Hints lead to some sort of Sylvanas "justification", how should such plot go?

At this stage, you engage with night elf whinging at your own risk. I’d suggest you save yourself the grief and let it go. Hell I’d suggest letting this whole thread go. It was doomed the moment it started with the words “Sylvanas” and “justified”.


Tbh, at this point I almost want to troll NEs players because of characters like the above posters, lol.
Like if we do get the Wandering Guardian as a free mount, can we have the option to set it on fire, please?


The Horde would have to have worse things happen for them to have ‘the same misery’. :thinking:

I’ve definitely seen people ask for it.

For sure. Sad people make mistakes like this. Even I can be guilty of letting some bad Night Elf fans color my opinion of most. Helps to take a step back and remember how little certain things are representative.

That’s what happened to the Night Elves.

I haven’t really. Most Night Elf players just want some justice, getting some of the things back they lost in bfa so they aren’t empty handed and get to kill Sylvanas. But it doesn’t matter now since all of those things were denied.

The Night Elves are not wiped out.
All their lands are not taken.

Must be overlooking it.


Near wiped out then.

Ashenvale taken, Teldrassil destroyed and I guess most Darkshore reclaimed but also mostly destroyed

Not really, but again it doesn’t matter since Night Elves didn’t get the smallest little thing after Teldrassil. Killing a Val’kyr that was introduced in 8.1 was pure bullcrap.

Corrections noted.

They exist. So the only possibility is you’re not seeing them. So yeah.

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Dude…I asked the same thing!

I’d also like blight to add my own little spin on it.

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Just checked again, yup. Night Elves are still playable. Oh! And they’re still in the story. So, once again, you’re incorrect.

So did you. And you seem to have taken it personally.

I challenge you to find one of my posts celebrating the WoT and the Burning of Teldrassil. Also, try to find one of my posts saying Sylvanas or the Horde did nothing wrong.

Go ahead.

I’ll wait.

You seem upset. Maybe take a break?



Horde can be playable too, but once they log in and quest a bit they have all of their cities burned and all their lands taken and their people killed by the alliance. That’s how it would feel.

That’s not what you suggested.



Night Elves are playable, and once you quest a bit you eventually lose everything, all the zones, your population etc…

Same thing could just happen to the Horde :woman_shrugging:

Yet again we’re only asking for some of our stuff back and a bit of justice, but all of it was denied to give us the kill on a Val’kyr instead.

I’d happily trade that Val’kyr for

  • Our pre bfa zones back
  • a new home
  • our people freed from the maw
  • Sylvanas dead

but blizz thought that the Val’kyr was more appropriate, so they didn’t give us anything else :upside_down_face:

Maybe it’s just me, but there seems to be a LOT more alliance posters, most of them ironically being hardcore night elf fans, who are extremely toxic and have demanded nothing short of total extermination of the horde for Insert Hitleresque reason here. These same people will ignore all reasonable arguements and lore that goes against their claims.

You people know who you are. Stop it, it’s disgusting and you suck the air right out of the room.


See? You think because the story affected a single race of the Alliance that parity involves doing the same to the entire (opposite) faction.

Once again, unreasonable.



It’s not just you. I called out some of the sock puppets already for this.



Nope, I’m just saying that this is what it would be like if the Horde got the same fate as the Night Elves, because Horde players keep claiming that Night Elf players want that when in reality they just want their zones back, a new home and justice. Instead genocide against their race is being glorified.

Also, I forgot something.

The Alliance would have to nearly wipe out the Horde, kill every man, woman and children, then take their lands and burn their cities. Then send their souls to hell and be praised as heroes for doing it. Horde story ends.

This is how Horde players as a whole would get the same treatment as Night Elf players

You do what Blizzard was, allegedly, going to do anyway. You make BFA about relocating resources from the living world to the Shadowlands to address a greater threat. The dead of Teldrassil, while tragic, also created such a large influx of souls poured directly into the Maw that it through the Jailer’s plans of an orderly take over into disarray. Then they make their way to the happy nature afterlife, help restore some Ancients and work with Tyrande to save the world from the Jailer. Saurfang is now key to taking over the Necrolords and, in so doing, robs the Jailer of a valuable ally by felling his cats paw in their succession crisis. Calia and the risen Night Elves give the Alliance the insight they need to marshal their own forces and resources. And all done in secret as Sylvanas has insinuated herself into the Jailer’s inner circle to betray him from within.

It wouldn’t be satisfying. I don’t think they’re going to go this route. But it’s very doable.

This is literally what you are suggesting.

I missed the part where the Horde wiped out every man, woman and child of the Night Elves and their story ended. When did that happen again?



Did you miss the part where I wanted

instead of 1 Val’kyr?

Would’ve made for a way better resolution.

They did that in Ashenvale, Darkshore and Teldrassil, basically where the Night Elves lived.

So… Night Elves still exist. They didn’t get wiped out or erased as a race. Gotcha.

Also, are isn’t their a Night elf story going into Shadowlands? Yup. Story isn’t ended.
