Hints lead to some sort of Sylvanas "justification", how should such plot go?

:roll_eyes: Go ahead, quote the dev stating Sylvanas will be redeemed.

Go ahead.

I’ll wait.

It means you are being overdramatic and misrepresenting things.


To note, The War of Thorns was not some ‘loyalist’ army, there isn’t a solid line between who was involved and who wasn’t, besides at the level of racial leaders.

The was the entire Forsaken faction, yet miraculously the Forsaken are still in the Horde.

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Even better, here’s the one that says that isn’t the goal.
‘I don’t think it’s as simple as saying will she or won’t she be redeemed? I think we will learn more things about her, and a lot of people might change their point of view on some of how they see her. Some people won’t…’
‘So it’ll definitely give fans of Syvanas is more things to think about, and that was one of the goals we set out to do.’
-Shadowlands Lore Interview with Steve Danuser by WoWhead


that reminds me.

https:// i.kym-cdn .com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/294/118/6b7.png

i hope you at least giggle.


First we have the statement that she isn’t evil and just trying to protect her people, I assume you know that interview. Then in a different interview they said that she won’t be a raid boss and won’t go down. Then in another interview they also said that Sylvanas fans and those that think that she’s evil will have new things to look at and that they will change their mind about her unless they’re stubborn, and that she has a plan. They also mentioned that killing Sylvanas would be boring.

Nope, they said that Teldrassil and Sylvanas weren’t evil, that’s a fact.

So, you have no statement from Blizzard that Sylvanas is for sure getting redeemed in SL. Got it.

No, they stated Sylvanas wouldn’t go out as a simple raid boss.

As I said:



Tin-foil hat theory time - what if Blizzard uses the chance to clean up a bunch of weirdness and loose ends in their fiction plus game via the time worn oldie of mental influence/control? What if the Jailor has been influencing events for much longer than we thought?

Why does Maiev go on a murder spree? But then Jarod says she must be under some outside influence? Jailor!

Why does Sylvanas’s internal monlogue in some of the stories and novels not match her subsequent actions and apparent thoughts? Jailor!

Heck, why does Garrosh somehow survive that explosion back in Tides of War that should have killed him and ended the conflict before we even got to Pandaria? Jailor!


Might as well just bring back the tried and true, ‘X was a Dreadlord all along’ XD.

although, yeah, the Jailors probably been playing the long game for an astronomical length of time.

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i believe that would be a bad retcon, i imagine it would be a massive info dump and im against those things when the media im consuming is visual.

But you did choose to be like this. Even if your other choices were to stop caring about the story, or even to stop playing all together, the one you chose was to remain even when you’ll only ever be satisfied by the impossible.

By the way, I don’t think those are your only three choices. I think there are potential storylines for the Night Elves that takes them past these events, I think these story lines can be interesting, even compelling, and I don’t think they require the destruction of the entire Horde. You’ve just chosen to die on this hill, this miserable, inconsequential little hill.

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I still enjoy the gameplay, its the story i cant stomach, i think i was very specific from the point of view of how was i speaking as a long time alliance fan, i already chose to not be invested on such story so you are wrong on what i was forced to choose because lets face it, choosing between a turd and a kick in the nuts its not a choice.

i disagree completely and we’re not going to see in the middle on this one, if blizzard was going to do something it had to be on bfa i do not trust the current story team to make a compelling overreaching narrative and i believe i left clear why i feel like i do.

Who are you to judge the value other people assign to stories and their time investment? i think this is very judgemental on your part and in no way helps discussion would you like me to call whatever position you have on your hobbies inconsequiential? i dont think so.


As a note, it took them over a decade to simply make the antagonist of the Bilgewater’s story not our PC Racial Leader. All it took was him having a reason to cut his losses and distance his financial holdings with the Horde, and for Thrall to ask his closest Goblin friend to take over. 5 lines of actual in game dialogue and a pretty simple settup … and it took 10 years. Getting Rokhan into the drivers seat of the Darkspear took 2 after Vol’jin died, and like 3 lines of written dialogue. And these aren’t resource intensive goals like rebuilding Gilneas.

Seems to me there is going to be some form of resolution at least on the Sylvie and Nate side of things in SLs. Which is a very short wait in WoW terms.


Yea… i always say this but the story always has problems with pacing, its too slow however this may be on purpose since it also allows them to just… drop potential plotlines without a second thought and i believe this is why they like it so much and that is why it sucks so much when you actually want something to happen and when it happens its just… stale.

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Can anyone explain to me how Stormwind, which was so overflooded with Night Elf refugees, they had to start sending them to places such as Goldshire is somehow Only a handful left?

Did I miss something or are people like Darana seriously that ignorant of the actual lore of what REALLY happened during in BfA?


(Commentary): Consider the scale. Darnassus was either equal to or larger than Stormwind (probably larger). Likewise, Teldrassil had additional settlements of Night Elves upon it. “A handful,” of Teldrassil’s population was evacuated. But that handful was easily more than Stormwind could handle in a pinch crisis.


While that’s probably true, you also have to remember, Stormwind is a pretty massive city itself, the game doesn’t really do the city justice. Big enough to house the majority of draenei,gnome,dwarf, worgen, etc allies with little problem.

(Commentary): Most Draenei, Dwarves, and Gnomes have their own homes and settlements outside of Stormwind though. I doubt a majority of those races live in Stormwind at all. Likewise, bringing up the Worgen brings up the reminder that most of them were on Teldrassil as well. So, there were two races to evacuate during the burning.

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That’s true. I think that’s what a lot of people tend to overlook in the who lost more arguement. The gilneans lost TWO homes due to Sylvanas, if anyone got the shaft from the Forsaken/Sylvanas, it was them big time.


Nobody cares about the worgen though. Also genocide.

You may not, but I do. And okay? Plenty of gilneans died during Teldrassil too, and when Sylvanas plague bombed gilneas. But I guess because the diehard Kaldorei fans screech the most we’re supposed to somehow care more for them.