Hints lead to some sort of Sylvanas "justification", how should such plot go?

i know, right?

The only way Sylvanas could reasonably be redeemed, in my eyes, is if they go the separated soul route like Uther.

Having it so that the Sylvanas we have known since Arthas raised her was the part of her soul that Frostmourne stole, while the Ranger General who fought valiantly and died for her people as a hero moved on to the afterlife.

Blizzard would then have us kill the evil side Sylvanas that has committed all the atrocities, maybe with the help of the “good” Sylvanas, then we get the whole trope of “remember me for the hero I was and not the monster I became”.

This way it absolves Sylvanas of her crimes since it wasn’t “her” persay, meanwhile the Alliance, and Horde, get retribution for all she has done.

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I thought of this once. Even wanted to see the “good” Sylvanas be the one to kill the “evil” Sylvanas.

But that has its own issues. I mean, first being neither Sylvanas would be aware of each other.

I’d rather Sylvanas just not get redeemed at all instead of that.


Hell no. If anyone deserves to kill Sylvanas it is Tyrande and Genn, for Tyrande Sylvanas got a huge amount of her people killed and committed genocide against them. For Genn Sylvanas attacked his kingdom, blighted it, killed his son and his people, then most Gilneans live in Teldrassil afterwards. He is two in the hole because of Sylvanas.

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i think we all do however let us prepare for the worst so in the case whatever happens is actually decent we will be amazed.

genn is not going to the shadowlands he is staying.

i dont think tyrande will kill her because…


she’s killing nathanos on the prepatch

So having done that to try to appease nelf fans, they can have someone else kill or redeem her.

sylvanas redeemed, double sylvanas, arthas kill sylvanas.

which one is the least worst option.

I wrote about this in some other thread last time it came up, but what repulses me about the idea is that, given the personal manner in which Sylvanas originally died and was subsequently tortured, I’d be afraid that the story would unintentionally send an actual message of “remember me how I was before I was ruined by a man.” On top of that, from what I understand, Sylvanas just wasn’t a character worthy of interest until she went through this experience in the story. Pulling a good, “unsullied” version out of the garbage bin as if anyone should care about that version just squicks me out in a harsh way.

Edit: In a weird way, I think it would be more respectful for (what’s left of) her character to just stay head-on into irredeemability and leave it as a message of someone who could have improved but didn’t. A good/evil soul split dooms the character into having never had a real chance.


Every choice has their ups and downs and i get that double sylvanas would feel like a cop out more than the natural development and fall of said character perhaps there is a better option that we are not seeing, thing is blizzard usually screws up trying to please everybody by not pleasing anyone, this can go either way currently.

This is only my personal opinion but it appears both factions are really unhappy with bfa, the only subset of the players that are somewhat happy are sylvanas hardcore fans… in light of this, i have no idea what they could do with sylvanas except redeem her.

I definitely think the thing we “aren’t seeing” is that Sylvanas, since committing suicide, has been under the Jailor’s control. Something where she thought she had free will but really didn’t, everything she has done has been because of the Jailor. That will somehow absolve her of her crimes.

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I forgive you lol : )

There’s only one maybe two characters that have ever reached this level of awesomeness in WoW

Now go forth and bask in her glory lol

Genn had his shot, and is no where near the Shadowlands.

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We need Calia to become warchief of horde

There was the first female warchief already. Now it is the turn for the alliance.

gl hf

The bit that bothers me about a Sylvanas redemption arc is the probability of her pulling off some 400 IQ 4d chess move against the Jailer or some other, you know, preternatural and eternal being of vast power and knowledge.

Like, blah, please.

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Maiev for Highki—queen!
Waves her Maiev-fangirl banner

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Also get Illidan back, the world needs more hate-flirting.

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gl hf

Can we leave that cringey af character alone? I don’t understand the love affair with Illidian, the dude is just terrible in every regard.


Seconded! That’d rustle some jimmies.


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I’m sorry that people sometimes like the arrogant A-hole, who is highkey just wanting to do good but has a superiority complex and can’t get over that his brother essentially gets/ got everything he wanted, and does good without resorting to tactics he would highly consider.

Plus his character imo reached a pretty nice/decent ending with him more or less actually happy about all that he’s accomplished, all he’s done/ gained/ those he’s helped lift up to save themselves, and in the end he finally gets the recognition he longed for he got to play the hero in the end.

is it so hard to imagine that people love the stories where someone is arrogant/ standoffish but something happens that leaves them changing for the better, in illidains case he went from the extreme prisoner to the Watchful Warden by the end.

It’s times like this, I lowkey have hope that maybe Nathanos may enter this turning arc come Shadowlands at the very least, if I can get one thing as a Forsaken Fan. (That isn’t a straight anti-thesis of Forsaken themes since it’s inception)