean land as the blight surrounds all present

/pats a stray sad mongrel

You chose a weird forum to spend time in then.

I’m sorry, are you honestly disagreeing with my assessment? You, who already claims to not care about the story, and has already agreed that an ending you find acceptable is impossible, don’t think it’s an inconsequential position to hold too? Okay. Moving on.

I think she’s right in a way it may be out of context. I think the statement was something along the lines of “giving Sylvanas the Garrosh treatment was boring” I’ll see if I can find it.


Not really too much they can do with Sylvanas at this point. I mean she would have to single-handed save the world, but the PC will do that. (That is how the game works.)

So, it seems to me, that in the end, it has to be a villains motivation. Like Arthas using undeath to try and stop the Legion or the Legion trying to stop the Void Lords by removing worlds for them too corrupt.

I just spent the last 20 min looking for it; it may have been a part of my imagination. I reread the “Sylvanas isn’t another Garrosh” article and I didn’t see it there.

Suppose you can continue to not hold your breath : )

Closest thing is “I would tell Sylvanas fans that her story definitely isn’t over yet. We have a lot more to tell. She’s not Garrosh 2.0. She has a lot more going on. Don’t want to spill anything, but there is a ton more coming for Sylvanas’s story.”

from an old MMO-RPG article.

Now obviously the “ton more” that’s coming might be a redemption arc, but it doesn’t have to be a redemption arc. It could just as easily be an ongoing story throughout Shadowlands questing that has Sylvanas play the PC against the jailer, allowing her to supplant him and take the throne as the expansion Big Bad. Or it could be a novel that’s going to be released sometime after the Shadowlands expansion. Or she could be October in a pin-up girls of Azeroth calendar. Or this could just turn out to not be true.

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This pretty much says killing Sylvanas off will be boring:

“She’s an interesting character and she’s a character beloved not just by our playerbase but by our developerbase as well,” Afrasiabi said. "Like I said, I’ve been personally working on her since 2006, making stories for her; I definitely have a connection with her in a lot of different ways, and her just ending up as a raid boss feels like a bit of a letdown to me.

"Sylvanas’ destiny is to be found out and discussed by the player base, but it would be dismissive to think she’ll just go down as another raid boss, because she’s a little bit more than that.

Lets be honest here; this forum will be a deserted wasteland if Sylvanas dies. She has carried this website.


i can talk about other things than the factions i still want to know whats up with the shadowlands.

Yea i thought so, acting all judgemental about other people’s opinions then trying to leave discussion ill just put you on ignore.

I’m not leaving and this is not a discussion. For this to be a discussion you’d have to actively take a position, and the only position you took you abandoned as soon as its implications were explored. I just don’t think this weird ‘not discussion’ where you keep contradicting yourself and passive aggressively sniping at me and the game is a good way to spend my time.

I suppose you’re welcome to ignore me because I don’t find this exchange worth continuing or your opinions particularly interesting.


There are way more interesting story beats than Sylvanas. The only reason people talk about her is because Blizzard forces her on us and makes her mustache twirling evil and then lets her get away with it.

It is annoying. I guarantee you this site will continue on just fine without Sylvanas.


Although i tend to agree with that slyvanas story is not interesting. I do agree that the site will change after her story is concluded. But only because a lot of people are sick of her edgy view of the world.

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I dont think theyll just remove sylvanas, personally i believe she’s sticking around in some way, or else the “victory for sylvanas” from forsaken npcs wouldnt make sense, also there are people still making fanart and getting tattoos of sylvanas so i believe she’s still quite popular just… just look at thrall, he went go el and people were sick of green jesus but thrall is still around (and will likely get his powers back).

Except Thrall never committed genocide… There is no way Blizzard can keep Sylvanas around without it being the biggest slap in the face to the Alliance, and to some Horde. Then again we all know they don’t care about that when their lead writer loves Sylvanas.

i can see it when sylvanas takes the jailer position, they can frame it as eternal punishment to try to appease us and they can keep her around for her fans.

then of course we can move on to MoP 3, one more ride.