Hints lead to some sort of Sylvanas "justification", how should such plot go?

When blizzard has stated Sylvanas Isn’t Evil and Won’t be a Raid Boss, it does lend itself to the belief that they intend to redeem her. Personally, I don’t what they can possibly do with her now, that won’t anger some part of the fanbase.

If they validate her actions, they invalidate every single character and ideology opposed to her. She’s gone way too far off the deepend for it to be any other way. They’ll prove that the “Honor Horde”, Alliance (Doves and Hawks) wrong for wanting to stop what appears to be omnicide.

Screw it, just do this. Have it be that her afterlife in EoN was a lie. That she’s just a tool in the Jailor’s game, one that can be discarded once she ceased to be valuable. Like she’s done herself to so many others. That she was given a false motivation to act the way she has, and while every action she’s taken has been her own … she based them off a convenient lie. Thus, the very choices she made to avoid her hell is exactly what actually condemned her to it. Then, when she realizes this I would “assume” she’d go all “vengeance” for a while and die on that course.

Its not preferred … but at least it has some Karma slap her around a bit before if finally exits her stage left. If not nearly enough IMO.


Have you seen how badly they regularly fumble Tyrande’s characterization? Blizzard hasn’t had any writers with any interest or passion for her since Wrath, and it shows.

They will squeeze in some incompetence, victim-blaming, and a Wrynnsplaination or two in said action.


Not the best solution to the narrative mess they made with her, but I suppose it lets her die with Some honor still intact.

Honestly if Voss, Calia and Tyrande just kicked her to death in a field I’d find that a better ending than any salvation.

And I like Slyvanas more than most of the characters in that equation. But hey she tried to take an undead’s free will; punishment’s True Death Banshee Queen - nobody is above the law.

And yes I’m suggesting a fantasy version of that finale from season 2 of The Boys.

Why not?

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Honestly, I guess I’ve just been so distracted by Baine and Thrall characterization issues to have noticed that much. Jeezus … its the Mopey guy who’s wife keeps reminding us he doesn’t really want to be a part of the Horde; and the Token Good Horde Plot device who’s never let off Anduin’s leash. THOSE are the only two living Horde characters that made it into Shadowlands?!

I have no idea what to expect from the characterization of all three of these characters in the lands of the dead. Or what final outcome awaits Vol’jin.


Personally I was too busy watching both the entire Horde (and to a lesser but noticeable extent the Alliance) being badly fumbled.

In fact, ‘Badly Fumbled’ easily describes the whole expansion.


Hmm… are there any characters in BFA who did not originate in BFA that weren’t badly fumbled?

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Exactly. The writing atrocious.

So why do you think Sylvanas/Tyrande’s would be the exception?

I’m really looking forward to being “illuminated” by whatever it is Sylvanas has up her sleeve, as Steve puts it. Its supposedly eye opening to Sylvanas fans.

From lurking the forums it seems the most toxic and vocal are those who like the longer lived races like elves, draenei and undead who simp for Sylvanas. I still remember that one draenei who wouldn’t shut up about hating humans during MoP. Maybe they quit after WoD because the story sucked. On the horde side belf players keep bringing up the purge and justifying Sylvanas. Numbers wise I bet there are more belf players than nelf and draenei combined so…

On topic I always assumed Sylvanas would forsake all morals on her hunt for Arthas and become a monster like him. Her story kind of mirrors his but lacks the morally gray part. I bet Sylvanas thinks she will release everyone from the prison/unfairness that is the death/life cycle. But doesn’t care about anyone else’s opinion because she believes she knows best and it benefits her the most. Sylvanas has always been prideful like Arthas since the beginning, probably why people like her. She’ll probably suffer the same fate as Arthas.

I’m positively alight with anticipation. With how well they’ve understood Sylvanas’ fandom to date I can only imagine the big reveal will totally reframe my understanding of the character. Which will be impressive, given now meta-narrative that fandom is at that point.

The cure for fire is more oil, right? Yeah, that has to be it.


Honestly, part of me wants to see her being able to convince Anduin, so that they could together to get out of the focus of the story for unspecified amount of time.

gl hf

Seriously. I’ve heard of damning with faint praise, that was the first time I saw a character be destroyed by a fangirl hype man.


John J. Keeshan, obviously.