Hints lead to some sort of Sylvanas "justification", how should such plot go?

The difference between Nathanoes and Illidan is, Illidan is not a good guy and should not be celebrated for anything he did. The amount of horrible stuff he did, does not outweight the little good he managed with the help of others. Nathanos in my opinion, while being a bit of d|ck, you can at least understand where the guy is coming from. And I find him to be a much better written consistant character over all.

I don’t care that people like Illidan, it just bothers me that people want him to star in content where he servers no narrative purpose. He served his purpose in Legion, time to let him go.

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Getting Sargeras jailed is little ?


The Patheon are the ones technically Jailing him. Illidan would’ve been swatted like a fly otherwise.

Yeah, I know. :point_down:

None of that would have come to pass without Illidan.


Point still stands, that the crimes he comitted far outweigh any good he’s done.

We’ll have to disagree here. I’m no Illidan fanboy myself, but to say what he did is worse than what Sargeras would/ could still be doing is a bit off to me. Just my opinion, though.


That’s fair. We’re all entitled to our own opinions. I’m not saying he’s worse than Sargeras, I’m just saying that he did some horrible stuff and it doesn’t outweigh the good that’s all. :gift_heart:

Never said he was a good guy, I liked his story he was a guy attempting to do good but going about it, in almost all the wrong ways, I can somewhat appreciate that he tried.

Even if at the end of the day you have to ask did the good/ risk outweigh the bad/consequences, Sometimes Yes, Sometimes No.

I mean, I agreed essentially his story met a nice end, I don’t see what is to be gained by bringing his character back, just saying that people like his brand of character when it comes to stories.


And that’s perfectly fine. Every character is going to have it’s super fans and people who can’t stomach them. (I’m a HUGE Arthas/Lich King fan personally). I personally don’t find Illidan appealing, in any regard. But that’s just my opinion and I don’t hate anyone who does like him, they’re entitled to :smiley:

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I mean if you’re a Arthas/ Lich King fan, then it’s only understandable that everyone who likes Illidan is on the other side of the fence for you lol :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Maybe I missed something important but Illidan’s story in Legion was incredibly weird and I found him unsympathetic in every way. Part of that was due to Xe’ra’s retelling of stuff, another part was remembering what he was like in TBC, but to me, it felt like Illidan never actually -grew- from those experiences. It’s like he just kept running forward, forget the consequences, he’s right no matter what and things just fall into place for him without him ever seeming to stop and wonder if he screwed up.

As much as I hated the dumb prime naaru, the hypocrisy of Illidan willing to sacrifice everyone but himself ticked me off because the game didn’t seem to call it out…and then inexplicably at the end, he’s just running right into Sargeras’s new prison because why? What is the player expecting Illidan to be able to do at that point? The titans are already binding Sargeras down.


When you generalize the entire Horde playerbase like you are, there’s literally no amount of evidence anyone can offer to the contrary that would sway you from your perception. If even a single Horde fan was celebrating Teldrassil, you would consider that proof positive that the entire fanbase was just so smug and gleeful over Teldrassil.

Despite the extreme dual-faction popularity of many posts condemning Teldrassil as a horrible event that ruined the story and expressing sympathy for the night elves (which you can see by viewing the top threads of SF going back two years), because of those few instances of people cheering it on, you’ve condemned this entire side of the playerbase.

I think it’s very sad when people’s enjoyment of the game is hindered by this bizarre, ravenous hatred for a swath of other players just for the crime of playing in a way they don’t agree with. I suppose it reflects the worst of our current world.

I’d caution against using this line in the future. It originated as the racist slogan “dindu nuffin” used by white supremacists whenever a black person is killed/arrested by police. The phrase is meant to disparage any defenses of that black person’s innocence (whether proven or disproven).



As many have already said, Sylvanas is irredeemable. If she actually comes back after trying to genocide the night elves and even beyond that, omniciding all of Azeroth just so there’s more dead people to give her power, and all the lore characters just accept her again after all that she’s done, I’ll go out of my way to deride her in conversation and /spit on her. I don’t want her to be a questgiver, I want her to be a raid boss.

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I agree. It is one thing that bothered me about Legion. Illidan never turns to others and says: “perhaps I was not entirely correct.” Even that would have made it all better for me, as it would have been an in-character way of admitting some mistakes or at least conceding he caused harm in his quest. Even if he has no remorse. I don’t need remorse or an apology, but an acknowledgement would be good.

I think it is ironic that a major Night Elf Character like Illidan is a good example of getting away with war crimes… but Night Elf Posters clutch their pearls at the idea of Sylvanas getting equal treatment. Circling back to Sylvanas and her redemption… I keep Illidan in mind. I would hold the same standard for her.

But even already, Sylvanas has expressed some pity and understanding in her various super villain monologues. She acknowledges the Horde needs token respect to cooperate with her, which is why she agrees to that parade in BtS. She tells her Loyalists that she always pitied the Forsaken, but they clung to hope and life, so she had to split. She is famous for making 20 plans because 18 will likely fail. That’s why a Sylvanas redemption makes more sense to me.

After we defeat llidan in BC, when he returns, he is like:

“I told you so. When you are finished getting in my way… do my bidding!”

But I could see Sylvanas being beaten by us, and being more like Elisande. Saying something like:

“I thought all life and hope were useless. I thought I alone could defeat the ancient evils that ordered our fates. But by defeating me, you showed me that I can’t. I was wrong. I need… help. Perhaps the enemy of my enemy can be a useful ally.”

… and then we go on to help her save the Shadowlands. Heck, it is more than Illidan or Grom offered.

Oh, I imagine they are fully aware of the IRL racist connotation of what they typed. It is the sort of IRL toxicity that leaks out and creates low level forum Alts to Troll video game forums.


You may be right, unfortunately. Still, I try to hope for the better in people and give them the benefit of the doubt.

I guess that makes the Nelves fanbase insufferable and childish. Duly noted.



And you are toxic and disgusting as a poster. I won’t even tie any groups of fans to you. I don’t think you are part of any real fandom. Just a low level Alt Forum Troll.

It would be kind of fun to just insult Night Elf Posters or Alliance Posters, and say you are emblematic of them as a whole. But I am not one to paint entire groups with one brush because of the actions of an individual.

You actually use IRL racist language quite casually. That is pretty toxic.

Small wonder someone like you is so quick to label entire groups of people. From the racist content of your posts, it seems you do alot of this labeling of groups IRL too.


What is wrong with you? I utterly destroyed this argument of yours in a differnt thread, that you refuse to respond to, and yet you continue spewing this vitriol. Not that it was hard, your claim is so outlandish it can’t possibly be correct.

How about you stop adding to the crappy people of the world? We don’t need more of them. You embody all these horrible traits you ascribe to horde players.

This game is clearly bad for your mental state.


I don’t have any faith in Blizzard to cook up any “justification” that doesn’t sound like some edgelord /pol/ post.

They failed with Kerrigan, they will fail even harder with Sylvanas.

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It really is too much to expect for Tyrande to just gut her and be done with it isn’t it?