Hints lead to some sort of Sylvanas "justification", how should such plot go?

Sadly you’re probably right. But just because a character is popular doesn’t mean blizzard won’t off them looking at you Arthas and Saurfang. I honestly hope they are lying when they say Sylvanas won’t be just a raid boss.

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The way I read that quote, the promise of her “not just going down as another raid boss” has already been fulfilled since that interview was in the context of talking about BFA. She just flew away and left everyone hanging instead. My interpretation of the quote is that she won’t go down as a throwaway boss, which is how I felt Gul’dan was handled. The same interview had called Old Soldier the high point of the horde, so it’s hard for me to try to take anything that was said as gospel.


Well, they also said that Sylvanas, despite all of her crimes, isn’t evil. They also strongly hinted at a redemption in a recent interview so there’s that, basically said that when we find out about Sylvanas’ plans and we think she’s evil, we’ll change our minds about her

If they do go the redemption route, this will likely be the last expac I play. I already have little faith in them, I hope they don’t kill the last bit I have left.


HAHAHAHA lets put the suicidal high overlord on a HD cinematic to show how sad he is that he is such a monster, i bet that would really make the faction proud, whats that? are you feeling that faction pride now?

what interview was that btw?

I got the articles crossed and this one mentioned that “Sylvanas won’t follow in the footsteps of Garrosh in acting as the final raid boss for the expansion.”

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So I guess the only difference between Garrosh and Sylvanas will be that Sylvanas gets away with her crimes :roll_eyes:

And what is temporary bad guys supposed to mean, are they not the bad guys anymore because Tyrande got her revenge and everything is forgotten and forgiven now ?

No, it just meant that Sylvanas wasn’t raided at the end of BFA. Which is lawyerly true.


“saying that it has no plans to repeat story beats that have been seen in previous expansions.”

oh really… then come 2020 and we see them say exactly the opposite.

“One of the major themes in this expansion was expressed by Sylvanas in the opening words of the Battle for Azeroth trailer: “Ours is a cycle of hatred.” To demonstrate that there is a cycle, we created a story structure for Sylvanas that, on the surface, echoed many broad strokes of the road Garrosh took. A warchief promoted under questionable circumstances. A brutal act of aggression that instigated conflict. Distrust among the inner circle that led to an uprising. These parallels were intentional. But it’s within the nuance that we sought to show the story grow and change.”

oh so we dont want to repeat story beats but not really…ffs the nerve on this people, i want to believe, i want to believe this is all incompetence and theyre not liars but its hard to when you see crap like this.

edit: i found the source on the lies thread that pellex made.


Honestly, it made every one of his posts look like he was giving everyone he responded to the bird.

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Oh? I thought it was more of a free hugs thing :slight_smile:

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Please do not hug a cactus.

Edit: Or do, if you know what you’re getting yourself into.


These characters are not fitting replacements for those we lost. Like gallywix, Cairne and Vol’jin. We deserve our original cast back(including Sylvanas) and not these walmart editions of characters that don’t even have a unique model.


You’re looking for a SC2 Kerrigan-level-redemption in WoW?

Pinnacle of storytelling

Please don’t pretend an entertaining character equals a good character. Wix was the antagonist of the Bilgewater’s intro and his personality was so oppressive that he’s rendered the entire Goblin PC faction little more than greed filled lemming meant to die by the hundreds for his schemes. He was a lot of fun, but suppressed the Racial Fantasy and was a terrible leader.

If anything, Gazlowe is our equivalent to Cairne and Vol’jin. He’s our WC3 legacy character. No other Goblin in Warcraft has more history with the Horde. And now he’s our leader. Long overdue.


Gallywix is important enough to get his own model. Gazlowe isn’t so it’s obvious who’s the better character.

Gallywix wasn’t even in the game after the Lost Isles, at least until partway through MoP. Rexxar got a brand new model, and was allowed to do absolutely nothing. Nathanos got an equally shiny new model, and effectively was nothing more than a pet for Sylvanas. The same frustrating role he’s always had. While I would love to see custom rigs for Rokhan and Gazlowe (they deserve it), you’re method of judging the value of a character solely based on them having one is worthless.

EDIT: And as a note, Zekhan and Calia have custom rigs too. What exactly did they do to deserve such treatment? So does Valeera? She was SO important in BfA.


HAHA! I never noticed that.


genocide is a warcrime

no saving the banshee


Writers would tell you otherwise here.