Highmountain Tauren Not Unlocking

I have completed all requirements to unlock Highmountain Tauren, yet they are still locked.

I am exalted with the Highmountain Tribe.
I have completed the achievement “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough.”
I have a 120 horde.

There is no quest available from the Orgrimmar Embassy.
There are no quests available in Thunder Totem.

The Highmountain banner inside the Embassy hut is green/unlocked.
The Highmountain Tauren creation screen is all red, even the things I have unlocked and that are green in game.

I have force quit the game, cleared cache, restarted my computer, etc.

You are not currently on any other quest to unlock a different allied race? I think you can only be on one at a time. Either that, or you already started the quest line for the Highmountain, but are somewhere in the quest chain.


All other races are unlocked.

I currently have no quests for races.

If I had started the quest line and then abandoned it, where would the quest chain be? I have no quests at the embassy , Thunder Totem, or even the entire Highmountain zone.

Trivial quests are turned on.

See if any quests in your quest log match up to the list here:

If you don’t have any of those, it’s possible you might have dropped one and returning to them to continue might be necessary.


It was in Thunder Bluff!

Thank you for your help, issue resolved.