Hints lead to some sort of Sylvanas "justification", how should such plot go?

No. I’ve followed this character for 12 years. I am owed something more than a raid boss at the end of this. You haters be damned.


2 Expansions, 4 cinematics and several cutscenes dedicated to her + making her a mary sue and letting her get away with genocide is not enough?

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It’s not enough until her story is finished in a satisfactory manner and at least a few nelf fans have been brought to the point of a mental breakdown over whatever said conclusion is.

Also, she didn’t get away with genocide until she actually gets away with it.

Kerrigan ending lets go.


And what would that be? Becoming the titan of death and cleaving Azeroth in half? Like what do Sylvanas simps even expect at this point, you got 2 expansions all for yourself and your queen and you still want more.
At this point I feel like most of you are just trolling

She did get away with it, devs confirmed a redemption and that she isn’t evil.


Opinion discarded. I want you to realize that everyone felt bad/angry about Teldrassil when it happened. You toxic af nelf fans have burned that good will with everybody else in the community and are now enjoying an apology tour from blizzard while Forsaken have lost our capital, our leader, and the entire foundational lore of our race.

After two years trying to find common ground I legitimately cannot stand you people and I wish that instead of being angry at blizzard over teldrassil after it happened I had spent that time reveling in it instead.


Oh don’t be a hypocrite

Sylvanas fans are by far the most toxic and obnoxious part of the community and I wish that writers wouldn’t simp for Sylvanas so that this part of the community could finally slowly die out and WoW’s story could become enjoyable again.

The amount of genocide and warcrimes apologists I’ve seen in the Sylvanas fanbase is literally beyond anything I’ve ever seen before.

You lost a capital, that’s it. Stop lying. Your leader is a mary sue that gets away with genocide.


Lmao. Keep believing that BS. Nelf fans get what they want because all they do is cry and insult other people. How many people have been called a N*zi for playing undead/liking sylvanas since BFA?

“you’re a hypocrite”. Which race was harassing lore devs up and down twitter again?


Say that loudly without laughing, I bet you can’t.

That’s Sylvanas fans, and they don’t even have a reason to do it because the story caters entirely to them.

Maybe they shouldn’t openly say that genocide is a good thing and that h*tler wasn’t so bad after all. I’ve seen all of this before. You can like Sylvanas but if you say that genocide against innocents and warcrimes are good, that makes you a bad person.

Last time I checked the devs twitter it’s a bubble full of Sylvanas fans while any valid night elf or horde (non sylvanas) complaints are being completely overlooked and never even answered or looked at.


The delusion is palpable.

Which race got an entirely new customization option in a patch during BFA? Which racial leader called out Anduin on seeking peace? Who is killing Nathanos in the prepatch? Oh please.

Given enough time I can literally bury you in screen shots of Night Elf fans lashing out at people. I know for a fact you cannot do the same.

This is boogie man stuff that never actually happens. I have personally known multiple Night Elf fans who are gigantic IRL racists and a few of them have even been on this forum. I’m willing to bet real money that you can’t produce a picture of an undead fan actually practicing apologism for irl war crimes.

You aren’t even denying that nelf fans harass devs. lmao. There’s a difference between tweeting questions and constructive criticism and demanding that people lose their jobs. The fact that you think dev twitter is a Sylvanas fan bubble when Christie Golden is one of the most active on Twitter is just precious.


Orcs. Also nobody asked for black eyes what is that logic?

And which racial leader is wrong for not wanting to accept peace with no conditions after he race has been wiped out? Don’t forget that part

Giving him a free ticket to the maw. The kill -> resurrect thing would’ve been appropriate in the revenge patch 8.1 but not an expansion later.

So you actually think that Sylvanas fans aren’t toxic across different platforms? Do you actually unironically believe that? And the worst part, they use things like feminism to justify Sylvanas getting away with genocide because they like Sylvanas, but they ignore the fact that the Night Elves (the race that was wiped out) consisted mostly of women.
Give me a break.

Yes it does, on a daily basis.

Mhm still not as bad as Sylvanas fans I bet. Sylvanas fans are always like “Genocide against them is okay because they are X race and they deserved it for being X race”.

What? From what I’ve seen on reddit, the forums etc most upvoted Night Elf threads are constructive criticism, yet they all got ignored because the writers despise the race. I can link countless examples of threads with thousands of upvotes and constructive criticism. All of that was entirely ignored

See above. Also as a side note: If writers intentionally try to make the story unenjoyable for a part of the fanbase, maybe they SHOULD be penalized or even fired. That’s not part of their job, and I bet if the higher ups at blizz found out they wouldn’t be on board with it.

It is though. Take Nathanos as an example, his twitter is literally Sylvanas only. He tweets about Sylvanas and how much he likes her and interacts with Sylvanas fans only. All other complaints are being ignored entirely, no matter how constructive they are.
The only thing the writers ever talk about is Sylvanas too and how her genocide wasn’t actually evil, or how the Night Elves got their revenge in 8.1. They are basically openly hostile towards a part of the fanbase.


Going back to the premise of the thread, if I had to TRY to create some reasoning for all of this…I dunno. Maybe I’d go back and retcon some different context into why she’s doing what she did, by cribbing a couple of ideas Baalsamael came up with in another thread. Maybe she saw that the maw was in the process of breaking relatively soon and, in her twisted psycopath mind, thought the best way to “save” people was by playing Azeroth’s Arbiter by dictating that people get sent directly to a specific afterlife. Anyone raised into undeath would default straight to Maldraxxus, and her attempt at taking over the world with the worgen curse gets recontextualized to preemptively binding others to Ardenweald. Then when that fails, and she later discovers azerite, AKA the blood of a titan of order, her original plans come back online so that she can banish souls straight to Bastion instead and that’s why she wanted another world war; by arming the horde with azerite, she’d guarantee that the wielders and victims sidestep the maw. But I’d leave her fatal flaw as her unrelenting nihilism and belief that only she was right, kinda like how Illidan was so far up his butt that he wouldn’t trust others with his plans. That way she still wouldn’t be correct, because she’d be confident that absolutely nobody would believe what she’d have to say about the afterlife so she’d need to “take it into her own hands”, in a way.

Except…even that sounds incredibly hokey and stupid. And it doesn’t do a damn thing to repair the horde, who went along with these plans without an idiotic greater good in mind. It’s just all trash. :man_shrugging:


Considering her affiliations with Heyla, who is seen in the Maw in the intro questline, as well as her now operating under the Jailor … I’m going to take the safe bet and say she was sent to the Maw. However, I am also going to take a “safe-ish” bet, and say that that was not her destined eternity at that point in her story and rather was one she was merely convinced was. To push her in a direction that would be convenient for someone else.

Several times, with several very prominent characters, we’ve seen that at the moment of death it is possible for a powerful enough Death Entity to snag a soul from their destined afterlife and drag them to one of their choosing. Thus, I do partially suspect we may see such a reveal with Sylvie here … that she is just a tool in someone else’s game; and the very path she chose to avoid her eternity is what actually condemned her to it.


It’s worth considering that we, the players, know that Death broke in Legion. We had word of god to tell us. Sylvanas may have been convinced it has always been just the Maw - even the Shadowlands seems to be only just noticing what is going on.

In BFA several Dark Rangers and Dark Sentinels mention (often as they die) that Sylvanas may have been warning them about what awaits people after death. It might be manipulation, but equally in her mind we might always have all - always - been Maw-bound, sooner or later? We are all “nothing” in the face of that, perhaps?

In that context, she may have allied with the Maw to be on the winning side, or perhaps embarked on a plan to set us all free from the ‘prison’ of the world and its universal damnation. Perhaps she figured that sending thousands to the Maw early was worth it if it frees untold future generations from that fate, and herself in the bargain.

Maybe she’ll be learning about how the Shadowlands is meant to work at the same time we do. Awkward, for sure, but I can’t see her being less annoyed knowing that she was denied her afterlife, instead of being straight up damned from the outset.


“Please allow me to introduce myself I’m a man of wealth and taste. I’ve been around for a long, long year; stole many a man’s soul to waste…”


This isn’t true at all. At Blizzcon after the expansion launched when they showed Teldrassil burning the fans in the crowd all cheered…


Oh yeah, that was cool as hell. Conceptually it rocks - taking out an Alliance city? Especially when we expected it to be a retribution for Lordaeron? Awesome. But like he said, ‘when it happened’ it wasn’t satisfying for anybody. It didn’t make any sense, it was rooted in a plot totally unhinged from the context of Legion or any of the preceding events, it was framed in such a way as to deliberately undo any Horde investment in the war AND, worst of all, some of the knife-ears got out in time. A bummer for literally everyone.


Here’s my bet. Because I think some people have made some good points.

Zovaal is freed. He claimed the afterlife system is inherently flawed. Either that it should be a free for all or the Arbiter’s judgment is wrong. And Sylvanas agrees with his assessment. Heck, maybe he thinks no one should have to die. Could relate to why he wants the soul of Azeroth.

We’ve certainly seen what might be called issues in the Shadowlands. People are wary about Bastion and Revendreth in particular, their methods. But our group seems more inclined towards incremental change than anything so drastic.

Ultimately anything could be used as justification if the setting accepts it as such; so whatever Blizzard feels is valid or, at least, plausible as justification.

Protergauge has a very plausible scenario. But all justification boils down to “this outcome or a worse outcome”.

No doubt Sylvanas thinks she’s justified - who doesn’t feel that way about any action they take? - but Blizzard have also said that we’ll likely change our view of her once we get the whole picture unless we’re stubborn. That implies that they believe her actions, that they decided she would take, are justified.

Her attempting to fix the broken Death Machine would fit that criteria. Damn some souls or damn all souls/reality.

However, I’m having a difficult time reconciling some of her actions and statements with such a motivation.

For example: “This world is a prison.”

The only answer I can come up with is that she views the world of the living as a prison because she wants to die but doing so would damn her to hell (the Maw?), so she’s stuck (imprisoned) here. To escape her prison, she’ll break the Death Machine completely so that she won’t go to an unfavorable afterlife or so she’ll cease to exist rather than suffer.

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yea well i believe theyre biting more than they can chew again but time will tell im not particularly hopeful since all of this is…basically another world but at least it sounds interesting enough to follow.

I’m talking about the Blizzcon in 2019 AFTER Teldrassil happened and we knew it was just Sylvanas and the Horde committing genocide because reasons. The crowd cheered and were clearly happy about it.