Hints lead to some sort of Sylvanas "justification", how should such plot go?

THE SHADOWLANDS ARE FREE! Sylvanas circa 2022.

No way. I called this since they announced the Jailer. Bolvar will become the new Jailer and his daughter Taelia will follow in his footsteps and become the first official Lich Queen when we reforge the Lich King Helm.

Sylvanas needs to just die and be stuck in the Maw or Revendreth for all eternity. No chance of coming back because her story is so stale and boring.


This time around Blizzard will subvert all expectations, as the Alliance will strike against the evil Horde, who have united under the banner of Lor’Themar Theron who decided to blow up Ironforge to get revenge on those pesky dwarves! In order to stop the Horde once and for all (for real this time!), the Alliance will lay siege to Thunderbluff!
But, there’s more! The final battle of the expansion will be…



I’ve been saying it since 2019 and 8.2, Blizzard will do a huge ripoff of Avengers: Endgame’s final battle at some point…

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As long as it ends with Anduin and Sylvanas gone and out of the picture I will be happy.

Anduin may end up being one of the characters who sacrifice themselves, although part of me thinks that Son of the Wolf comic’s ending is gonna be canon and we’ll see old man Anduin at some point…

I certainly hope not. I am tired of the Alliance story being held hostage by Anduin. They write the Alliance so nonsensical to fit Anduin’s narrative and beliefs that it is just annoying.

I’d rather the Jailer just off Anduin in an unceremonious way like some kind of Thanos snap type move and then we don’t have to deal with him anymore.

All he needs are those Venthyr medallions… they made a crown for those in the campaign, but I’m 90% sure it will break somehow whiile in Renethal’s possession, and Mikanikos will make a gauntlet instead… that, or the crown will somehow be as effective as the Infinity Gauntlet was… OR… they’ll change it from the crown it was in Shadowlands Beta to a gauntlet in the release…

I think she’ll have a “justification” in the same way Sargeras, Thanos, Sephiroth and so many other villains had a “justification”. As in they all unilaterally made the decision that in order to fix some kind of cosmic problem, the only viable solution has to kill a whole lot of people/destroy all life/reset the world. And at some point they get a scene to hop up on their soapbox and monologue about it. Maybe even with a, “We’re not so different; you and I,” thrown in there.

But I don’t expect any of our good characters in the story to agree with her plan or her methods, resulting in anyone going over to her side. I’m also not counting on her seeing the error of her ways and coming back to roster either. They’ll give their speech, get rebuffed, and then we’ll prepare to fight them in a raid encounter.

At best, I think we’re looking at a couple of annoying “Sylvanas was right” troll threads.


“Sylvanas Did Nothing Wrong” will end up being their working title… and yes, there are too many of those already…

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My worry isn’t the “Sylvanas was right” troll threads. They’ll happen, and they’ll be stupid, but no more stupid than the “Garithos was right” or “Garrosh was right” threads.

What I’m anticipating are the threads that employ all the insane logic of the “Sylvanas was right” threads, but instead of treating it like a meme or fringe, pretend it’s authorial intent. “Blizzard hates NE’s cause Sylvanas was right” threads will be worse, and they’ll maybe be even more numerous.


Are you kidding me? if you are right gd will be filled with that when the time comes, about how she was such a tragic character, reddit will be filled with people getting tatoos and lots of fanart saying “for the dark lady always”.

fanart? tattoos? :joy:ahahahahahaha :rofl:

The Dark Lady literally watches over them.


i knew she still had a sizable fanbase but jesus… im dumbfounded.

I mean…a hater is just an angry fan.

Hell I know you’ve seen all these night elf posters around, they love her.

i mean… yea she still has the attention of the fans so you COULD say thats true from certain point of view.

Personally i hate what she represents more than the character, shes like… the avatar of blizzard’s bad writing and thats not fun to hate, i loved to hate garrosh, sylvanas? not so much.

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It will be Blizzard’s title too…

I love how they denied the Night elves justice against both the Horde and Sylvanas, suddenly nobody was to blame for genocide anymore and the victims are left to rot.
Even worse when the whole thing gets glorified.

Wow, how did I miss this!? Thanks for sharing! :smiling_imp:

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I mean, Arthas was and still is one of the most popular characters, and the dudes been dead for over 10+ yrs now and people are still drawing fan art of him. Characters like Sylvanas/Arthas tend to get MORE popular after their deaths.

People complain about her now, because she’s been around so long she is actually having a detrimental affect on the story, she just sucks so much away from everything else. If she doesn’t die, blizzard at least needs to park her off screen for a few years, give people a breather. She’s a great character, but even I’m getting sick of her. But that’s me.


More likely they’ll shove her down our throats even more after her redemption, they don’t really produce any cinematics without Sylvanas anymore now that Saurfang is dead.