Hints lead to some sort of Sylvanas "justification", how should such plot go?

This is the toxic and disgusting horde playerbase I was talking about.
The same toxic people who were cheering for that corpsegrinder viedo where openly for the murder of alliancePLAYERS were called.
Or where Hord eplayers physically assaulted Alliance players there.

THIS is the horde playerbase. Toxic as hell. So not surprised.
I mean if you even have blizzard affiliated like christie golden to point that out things are dire.


I am not going to say that is the WHOLE Horde playerbase, that is an extreme exaggeration, both sides definitely have their toxic players. But, I do think Horde probably has more diehard players, who are more “for the Horde”, and enjoy stuff like the Burning of Teldrassil because you know “FacTioN pRidE”.


You arent “owed” anything dork.


Do note that, since afterlife is proven to exist in WoW, a genocide is not really genocide but more like forced deportation because the souls still exist. Some might argue that cutting short some mortal lives to end eternal imprisonment in the afterlife is worth it.

id wager half of the horde liked that, imagine burning 3/4 of your playerbase just to please 1/4.

dont have numbers but the loyalist questline was created for a reason and i believe that reason was that.


Players have been fans of the factions and night elves for years. You’re owed nothing.


Oh yea, I have heard of that.
It’s great that Blizz supports this kind of behavior too

Is the only thing I could find about it, yet somehow Alliance and Night Elf fans are the toxic ones :thinking:

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Let’s not lie to ourselves, here. Heaps were gleeful about it, even when it happened.

What good will? Which community are we talking about? Night elf fans aren’t exclusive here, I could say the same about Forsaken fans.

I think the whole issue is that there hasn’t really BEEN an apology tour from Blizzard about the whole Teldrassil thing. No reparations, consequences, repercussions, whatever.
The story is ongoing, of course, so we’re all hoping that comes later. But since you posted this? Nah.

Night elves have lost their capital, their leader(s) have been the laughing stock of the Alliance for expansions now despite being the oldest and wisest and arguably some of the most powerful denizens of Azeroth in lore, and get to enjoy die-hard Horde players mock them at every turn. Seriously, I see Hordies laughing about Teldrassil more than I see night elf fans lamenting it now, and that’s kinda gross.

Point is, both sides are unhappy, and comparisons are dumb because how do you quantify loss? That’s why the question of ‘what is a reasonable reparation for Night Elves?’ is blurry, there’s too many moving parts and too many voices attached to it.



The forums were absolutely littered with “LOL GET REKT ALLIANCE” threads for quite a while before moderation stepped in because they were getting monumentally toxic.


It was in the old forums unfortunately.
Mike Morheim himself had to release an open letter in the forums apologizing for teh incident and so on.
But it was messy and disgusting and showed very clear what a toxic and disgusting fanbase the horde players are.

And since then nothing has changed, they still are like people have pointed out here.
Just horrible persons in general. Grop mechaniques enforce that. The faction is composed of the most toxic individuals whose beahviour shun away the normal players and make feel people whose normal behavour is being toxic feel confirmed and right. Thus they lure in more of these people while the nice guys gehts scared away.
Over years you thus build a community that is defined by its toxicity.

It is simple to prove that whenever there is something shady, disgusting or outright hostile happening between players, chances are extreme high it is a horde player.
There is just a culture grown of being a complete jerk and behave like one and they use faction pride or whatever as an excuse to behave like that.

This is why I call them out of being horrible people. They use a fandom like this to just behave in a disgusting way.
Like I said there has not been a fandom that is that toxic ever.


Inevitably, a thread about Blizzard’s direction turns into insults against Players who are just along for the ride.

We will never know, since many of the shadiest people use Forum Alts to hide.

You are posting on a level 10 Alt with less than 100 Achievement points. I don’t know if such little activity could even be considered a “Player” or just more of a “Forum Posting Alt”.

I would argue that the “low level Forum Posting Alts” are the most disgusting and rude participants in the discussion. Here is an example of one of their rants against the Player base:

Oh, if only Blizzard would require characters to hit lvl 21, or finish Exile’s Reach, before they could post on the Forums… we would have a lot less of these low level Alts attacking people who play a video game.

I am a Horde Player, and while I will freely insult Alliance apologists, I wouldn’t insult Alliance Players, because… I am an Alliance Player as well. I play both Factions. Many folks do.

If you think cutting yourself off from half of a video game is some moral statement, I suppose we all have our own thing.


This was posted as a direct response to a Horde poster wishing bad things upon Alliance players, and saying that Night Elf fans are toxic despite the reality being the opposite.

You also liked that post


The most toxic posts I have seen come from Alliance. The vast majority of the posts I have seen of this nature also belong to Alliance. Still as Cursewords pointed out :


It’s not about individual postings but the overall theme of the forums and how they look like.
As people have pointed out during BFA the whole “OLOL ALLIANCE SUCKS LOL FOR TELDRASSIL” was extremely high. And that is not based on individual posters but a whole group dynamic that horde players chimed into.

Blizzcon incidents also speak a very clear message.

This made me laugh out loud. Thanks. But… what are you on about? I see disagreements in opinion. I see people who want to see different things from the story.

I would like to see a destructive High Elf War in Quelthalas because of the possible story and updates - that doesn’t mean I wish bad things on Elf Players.

The Forums are made up of hundreds of individual posts, and some are as toxic as yours. By hurling blanket general insults at half the Player Base, you are in the thick of the muck and mire, as well.

You are basically laying a big :poop: in the pool while crying about the dirty people in it.


This forum wasn’t. I’d believe that GD was, but we all know GD is … the sort of place where that would happen, no matter which side got it.


People who don’t care about lore (which is most wow players) treat factions as football teams and of course will cheer when one faction seemingly “looses”. This has been the case since Vanilla and it doesn’t help that Blizzard incentivises this.


Is it considered toxic to joke about events in video game lore? It is a game, after all. Even a Playable Race on the Alliance jokes about the Burning of Teldrassil. I guess some people find anything they disagree with as toxic.

I have joked and cheered for the Burning of Teldrassil. I also fumed every time we had an Alliance High King named Wrynn stroll across Orgrimmar to lecture the Horde. Or as I worked with Genn and Jaina in Nazjatar. However, I know Alliance Players - even the most Hardcore Alliance Sycophants - had nothing to do with it. Blizzard made the story and we roll with it.


haha catapult go brrrr


Because Alliance don’t wish bad things on the Horde?

Heck we have a whole thread of Alliance patting each other on the back supporting the removal of the Horde from the game.
