Hints lead to some sort of Sylvanas "justification", how should such plot go?

The Night Elf story didn’t end.

If your cause is to change how Blizzard designs future content, then you’re doing your cause more harm than good with these mistakes, exaggerations and unreasonable demands.

At the best you’re identifying yourself as unpleasable and thus not worth attempting to please so Blizzard will write you off. At the very worst you’re identifying yourself as supremely unaware of the actual story to date, and Blizzard could simply put more effort into telling you what has already happened, effort that makes them changing the story less likely.

Now, if your cause is to just win some points in a pointless argument on the Story Forums then… I guess have at it. I don’t understand the rules of that game but I hope you’re doing well.


Apparently it did for certain players because they didn’t get the literary satisfaction they wanted.



They have a few remaining refugees.

The story about saving tyrande or possibly having her die because of the glorious revenge she got in killing 1 Val’kyr ?

Revenge / Justice Story ended. Now it’s about saving useless Tyrande from her curse. Would have been fine if she ACTUALLY got justice but this just feels so hollow because blizz doesn’t understand that killing a Val’kyr is not enough!

Enough to fill up Stormwind and spill out into Elwynn. And they’re still playable. So, not erased from the game or story.

Keep back-pedaling.



There are like a handful of them in stormwind.

Yea, because the playable ones are created before everything is lost.

Can you prove the opposite, the only way the Night Elf story continues is by glorifying the genocide and making things even worse.

So, not erased from the game as you claimed.

You know how Shadowlands is going to turn out? Enlighten us, please.

Oh, just another baseless assumption. Got it.



Got it, you have a completely unrelated complaint to your original assertion. Or, I suppose, you think the only way for “Horde players” to experience the Night Elf experience of having a single storyline end is to have their entire story end?

Setting aside the abusing the Horde players does nothing to fix your problems and just makes you seem petty and guarantees fewer people feel sympathetic to you. I’m not even sure you know what your problem is to begin asking for a fix for it.


Most Night Elf related things were erased from the game. Their zones are gone and their population was nearly wiped out. Soon potentially even their leader.

Yes I do, because the devs stated it multiple times.

Nah. Keep back-pedaling though.

Your head canon has not been confirmed by devs. Just like they never stated genocide was good.


Yup they were. Teldrassil, Darkshore (as we know it) and Ashenvale gone. Night Elves’ population gone. Their potential justice gone, Elune and their leaders looking like a joke.

Yes they have, and they have stated that genocide isn’t evil in relation to Teldrassil.

Can still be accessed.

Can still be accessed and is canonically Night Elf holding again.

Still there and, likely now, a night elf holding again. Because Horde lost in BfA.

You keep using this word. I do not think it means what you think it does.

Quote the Blizzard rep stating “Genocide = good”.

Go ahead.

I’ll wait for your post claiming to support your argument but in actuality only further shows your blinders.



So? It’s still gone canonically. We’re in the story forums.

You conveniently left out the other part, because all night elf holdings in it are destroyed and blighted.

Horde lost the 2 warfronts, Ashenvale wasn’t a warfront and it wasn’t reclaimed.

Gone for the Night Elves. Now it’s an orc zone or whatever.

I said that they have confirmed my apparent “headcanon”, because they said multiple times that Sylvanas is going to get a redemption.

They have not said that genocide is good yet, but they have said that it’s not evil.

The genocide = good part will be saved for later when Teldrassil was necessary to save everyone or something like that.

Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to masked language as it is in violation of the Code of Conduct.

Technically speaking WoW’s story displays genocidal actions as good and righteous constantly, it just never breaks out the word itself. Entire species exist just to be completely morally justified targets for being wiped out or (more euphemistically) ‘driven off’ or ‘thinned’ or ‘culled,’ each carefully engineered to be maximally-unsympathetic and minimally-problematic as you purge the hell out of them for so wickedly bringing trouble to the true and proper rulers of the lands. We wipe out villages of murlocs, gnolls, centaur, saberon, kobolds, quillboar, harpies, troggs, trolls,* etc etc etc and the game is quite diligent about making sure we almost never should feel bad about it and never ever for a moment gives this so much as a thimbleful of the pathos or ambiguity it’d get if we were doing it to say, humans.
No noncombatants! No innocents! No negotiations! NO MERCY, JUST HEROISM!

PS: If you think I’m exaggerating my case here, consider this: murloc fin soup is in the game.

*Well, most trolls. The majority that aren’t The Good Ones.


No, they haven’t.

Right. So, stop exaggerating and maybe people will take you more seriously.



For gameplay purposes sure. You also notice that no matter how many we kill there are always more? Either in the same zone or in others.

Story-wise, how often is wiping out Murlocks, centaurs and harpies actually discussed or shown to impact the world?


I don’t think that… thing… is aware of the concept of caring. It seems to just spam talking points.

A low level Night Elf Forum Posting Alt talking about Night Elves being eliminated… while posting on a Night Elf…



Or cares too much.

Yup. The back-pedaling is hilarious though.


Sounds like an organization that preaches less than popular opinions.



Yea thats exactly the problem isnt it? i feel i have no choice if im an alliance fan but to have this uncompromising position where anything but complete extermination of the horde would appease me however i know this is impossible because surprise! theyre a playable faction, oh we didnt chose to be like this by the way its blizzard fault for setting false expectations and crapping all over night elves.

So yea even if you are right saying that its not worth trying to appease something unappeasable i believe this is hardly a fair assesment, i think its blizzards own fault for setting false expectations and doing a story beat they didnt had any reasonable way out just for easy drama.





Yes they have.

It doesn’t make it better that they are calling genocide “not evil” just because it’s against Night Elves, and killing 1 Val’kyr doesn’t make up for it.