Hints lead to some sort of Sylvanas "justification", how should such plot go?

What I see is a few very noisy Night Elf avatars (and their sock puppet alts) constantly taking things personally within the story and being entirely unreasonable about expectations and outcomes.

Night Elves were not:

  • removed from the game
  • removed from the story

The Horde:

  • Had no say in the WoT or the Burning of Teldrassil
  • Have no say in the story going forward

Yet nearly everyday their is a new complaint of the slight that has befallen the Nelves via the WoT and Burning of Teldrassil. If it gains no traction in the Story forums, it’s brought up in GD using obvious sock puppets. These complaints include, but are not limited to, Horde players being called out for playing the faction they like, Horde players being told that their faction needs to be removed from the game and, in this very thread, all Horde players apparently are criminals that have/will physically assault Alliance players in real life.

It’s quite sad actually.



Toxicity exists on both sides of the isle, and painting with broad brushes equally so. It would be wise to not default agree with Liira especially. Who is the living embodiment of toxicity amongst the NE community, who genuinely seems to hold nothing but pure contempt for the entirety of the Horde playerbase. And has made repeated attacks against the players on these subs alone. They have constantly proven they are so lost in their Racial Fantasy it bleeds into reality.

From my experience, there is plenty of toxicity everywhere. Most of which seems to largely be self-fulfilling and tribalistic. Both sides are simply more sensitive to what they perceive as attacks against them and thus are far more prone as seeing attacks against the other side as justified. That being said, and I’ve certainly felt it, outside of a very loud minority that revels in playing villains (who primarily have shut the hell up since Sylvie yeeted out, thank god) … there is a growing level of apathy towards Teldrassil amongst Horde players. After 2 years of being told we are horrible people IRL for choosing Horde, for an event we had no control over, many of just don’t care anymore.


While I agree that it is easier to troll and act like a jerk when you can hide behind a low level alt, it is sadly the only way for EU players to join the discussion here, unless we want to pay double sub.
We have our own story forum but it is rather dead, and there, too, we have the questionable pleasure of this specific poster’s rants :wink:
That being said, most of us are neither rude nor toxic but sadly a few bad apples tend to spoil the whole cake.


This is whats happening, i believe people tend to remember bad posts and posters more vividly.

This is why i insist the WoT teldrassil and bfa damaged the game beyond repair.


Genocide and ethnic cleansing are evil, full stop. There is no justifying it, no redemption from it, at best Sylvanas could pursue atonement by dedicating her life to returning the night elves’ homeland to them and rebuilding their tree and even that wouldn’t wash away the inherent evil of what she did to them.

To try and ‘justify’ or ‘redeem’ her actions in any other way suggests the writers have some deeply skewed and unsettling morals that require questioning.


Erm they already stated that Teldrassil was not evil and heavily hinted towards a redemption / justification.

The Night Elves also got their revenge already, so I guess nobody really needs to kill Sylvanas.

Horde players are the ones that complained and booed about the Night Elves getting 1 of their 3 zones back. Horde players are the ones that created a thread complaining about Tyrande sending Nathanos to the maw instead of him going there by himself.

Night Elf players want justice, they want Sylvanas dead and their lands back, those lands they had before BfA. Not only were those things denied entirely, Horde players also keep arguing against that and keep saying that killing 1 Val’kyr was enough revenge and that Night Elf players are greedy.

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Night elf players want to inflict the same “misery” they feel after BfA onto the Horde.



Some maybe. I personally just want the Night Elves and Worgen to get justice by having a questline where they hunt down and kill Sylvanas loyalists and those who were a part of the Burning of Teldrassil. Blizzard could easily make named commanders who were there and those shamans who lit the flames and fanned them to make the fire spread. Let the Kaldorei and Worgen get revenge on them.

Then obviously brining Sylvanas to justice. This is no way punishes the Horde or the Horde players and gives the Alliance retribution.


This is reasonable.



That is what I have been saying I wanted since we got the end of the war in 8.2.5

I don’t want the Alliance dropping mana bombs on Org or whatever some people want, I just want them to bring the ones responsible to justice, not this BS we got where the Alliance is like, “The Horde has changed they won’t do this again because Sylvanas was mean to them and called them nothing! Clearly it was all her and no one else that helped in the War of Thorns…”


Just out of interest, what happened to the cactus?


This is a video game. A majority of players have a limited / causal knowledge of the lore.

They cheered for Teldrassil burning and mocked the Alliance because it’s the same thing as mocking the enemy team in sports. They mostly did it all in good fun and good sport, not because they were cheering for genocide.

I still can’t believe there are people on this forum who think it’s the same thing as wishing death on the Alliance playerbase.

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Bleh tbh the whole BfA Sylvanas doesn’t make any sense, not even considering undead lines like " our time will come" or the classic intro of “no true loyalty to their allies… ensure dark plans come to fruition”.

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Decided to change things up.


Whatever is left of the alliance fan in me wants the entire horde to dissapear but i would settle for mutually assured destruction or at elast to die trying.

At this rate is not worth it to get invested in the faction lore just… just look at the entire of wot and bfa, it leaves both factions as a joke, all the briges are burnt there is no way to fix this.

Or the quest line was made because many of us were pissed that we were retreading MOP and blizzard added that to say “what!! No of course it’ll be different this time! See boom loyalist option.”

Loyalist right here, Find me in Shadowlands bb, These Hands Are Rated E For Everyone.

Yaaah still disagree with this, it punishes the Horde and it’s fans the same way it hurt people and those who liked Garrosh.

Lose a character, hit with the villain bat, constantly held over our head, alliance again yell about cleaning up our mess like we’re a 3 year old who can’t make it to the bathroom, blizzard leaves us in a limbo state by not adding anything new or further damages a race by adding new things that go against characterization of the past.


I feel like the damage is already done with Sylvanas. I personally don’t feel that it makes any difference if the alliance gets their revenge on her at this point.

I also don’t feel like it really does anything to fix the damage afterward either, though. Even if the alliance does get a canon kill on her, it’s not like it’ll do anything to walk back tensions between the factions.


LMAO that is hilarious. Thank you for that I just died laughing. :rofl:

But on a serious note, player characters aren’t canon. So yes while you may play a loyalist and was there supporting Sylvanas, in canon you were not, therefore Blizzard would not include the PC in the questline.

So basically you want Sylvanas and the Horde to be able to wreck the Alliance without any consequences at all? LOL okay.

Having Sylvanas and her loyalists ousted is the best middle ground because realistically the Alliance should dismantle the Horde and force the races to never have contact with each other again since they have started 2 wars and committed mass murder/genocide twice in the span of 5 years. (Blizzard writing no one asked for I know)

Having the questline I suggested gives the Horde an out, and yeah while Sylvanas fans may be upset, even though she has always been evil and didn’t care about the Horde (watch the Classic Forsaken intro), she isn’t part of the Horde now so this questline doesn’t hurt or punish the Horde.


Except the Horde didn’t “wreck the Alliance”. They plowed their way through Night elf territory in WoT which made sense because the Night Elves didn’t have their army.

After that, it was the Horde losing.


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